Knee injuriess and their sequelae: epidemiology, pathomechanism and classification schemes

Jerzy Widuchowski, Wojciech Widuchowski

Jerzy Widuchowski, Wojciech Widuchowski – Knee injuriess and their sequelae: epidemiology, pathomechanism and classification schemes. Fizjoterapia Polska 2004; 4(4); 307-315


Traumatic injuries of the knee joint account for 15-30% of all bodily injuries. They occur in persons of all ages, but are especially prevalent in training for various kinds of sports activities. The present study, based on a review of the literature and the authors’ own experience and clinical material, describes the epidemiology and pathomechanism of knee injuries, and the prevailing classification schemes. 12,042 patients with injuries and diseases of the knee were treated by the authors’ unit in the years 1991-2001. The reasons for hospitalization in these patients were as follows: acute injuries, 18.1%; overuse injuries, 62.5%; diseases, 19.4%. The mechanism of injuries is usually complex. Injuries and damage can involve structures inside and outside of the knee. The most frequent mechanism of injury of the knee begins with a rotating movement above a stabilized foot with abnormal flexion of the knee, and the most frequent acute injury is dislocation.

Key words:
Sports Medicine, overuse injuries of the knee, dislocation of the knee
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