The influence of Kinesiology Taping method in conjunction with local cryotherapy on the range of motion and low-back pain in patients with degenerative disease of the lumbar spine

Żaneta Ciosek, Łukasz Kopacz, Karolina Kot, Iwona Rotter, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Marek Kiljański, Danuta Lietz-Kijak

Ż. Ciosek, Ł. Kopacz, K. Kot, I. Rotter, Z. Śliwiński, M. Kiljański, D. Lietz-Kijak – The influence of Kinesiology Taping method in conjunction with local cryotherapy on the range of motion and low-back pain in patients with degenerative disease of the lumbar spine. FP 2017; 17(2); 36-46


Introduction. The back pain is frequently caused by spine ligament weakness, changes associated with intervertebral joints, overload, degenerative disc disease and degeneration in the elderly. One of the most crucial results of the local cryotherapy on the surgical area is an analgesic effect. Kinesiology Taping method is based on the alignment of muscle tone on the application area. This technique contributes to increase range of motion and muscle strength.
Material and methods. The study group included 90 patients with degenerative disease of the lumbar spine. They were from Rehabilitation Clinic in Szczecin. All subjects underwent the examination of mobility of the spine and were asked to rate their pain on the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) on the first and fifteenth day of treatment. The I group was subjected to Kinesiology Taping method and local cryotherapy 15 times. We used fascia technique in accordance with the methodology. The patients from the II groups were also subjected to local cryotherapy. The III group consisted of the patients who were waiting for the treatment. They underwent the examination of mobility of the spine at the same time as the other groups.
Results. We observed significant pain reduction and significant improvement in motion of lumbar spine in the I group, which was subjected to Kinesiology Taping method in conjunction with local cryotherapy. In the group which was subjected to local cryotherapy, a slight improvement in motion of lumbar spine and in reduction in pain could be observed.
In the III group, which consisted of the patients awaiting the treatment, we observed no significant improvement in flexion or extension of lumbar spine.
Conclusions. Kinesiology Taping method in conjunction with local cryotherapy results in the improvement of lumbar spine mobility. The use of the Kinesiology Taping method together with local cryotherapy has a significant influence on decreasing the intensity of pain.  The application of local cryotherapy alone has significantly lower therapeutic effects than its application together with Kinesiology Taping method.

Key words:
local cryotherapy, spine, Kinesiology Taping

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Evaluation of chosen electrotherapy methods efficiency in lower spine diseases in aspect of lowering usage of painkillers

Sławomir Jarząb, Michał Kaczyński, Michał Guła,
Krzysztof Aleksandrowicz, Małgorzata Paprocka-Borowicz

S. Jarząb, M. Kaczyński, M. Guła, K. Aleksandrowicz, M. Paprocka-Borowicz – Evaluation of chosen electrotherapy methods efficiency in lower spine diseases in aspect of lowering usage of painkillers. FP 2014; 14(3); 12-21


Background. While aging, degenerative phase of spine and circular joints deepen, also traumatic diseases in movement system – it is all inseparably combined with pain. Alternatively to painkillers we can use methods such as electrotherapy. The purpose of the researches was to verify the efficiency of chosen methods in electrotherapy in field of fighting with pain in lower part of spine as well as to lower the amount of pharmacological painkillers that are taken.
Material and methods. The group that was researched was 74 patients (46 women and 28 men) suffering from lower part of spine disease. Each of these people had of three procedures of electrotherapy: TENS, Nemec currents, Bernard currents. There was an individual interview (questionnaire) contained basic information about the patient, diagnosis, information about painkillers taken and evaluation of pain ailment that was conducted 4 times. Individually for each patient there were chosen parameters allowing to evaluate the efficiency of the therapy in time period.
Results. The biggest group that stated long-term positive influence in overcoming pain (60.9%) was noticed in TENS group. The biggest group that stated positive temporary and immediate effect in overcoming pain (56%) was noticed in IF group, similarly like the most frequent positive subjective evaluation of the therapy (84%). Lowering the amount of medicines (painkillers) was noticed on similar level (50-60%) for therapy with interference current and TENS.
Conclusions. The most effective long-term method in therapy of treatment pain in the lower part of spine is TENS. The biggest effectiveness in immediate action and short-term in overcoming pain in spine lumber vertebra shows therapy with interference stream – that can be a reason to use it directly before kinesitherapy. Electrotherapy can and should be used as an alternative way for pharmacological painkillers.

