USG-feedback – novelty in Polish physiotherapy

Tomasz Wolny, Edward Saulicz, Andrzej Myśliwiec, Michał Kuszewski, Mirosław Kokosz

T. Wolny, E. Saulicz, A. Myśliwiec, M. Kuszewski, M. Kokosz  – USG-feedback – nowość w polskiej fizjoterapii. FP 2012; 12(4); 293-304


Ultrasounds have been used in the physiotherapy for a long time, however up till now their application was connected with the therapeutic process. They are applied in the treatment of pain syndromes, in the course of degenerative diseases of peripheral and spinal articulations, neuralgia, soft tissue overload syndromes and after sport injuries. The ultrasound application for diagnostic purposes, as well as support for exercises (sonofeedback), is a new approach which takes its first steps in the Polish physiotherapy and arouses some controversies of the formal-legal as well as factual nature. The great value of the USG application in physiotherapy is primarily connected with the fact that it makes it possible to dynamically assess various tissues in real time at rest as well as during movement. It is a perfect tool to specify the functional diagnosis and to detect contraindications for a therapy. Its application both in a functional diagnosis as well as in a therapy improves the clinical analysis of the osteo-articulo-muscular system which is emphasized and recommended by many authors.
Applying the USG in physiotherapy is beneficial, both for the physiotherapists and their patients. For the physiotherapists – because it improves the efficiency and effectiveness of the therapy program and increases in the range of provided services and for the patients becouse of a significantly higher level of treatment.


Ultrasonography, sonofeedback, physiotherapy