Restitution of the size of postural features in the sagittal and transverse plane after loading with the weight of school items carried with the right or left hand in 7-year-old pupils of both sexes

Mirosław Mrozkowiak

Mirosław Mrozkowiak – Restitution of the size of postural features in the sagittal and transverse plane after loading with the weight of school items carried with the right or left hand in 7-year-old pupils of both sexes. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(4); 78-95

Material, methods. The study covered 65 pupils aged 7, using the mora projection method in four positions: 1 – habitual posture 2 – posture after pulling a container with supplies with right hand for 10 minutes, then with left hand, 3 – one minute after removing the load, 4 – two minutes after removing the load. Physical fitness was measured using the Sekita test. Significance of differences between measurement 2 and 3, and 3 and 4 was analysed to determine restitution of the size of traits after loading and correlation with physical fitness to examine the relationship with differences. Conclusions. (1) Having excluded the load of transported mass, statistically significant restitution occurred after one and two minutes. Restitution was incomplete and independent of gender. (2) In right-hand transport by boys, after one minute, speed and strength significantly correlated with restitution, and after two minutes, endurance, speed, strength and agility correlated with it. Among girls, after one minute, restitution correlated with strength, and after two minutes with endurance and strength. (3) In left-hand transport by boys, after one minute, restitution correlated with strength, power agility and overall fitness, and after two minutes, with endurance, speed, agility and overall physical fitness. Among girls, after one minute, restitution correlated with endurance, speed, strength and agility, after two minutes, with endurance, speed, agility and overall fitness. (4) Due to incomplete restitution of the size of posture, asymmetrical transport is not recommended to 7-year-old children. Physical fitness in children does not cause complete restitution of examined postural.
Key words:
schoolbags, body posture, mora projection, physical fitness, restitution
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