An interdisciplinary concept for the treatment of Bell’s palsy – a case report

Konrad Kijak, Łukasz Kopacz, Grzegorz Cieślar, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Piotr Skomro, Małgorzata Kowacka, Paweł Berczyński, Danuta Lietz-Kijak

Konrad Kijak, Łukasz Kopacz, Grzegorz Cieślar, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Piotr Skomro, Małgorzata Kowacka, Paweł Berczyński, Danuta Lietz-Kijak –
An interdisciplinary concept for the treatment of Bell’s palsy – a case report. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(2); 62-69



Background. Bell’s palsy is a spontaneous paralysis of the facial nerve (i.e. cranial nerve VII). It presents with muscle weakness leading to facial asymmetry, with a drooping corner of the mouth, loss of the ability to whistle, blink, close the eyelid, purse lips or grin. The forehead on the affected side becomes smooth and the patient is not able to frown or raise eyebrows.

Objective. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of combined electrophysical and physiotherapeutic methods on accelerating recovery from facial nerve palsy.

Material and Methods. The authors describe two cases of Bell’s palsy, treated with simulta-neous application of electrophysical agents, in the form of an extremely low-frequency elec-tromagnetic field (ELF-EMF) and high-energy LED light, and physiotherapy modalities, i.e. proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) and kinesiotaping (KT).

Results. After four weeks of electrophysical and physiotherapeutic treatments, a fully satis-factory and stable therapeutic effect was achieved.

Conclusions. The interdisciplinary therapy using ELF-EMF + LED combined with PNF and KT treatments proved to be effective in accelerating recovery from facial nerve palsy. Further studies are needed to establish appropriate protocols.

Key words: Bell’s palsy, electrophysical agents, physiotherapy, LED light therapy with extremely low frequency electromagnetic field (ELF-MF), proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF), kinesiotaping (KT)
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Therapeutic value of local cryotherapy in the treatment of patients with gonarthrosis

Łukasz Kopacz, Anna Lubkowska, Iwona Bryczkowska, Piotr Skomro, Elżbieta Kubala, Marek Kiljański, Danuta Lietz-Kijak

Ł. Kopacz, A. Lubkowska, I. Bryczkowska, P. Skomro, E. Kubala, M. Kiljański, D. Lietz-Kijak – Wartość terapeutyczna krioterapii miejscowej w leczeniu pacjentów z gonartrozą. FP 2013; 13(4); 31-36

Wstęp. Celem przeprowadzonych badań była ocena wpływu zabiegów krioterapii miejscowej na zakres ruchu w stawie kolanowym u pacjentów z chorobą zwyrodnieniową stawów. Dodatkowo analizowano potencjalne zmiany w dolegliwościach bólowych pacjentów. Materiał i metody. Grupa badana liczyła 50-ciu pacjentów i była jednorodna pod względem schorzenia. W badaniu wzięło udział 39 kobiet i 11 mężczyzn. Pacjenci poddani byli 10-ciu codziennym zabiegom krioterapii miejscowej na okolicę stawu kolanowego. Przed przystąpieniem do krioterapii, pacjenci zostali poddani badaniom antropometrycznym oraz wyliczono wskaźniki BMI. Został zebrany wywiad odnośnie chorób współistniejącychi zbadano dolegliwości bólowe według skali VAS. U wszystkich badanych wykonano pomiar zakresu ruchów w stawie kolanowym za pomocą goniometru. Został on wykonany przed rozpoczęciem zabiegów oraz po ich zakończeniu. Wynik. U wszystkich pacjentów, poddanych serii zabiegów można stwierdzić znaczną poprawę w zakresie ruchu zgięcia i wyprostu w stawie kolanowym. Analizując dolegliwości bólowe oceniane za pomocą skali VAS, po zakończeniu serii zabiegów wykazano znaczne zmniejszenie wartości wskazywanych przez badanych. Rozpatrując zakres ruchu zgięcia w stawie kolanowym w obu grupach, zarówno z rozpoznaniem choroby zwyrodnieniowej stawów kolanowych oraz choroby zwyrodnieniowej wielostawowej, po serii zabiegów krioterapii miejscowej ruch znacznie się poprawił, natomiast zakres ruchu wyprostu w stawie kolanowym polepszył się w grupie z rozpoznaniem choroby zwyrodnieniowej wielostawowej. Wnioski. Krioterapia miejscowa jest korzystną metodą, redukującą dolegliwości bólowe oraz wpływającą na poprawę zakresu ruchów w stawie kolanowym u pacjentów z gonartrozą.