Key words:
pain, spain, electrotherapy

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Application of the physiotherapy Kinesiology Taping method in treatment of pain of the cervical spine in young dentists

Łukasz Kopacz, Danuta Lietz-Kijak, Artur Perz, Elżbieta Kubala, Paulina Strzelecka, Edward Kijak, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Marek Kiljański

Ł. Kopacz, D. Lietz-Kijak, A. Perz, El. Kubala, P. Strzelecka, E. Kijak, Z. Śliwiński, M. Kiljański: Application of the physiotherapy Kinesiology Taping method in treatment of pain of the cervical spine in young dentists. Fizjoterapia Polska 2015;15(3);36-44


Introduction. Dentists, due to the conditions of their work, are exposed to many loads both physical and psychological. Considering the ergonomics of work, health status of this professional group should be considered primarily in terms of diseases of the spine, especially the cervical. This applies to all items in the work, both independently, as well as in team techniques, where apart from monotypy and monotony, there is always forced posture, and large static load, that contributing to a lot of degenerative arthritis changes of the cervical spine disorders, which are the result of the above-mentioned degenerations. Material and method. The study were conducted in the Department of Propedeutics and Dental Physicodiagnostics of the Pomeranian Medical University. The study group consisted of 36 fifth-year students of dentistry at the Faculty of Medical-Dentistry, Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin with chronic pain of the cervical spine. Group of examined persons was subjected to the treatment with Kinesiology Taping method,  in which were used muscular and ligaments technique , accordance with the methodology. In the study has been used diagnostic survey method – a questionnaire. To assess the degree of feeling pain by the subjects were used a visual analogue scale VAS in the horizontal format in the range of 0-10.
Results. Considering the range of motion of the cervical spine flexion, the Kinesiology Taping method has improved in this movement, and extension range in the cervical spine improved more than the range of flexion. Taking the scope of the movement of the bend into the side, as well as the turn of the cervical spine in the test group were significantly improved, both in motion toward the right as and left. Examined in terms of assessing the level of the declared values of pain on VAS observed a significant reduction of this disease. Conclusion. Kinesiology Taping application also favorably influenced the range of motion of the cervical spine, while improving comfort work. Kinesiology Taping method applied among young dentists had a positive effect on the declared value of pain on the VAS, which transfers into a reduction. Considering the sex of patients, in the group of women has significantly improved the range of extension, while in men the range of flexion.

Key words:
Kinesiology Taping, pain, spine

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Core Stability in the Rehabilitation of Children – Physiotherapy Aspects

Sylwia Dyczewska-Wójtowicz

S. Dyczewska-Wójtowicz – Core Stability in the Rehabilitation of Children – Physiotherapy Aspects. FP 2016;16(3);96-105

Introduction. The term “core stability” refers to the efficiency of the deep torso muscles, which control the center of our body, both in statics and dynamics. This study presents the various physiotherapy related aspects regarding the core stability issue in the scientific materials, which confirm the effectiveness of physical exercises.
Materials and Methods. In the process of search for the topic related materials, we have used the article databases of MedLine, PubMed and PBL, applying the following keywords: core stability, lumbar stability, dynamic stability, motor control, neuromuscular training, trunk stability, core strengthening.
Results. Numerous scientific studies show, that the muscles playing the major role in this mechanism are: anterior scalene, multifidus muscle, internal oblique, pelvic floor muscles and sellar diaphragm. When properly functioning, the muscles form the kind of cylinder, providing sufficient stability for the lower trunk area (which is the basis for perimeter mobility).
Conclusions. In children with the pain sensation in the area of the lower spine, the deep muscles are being inhibited and their timing is being disrupted. First tighten the large surface muscles responsible for the execution of movement, and then the local center stabilizers get engaged. The role changing between the groups of muscles may be causing overload problems, thus it is important to provide the appropriate rehabilitation, which would support the core stability.

Key words:
Central stabilization, rehabilitation, physiotherapy, spine, strengthening exercises

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