Examples of functional exercises recommended in the prevention of prostural disorders in the sagittal plane in children of pre-school and early-school age

Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Krzysztof Czupryna, Tomasz Ridan, Jerzy Rottermund

O. Nowotny-Czupryna, K. Czupryna, T. Ridan, J. Rottermund – Examples of functional exercises recommended in the prevention of prostural disorders in the sagittal plane in children of pre-school and early-school age. Work on habits. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(4); 14-25


The imperfection of posture observed in children of pre-school and early-school age is a physiological condition and results from the lack of ability to stabilize the lumbar spine and adjacent body segments, as well as the imperfect deep feeling at this stage of development. As a result, children of this age have problems with maintaining a stable body system while remaining still and during various activities. To keep the body balanced, they often take a characteristic posture – with both the pelvis and shoulders inclined forward. In order for this condition to not change into the habit of an incorrect posture, it is necessary to ensure that adverse postural situations are eliminated as early as possible, which is supported by the functional exercises proposed in the study.

Key words:
imperfection of body posture, muscular dysbalance, spacial pelvis stabilization, active body position, functional exercises

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