Słowa kluczowe:
zimnolecznictwo, gonartroza, leczenie zimnem


Introduction. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of local cryotherapy treatment for range of motion in the knee joint in patients with osteoarthritis. In addition, analyzed potential changes in symptoms of pain patients. Material and method. The study group consisted of 50 of the patients and was homogeneous in terms of disease. The study involved 39 women and 11 men. Patients were subjected to 10 daily treatments local cryotherapy on the area of the knee. Before cryotherapy, patients were examined anthropometric, and BMI was calculated indicators. Was collected interview regarding comorbidities and examined pain according to VAS. In all patient performed to measure of range of motion in the knee joint using a goniometer. It was made before and after treatment.
Results. All patients who underwent a series of treatments there is a considerable improvement in flexion and extension of the knee. Considering the analysis of pain assessed by VAS in all patients demonstrated a significant reduction in the value indicated by the respondents on the scale after the series of treatments. Considering the range of flexion in the knee joint in both groups, both diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knee and polyarticular osteoarthritis, after a series of local cryotherapy treatments became significant improvement, while the range of motion in the knee extension improved more in the group diagnosed with polyarticular osteoarthritis. Conclusion. Local cryotherapy is a beneficial effect on the range of motion in the knee joint and reduction of pain in patients with gonarthrosis.

Key words:
cryotherapy, osteoarthritis, knee, cold therapy

The use of local cryotherapy and PNF method in the procedure that improves the functioning of patients with subacromial impingement syndrome

Łukasz Kopacz, Żaneta Ciosek, Elżbieta Kubala, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Marek Kiljański, Danuta Lietz-Kijak

Ł. Kopacz, Ż. Ciosek, E. Kubala, Z. Śliwiński, M. Kiljański, D. Lietz-Kijak – The use of local cryotherapy and PNF method in the procedure that improves the functioning of patients with subacromial impingement syndrome. FP 2017; 17(2); 148-156


Considering the serious nature of complications pertaining to the trauma of the glenohumeral joint, the priority is to address the underlying cause as well as symptoms. This research was conducted in order to evaluate the effectiveness of localized cryotherapy and the PNF method on the mobility of the glenohumeral joint, in patients presenting with subacromial impingement syndrome. Each group (test and control) consisted of 18 patients. Patients in the test group were subjected to treatment of local cryotherapy and PNF therapy in the treatment of the shoulder girdle for fifteen days whilst the control group were treated with local cryotherapy procedures for the duration. There is little doubt that local cryotherapy is and effective treatment for various kinds of dysfunction however when combined with other treatment methods (such as PNF) a better outcome is achieved.

Key words:
subacromial impingement syndrome, PNF, cryotherapy

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The influence of Kinesiology Taping method in conjunction with local cryotherapy on the range of motion and low-back pain in patients with degenerative disease of the lumbar spine

Żaneta Ciosek, Łukasz Kopacz, Karolina Kot, Iwona Rotter, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Marek Kiljański, Danuta Lietz-Kijak

Ż. Ciosek, Ł. Kopacz, K. Kot, I. Rotter, Z. Śliwiński, M. Kiljański, D. Lietz-Kijak – The influence of Kinesiology Taping method in conjunction with local cryotherapy on the range of motion and low-back pain in patients with degenerative disease of the lumbar spine. FP 2017; 17(2); 36-46


Introduction. The back pain is frequently caused by spine ligament weakness, changes associated with intervertebral joints, overload, degenerative disc disease and degeneration in the elderly. One of the most crucial results of the local cryotherapy on the surgical area is an analgesic effect. Kinesiology Taping method is based on the alignment of muscle tone on the application area. This technique contributes to increase range of motion and muscle strength.
Material and methods. The study group included 90 patients with degenerative disease of the lumbar spine. They were from Rehabilitation Clinic in Szczecin. All subjects underwent the examination of mobility of the spine and were asked to rate their pain on the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) on the first and fifteenth day of treatment. The I group was subjected to Kinesiology Taping method and local cryotherapy 15 times. We used fascia technique in accordance with the methodology. The patients from the II groups were also subjected to local cryotherapy. The III group consisted of the patients who were waiting for the treatment. They underwent the examination of mobility of the spine at the same time as the other groups.
Results. We observed significant pain reduction and significant improvement in motion of lumbar spine in the I group, which was subjected to Kinesiology Taping method in conjunction with local cryotherapy. In the group which was subjected to local cryotherapy, a slight improvement in motion of lumbar spine and in reduction in pain could be observed.
In the III group, which consisted of the patients awaiting the treatment, we observed no significant improvement in flexion or extension of lumbar spine.
Conclusions. Kinesiology Taping method in conjunction with local cryotherapy results in the improvement of lumbar spine mobility. The use of the Kinesiology Taping method together with local cryotherapy has a significant influence on decreasing the intensity of pain.  The application of local cryotherapy alone has significantly lower therapeutic effects than its application together with Kinesiology Taping method.

