Circadian rhythms of blood pressure variability in ill people after cranio-brain trauma
Paulina Wyrzykowska, Jan Talar, Maria Wyrzykowska
Paulina Wyrzykowska, Jan Talar, Maria Wyrzykowska – Circadian rhythms of blood pressure variability in ill people after cranio-brain trauma. Fizjoterapia Polska 2006; 6(1); 32-36
Βackground. The aim of this paper was to evaluate 24-hour changes in arterial blood pressure in patients after craniocerebral injuries hospitalized in Rehabilitation Clinic in Bydgoszcz. Material and methods. The investigation involved 30 patients after craniocerebral injuries with brain stem damages hospitalized in Rehabilitation Clinic in Bydgoszcz between August 2003 and April 2004. The 24-hour monitoring of arterial blood pressure was performed with Mobil-O-Graph equipment supplied by I. E. M. GmbH Deutshland Margot Medical Polska. The measurment was noninvasive and based on oscillometric method. Results. Twenty-four hour variablity of arterial blood pressure in patients after craniocerebral injuries was demonstrated. Morning increase was obserwed in 22 of 30 patients. Nocturnal decrease in comparison to day (up to 15% changeability was considered as normal) was observed in 3 patients. Arterial pressure load in people after injuries increased significantly during the night. Conclusions. In examined patients after craniocerebral injuries 24-hour changeability of arterial blood pressure is maintained, but not significant. Variation in measurements performed during day and night disappears. Increase of pressure exceeding arbitrally accepted boderline arterial pressure values is intensified during night. Morning increase and noctrurnal decrease of arterial pressure are blunted.
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