The swallowing process in the perspective of physiological consequences of aging

Karolina Sandecka, Zbigniew Śliwiński

Karolina Sandecka, Zbigniew Śliwiński – The swallowing process in the perspective of physiological consequences of aging. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(5); 234-239


In an aging society, recognizing the needs of seniors is extremely important. As a result of the physiological aging process progressing with age, we observe increasing limitations in the daily functioning of individuals. For caregivers of the elderly, it is important to be aware of these changes. Disturbances in the swallowing process also intensify with age. Choosing appropriate swallowing therapy methods for the elderly and providing proper instructions for feeding food and drinks can limit the risk of negative health consequences and improve the comfort of life for seniors.

Key words:
swallowing, presbyphagia, senior

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Swallowing – an important aspect of a patient’s functioning in the process of rehabilitation and neuro-speech therapy

Karolina Sandecka, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Grzegorz Śliwiński

K. Sandecka, Z. Śliwiński, G. Śliwiński – Swallowing – an important aspect of a patient’s functioning in the process of rehabilitation and neuro-speech therapy. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(2); 186-193

Swallowing is a complicated, multi-stage process, which consists of forms of volitional and automated activities of our body. Irregularities in its scope may have a neurological basis, not related to the morphology and function of the nervous system, or may be associated with the physiological aging process.
Dysphagia, presbyphagia and aphagia may have complications in the form of aspiration pneumonia, malnutrition, dehydration, and deterioration of the quality of life. Multidisciplinary treatment, therapeutic and rehabilitation treatment, as well as involvement of a patient’s family and caregivers in this process is extremely important for patients with dysphagia.

Key words:
swallowing, swallowing disorders, dysphagia, aphagia, presbyphagia, odynophagia

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