Key words:
local cryotherapy, spine, Kinesiology Taping

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The therapeutic effect of local cryotherapy operation on the knee, joint depending on the type of diagnosis of osteoarthritis

Łukasz Kopacz,  Anna Lubkowska, Iwona Bryczkowska,
Danuta Lietz-Kijak, Zbigniew Śliwiński

Ł. Kopacz,  A. Lubkowska, I. Bryczkowska, D. Lietz-Kijak, Z. Śliwiński – The therapeutic effect of local cryotherapy operation on the knee, joint depending on the type of diagnosis of osteoarthritis. FP 2015; 15(1); 6-14


Introduction. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of local cryotherapy treatment for range of motion in the knee joint in patients with osteoarthritis. In addition, analyzed potential changes in symptoms of pain patients.
Material and method. The study group consisted of 50 of the patients. The study involved 39 women and 11 men. Patients were subjected to 10 daily treatments local cryotherapy on the area of the knee. Before treatment was collected interview regarding comorbidities and examined pain according to VAS. In all patients performed to measure of range of motion in the knee joint using a goniometer. It was made before and after treatment.
Results. Considering the range of flexion in the knee joint in both groups, both diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knee and polyarticular osteoarthritis, after a series of local cryotherapy treatments became significant improvement, while the range of motion in the knee extension improved more in the group diagnosed with polyarticular osteoarthritis.
In assessing the two groups studied, both in the group with a diagnosis of osteoarthritis of the knee, as well as polyarticular osteoarthritis, and made a series of treatments local cryotherapy declared value level of pain on the VAS decreased. Considering the improvement by gender, it can be concluded that in women with a diagnosis of osteoarthritis of the knee improvement was much greater.
Conclusion. Local cryotherapy is a beneficial effect on the range of motion in the knee joint and reduction of pain in patients with gonarthrosis.

Key words:
cryotherapy, gonarthrosis, knee joint

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Physicodiagnostic amalysis of the ozonotherapy effectiveness on not afflicted craniofacial skin

Danuta Lietz-Kijak, Paulina Strzelecka, Elżbieta Kubala, Kamil Kosko, Aleksandra Simińska, Barbara Stępniak, Artur Perz, Łukasz Kopacz, Marta Grzegocka, Marek Kiljański, Zbigniew Śliwiński

D. Lietz-Kijak, P. Strzelecka, E. Kubala, K. Kosko, A. Simińska, B. Stępniak, A. Perz, Ł. Kopacz, M. Grzegocka, M. Kiljański, Z. Śliwiński – Physicodiagnostic amalysis of the ozonotherapy effectiveness on not afflicted craniofacial skin. FP 2017; 17(1); 46-55

Aim. Evaluation the impact factor of therapeutic agent in the form of ozone application to temperature and feeling on superficial skin on facial part of the skull.
Material and Methods. The study included 60 patients, healthy, not taking any medication, aged 20 – 30 years old, 30 women and 30 men. Each time, before diagnostic tests, on cleansed skin determined 3 points: A – Supramentale, B – Chelion and C – projection of head of condylar process
of mandible on surface of skin. Then proceeded to double application of ozone – 30-and 60-seconds, in accordance with current standards for extraoral areas. Between the applications and measurements of sensation and temperature respected 15-minute break. Sensation measurement was carried out using PulpoEndometr device, and temperature was tested with laser pointer thermometer (CA 380). The last element was noticing sensations of pain using VAS scale.
Results. The results were analyzed using Statistica software.
Conclusions. 30-seconds of application in point. A woman pointing to the initial symptoms of analgesic, but in the general population can be seen only trailers that action. 60-seconds
of application at this point, and both applications in point. B showed a slightly increased sensitivity to stimuli. Different applications of ozone impact were noted in point. C, which was a slight decrease
in sensitivity to stimuli. It is worth noting that both applications of ozone in men at point C show some symptoms of analgesic.

