Cardio-pulmonary performance and the level of body fat in men of various ages

Renata Janczak, Milan Cabrić, Helena Krakowiak, Sławomir Jeka, Władmir Bożiłow

Renata Janczak, Milan Cabrić, Helena Krakowiak, Sławomir Jeka, Władmir Bożiłow – Cardio-pulmonary performance and the level of body fat in men of various ages. Fizjoterapia Polska 2002; 2(2); 140-144

Background. The main aim of this work was the study of correlation between oxygen uptake (VO2max) estimated by the PWC 170 test and adiposity. Material and method. The study group consisted of 31 men, whose ages ranged from 18 to 51. Body composition was estimated by the method of J. Paoižkova. The degree of adiposity was estimated by BMI (kg/m2) and fat distribution according to the WHR index. In order to estimate cardio-pulmonary efficiency, the cyclometric PWC170 test was performed. Absolute and relative oxygen uptake was estimated on the basis of the intensity of workload. Results. The examined men had an average height of 177.8 ± 5.2 cm, weight 89.6 ± 13.8kg. The average BMI was 28.3 ± 4.4. Fatty tissue accounted for 29.2% (26.7 kg) of the total body weight (LBW was 70.2%). In this group of men, the maximal absolute oxygen uptake was 3071.7 ± 535.6ml/min, and the relative oxygen uptake was 34.8 ± 4.5 ml/kg/min. The highest positive correlation was obtained between absolute oxygen uptake and fatty tissue content in kg and % (r = 0.790 and r = 0.752), body mass (r = 0.717), hip circumference (r = 0.709), and BMI (r = 0.702). High negative correlation was obtained between the age of the examined men and the relative and absolute oxygen uptake (r = – 0.858 and – 0.504, respectively).

Key words:
PWC170 test, VO2-max, Body Mass Index, fatty tissue

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The impact of BMI value on the Wejsflog index, and the foot pain assessment

Mateusz Curyło, Magdalenna Wilk-Frańczuk,
Marlena Rynkiewicz-Andryśkiewicz, Jan W. Raczkowski

M. Curyło, M. Wilk-Frańczuk, M. Rynkiewicz-Andryśkiewicz, J. W. Raczkowski – The impact of BMI value on the Wejsflog index, and the foot pain assessment. FP 2014; 14(3); 22-34



Introduction. The foot is not only the organ having great stability and overload endurance, but also one being a dynamic spring and, due to this feature, functioning as a shock absorber.
Aims of the work
1. Determining if there exists a correlation between Wejsflog index and the body mass of patient;
2. Determining if the body mass is a risk factor for the transverse arch lowering;
3. Determining if the body mass and the structure of the transverse foot arch influence the appearance of the foot pain ailment.
Material and methods. The research was carried out in Krakow in 2012-2013 period. The examined group of the research consisted of 249 patients, including 178 women and 71 men, aged 21-88 (average age of 52 years).
Results. P-value of the chi-square test is less than 0.05, thus the value of Wejsflog index significantly depends on the BMI: the higher the BMI, the more frequently the transverse arch lowering occurs. P-value of the Mann-Whitney test is greater than 0.05, thus the evaluation of the pain strength is statistically not dependent on the Wejsflog index.
1. The influence of the correlation between the body mass index (BMI) and the frequency of occurrence of the transverse foot arch lowering measured by the Wejsflog index has been proven.
2. Increased body mass defined by the body mass index (BMI) as overweight and obesity is a significant risk factor for the transverse foot arch lowering.
3. Increased body mass index as well as the transverse foot arch lowering measured by the Wejsflog index have no influence on the occurrence of the foot pain ailment.

Key words:
body mass index (BMI), Wejsflog index, transverse arch of the foot

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