Shaping ethical attitude of physiotherapist

Magdalena Rusin, Wojciech Kiebzak, Marek Kiljański, Michał Dwornik, Zbigniew Śliwiński

M. Rusin, W. Kiebzak, M. Kiljański, M. Dwornik, Z. Śliwiński – Kształtowanie postawy etycznej fizjoterapeuty. FP 2013; 13(4); 51-56


Common behavioural and ethical patterns existing in modern medicine are subject to many social debates in which physiotherapist, alongside ethicists, philosophers and doctors, have their say. All of them express their points of view, which more often than not, coincide. The differences in opinions constitute the consequences of applying deontology in certain professional cases. Forming behavioural patterns in the process of academic studies is a hard and long-lasting task. Further development of ethical attitudes of a physiotherapist will be influenced by work. Even though physiotherapists embark upon their professional paths with already formed attitudes, these will be prone to further changes, both negative and positive, depending on the environment.

Key words:
physiotherapy, ethical stance, humanistic education

Methodology of Assessing Certain Statements Regarding the Formation of Attitudes in Students of Physiotherapy, on the Basis of Metaethics

Wojciech Kiebzak, Michał Kosztołowicz, Magdalena Rusin, Marek Kiljański, Małgorzata Kiebzak

W. Kiebzak, M. Kosztołowicz, M. Rusin, M. Kiljański, M. Kiebzak – Methodology of Assessing Certain Statements Regarding the Formation of Attitudes in Students of Physiotherapy, on the Basis of Metaethics. FP 2016;16(4);62-70


Introduction. In physiotherapy, just like in the other medical professions, in addition to acquiring the actual knowledge and gaining the professional skills, the professional ethics is of major importance.
Aim of the Study. The aim of the study was to verify statements made by the physiotherapy students, regarding the humanities (academic disciplines), which should have an impact on formation of their ethical attitudes.
Materials and Methods. In the study participated a group of 141 persons who, at the time, were physiotherapy students. The study was carried out at the turn of 2015 and 2016. The research tool applied was a questionnaire. To interpret the results of the study, the chi-square test (χ2) was used.
Results. The results of the survey show, that there is an average dependency between the humanistic disciplines and their impact on the attitude. Psychology, as well as interpersonal communication, have gained a high level of recognition among the physiotherapy students. Hence, the cause which testifies to the lack of impact of the humanistic disciplines on the formation of attitudes of the physiotherapy students toward their patients, is the lack of interpersonal communication, interchangeable, and therefore no emphasis on the knowledge of psychology during the process of communication.


Physiotherapy, ethics, interpersonal communication, psychology, humanistic education

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