Key words:
ozontheraphy, analgesia, feeling, temperature, OzonyTron

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Application of the physiotherapy Kinesiology Taping method in treatment of pain of the cervical spine in young dentists

Łukasz Kopacz, Danuta Lietz-Kijak, Artur Perz, Elżbieta Kubala, Paulina Strzelecka, Edward Kijak, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Marek Kiljański

Ł. Kopacz, D. Lietz-Kijak, A. Perz, El. Kubala, P. Strzelecka, E. Kijak, Z. Śliwiński, M. Kiljański: Application of the physiotherapy Kinesiology Taping method in treatment of pain of the cervical spine in young dentists. Fizjoterapia Polska 2015;15(3);36-44


Introduction. Dentists, due to the conditions of their work, are exposed to many loads both physical and psychological. Considering the ergonomics of work, health status of this professional group should be considered primarily in terms of diseases of the spine, especially the cervical. This applies to all items in the work, both independently, as well as in team techniques, where apart from monotypy and monotony, there is always forced posture, and large static load, that contributing to a lot of degenerative arthritis changes of the cervical spine disorders, which are the result of the above-mentioned degenerations. Material and method. The study were conducted in the Department of Propedeutics and Dental Physicodiagnostics of the Pomeranian Medical University. The study group consisted of 36 fifth-year students of dentistry at the Faculty of Medical-Dentistry, Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin with chronic pain of the cervical spine. Group of examined persons was subjected to the treatment with Kinesiology Taping method,  in which were used muscular and ligaments technique , accordance with the methodology. In the study has been used diagnostic survey method – a questionnaire. To assess the degree of feeling pain by the subjects were used a visual analogue scale VAS in the horizontal format in the range of 0-10.
Results. Considering the range of motion of the cervical spine flexion, the Kinesiology Taping method has improved in this movement, and extension range in the cervical spine improved more than the range of flexion. Taking the scope of the movement of the bend into the side, as well as the turn of the cervical spine in the test group were significantly improved, both in motion toward the right as and left. Examined in terms of assessing the level of the declared values of pain on VAS observed a significant reduction of this disease. Conclusion. Kinesiology Taping application also favorably influenced the range of motion of the cervical spine, while improving comfort work. Kinesiology Taping method applied among young dentists had a positive effect on the declared value of pain on the VAS, which transfers into a reduction. Considering the sex of patients, in the group of women has significantly improved the range of extension, while in men the range of flexion.

Key words:
Kinesiology Taping, pain, spine

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Therapeutic value of local cryotherapy in symptomatic treatment of patients with shoulder joint pain syndrome

Łukasz Kopacz, Żaneta Ciosek, Karolina Kot, Danuta Lietz-Kijak, Edward Kijak, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Marek Kiljański

Ł. Kopacz, Ż. Ciosek, K. Kot, D. Lietz-Kijak, E. Kijak, Z. Śliwiński, M. Kiljański: Therapeutic value of local cryotherapy in symptomatic treatment of patients with shoulder joint pain syndrome. FP 2015;15(4);54-62


Introduction. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of the cryotherapy treatment on the mobility of the shoulder joint of the patients with osteoarthritis. We took into consideration the motion of flexion and extension. Additionally, the potential changes in the pain complaints were analyzed.
Material and methods. We examined 54 patients in the study, including 31 women and 23 men. They were put through the local cryotherapy on the shoulder joint 15 times daily. Before participating, all patients gave their informed consent to take part in the study and they were asked to rate their pain in the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). The range of motion in the shoulder joint of every patient was measured  by goniometer before and after cryotherapy.
Results. All patients who underwent the series of cryotherapy had significant improvement of flexion and extension in the shoulder joint. Taking into consideration the general analysis of pain rated in the VAS score by the participants, we observed a significant reduction in the values of VAS indicated by the patients after the series of treatments.
Conclusions. Local cryotherapy is a reliable method that reduce pain and improve range of motion in the patients with pain syndrome of the shoulder joint.

Key words:
cryotherapy, shoulder joint, cold therapy

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