Patronaty kwartalnika Fizjoterapia Polska – XII Międzynarodowy Dzień Inwalidy

Dariusz S. Jasiński

str. 92-95

W dniu 17 marca 2016 r. o godz. 14:00 w Pałacu Łagów zainaugurowano XXII edycję obchodów Międzynarodowego Dnia Inwalidy, gdzie podczas warsztatów uczestnicy mogli zapoznać się z interpretacją badań obrazowych.

Następnie, również w Pałacu Łagów przedstawiono prezentacje dotyczące przyszłości fizjoterapii. Małgorzata Domagalska-Szopa i Andrzej Czamara przedstawili projekt pięcioletnich studiów na kierunku fizjoterapia (także w kontekście ich funkcjonowania w krajach UE), Marek Kiljański zapoznał uczestników z działalnością samorządów zawodowych w Polsce oraz przybliżył funkcjonowanie fizjoterapii w krajach Europy.

The level of burnout among representatives of medical professions

Karolina Pasternak, Weronika Gallert-Kopyto, Małgorzata Domagalska-Szopa, Andrzej Szopa

K. Pasternak, W. Gallert-Kopyto, M. Domagalska-Szopa, A. Szopa – The level of burnout among representatives of medical professions. FP 2016;16(2);84-90


Aim of the study. Burnout is a phenomenon which affects many professions, which are based not only on disturbed man-labor relations, close interpersonal relationships, but first of all are based on specific approach to another human being, requiring patience, empathy and commitment. Despite many scientific studies there is no clear solution to the problem of burnout in medical professions, which is a problem underrated and extremely important, especially from the patient’s point of view.
Material and methods. Presented study was designed to determine the prevalence and the level of burnout among medical professionals: doctors, physiotherapists, nurses and midwives. Among 209 medical professionals, evaluation of the level of depersonalization, emotional exhaustion and a sense of their own achievements, using the original questionnaire: Burnout Questionnaire MBI (Maslach Burnout Inventory) by Ch. Maslach has been carried out.
Results. The results showed that the highest percentage of burn out in employees was noted among doctors and nurses. In addition, it was found that the severity of burnout cases among medical staff depends on the specific clinical department, age of the respondents and years worked in the profession.
Conclusions. Results of this study do not allow to definite unequivocal conclusions, however, these results are encouraging enough to continue studies in this field of study in a much wider population of representatives of various professional groups.

Key words:
burnout, medical professions, MBI questionnaire

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Sociodemographic conditions of families of children with Down syndrome born between 1980-2010 diagnosed and treated according to the Wroclaw Rehabilitation Model. Twenty years of observations

Ludwika Sadowska, Ewa Gieysztor, Anna Markuszewska, Anna Maria Choińska

L. Sadowska, E. Gieysztor, A. Markuszewska, A. M. Choińska – Sociodemographic conditions of families of children with Down syndrome born between 1980-2010 diagnosed and treated according to the Wroclaw Rehabilitation Model. Twenty years of observations. FP 2016;16(2);74-83


Introduction. There is a number of socio-demographic factors, affecting development of children with the Down Syndrome (DS). Researching these factors provides therapists with knowledge, which increases their ability to help the people with disabilities and their caregivers.
Aim. The aim of this study is a retrospective assessment of the socio-demographic conditions of families, i.e. it specifies the location and conditions of their residence, characteristics of a given family, number of children, sources of income, employment and education of the parents, their health and the care they give their child.
Materials and Methods. The analysis includes documentation regarding 200 children with the DS, treated in the years 1980-2010 in the Independent Workshop for Development Rehabilitation (Samodzielna Pracownia Rehabilitacji Rozwojowej – SPRR) at the Department of Physical Therapy of the Medical University in Wrocław. The children participated in a rehabilitation program according to the Wrocław Rehabilitation Model (Wrocławski Model Usprawniania – WMU). Materials for the research have been divided into 3 groups, according to the decade, when the children were born. Group A has included 50 children born in the years 1980-1989 (28 girls and 22 boys), Group B – 100 children born in the years 1990-1999 (48 girls, 52 boys), and Group C – 50 children born in the years 2000-2010 (25 girls, 25 boys).
Results and Conclusions. Over the years, there have been observed an improvement in the sources of income of the families with the DS children, to which has contributed a higher education level of the parents, both mothers and fathers, growth among them of the employment rate in the private sector, full family status, in the majority of the families there have been at least two, three children and both parents have participated in the care of the child, in the good and very good residential conditions. The beneficial effect of the environment on the conditions for development, and the rehabilitation effects, are confirmed by obtaining by the children with Down Syndrome the social maturity and their functioning in the community.

Key words:
Down Syndrome, WMU, socio-demographic conditions

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Assessment of the level of anxiety, depression and pain intensity in patients with osteoarthritis of the limbs through spa treatment

Jadwiga Kuciel-Lewandowska, Małgorzata Paprocka-Borowicz, Wojciech Laber, Mateusz Kowal, Krzysztof Szarejko, Krzysztof Aleksandrowicz

J. Kuciel-Lewandowska, M. Paprocka-Borowicz, W. Laber, M. Kowal, K. Szarejko, K. Aleksandrowicz – Assessment of the level of anxiety, depression and pain intensity in patients with osteoarthritis of the limbs through spa treatment. FP 2016;16(2);64-72

Introduction. Chronic pain as a consequence of osteoarthritis of the limbs  is one of the factors provoking anxiety-depressive disorder. Both pain and the anxiety-depressive disorders are factors mutually escalating, which at the same time significantly restrict the mobility and quality of life. Musculoskeletal system diseases represent a serious therapeutic problem. Chronic condition, the lack of improvement in treatment of negative symptoms and inability to return not only to social life but also to work is also a serious economic problem.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of the spa treatment on the anxiety, depression and the pain perception level in patients with degenerative joint disease and osteoarthritis of the spine.
Materials and  methods. The research was conducted before the introduction of complex therapy and after its completion. The range of observations included:
– Assessing the level of anxiety and depression using a standard Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale HADS,
– Assessing pain – VAS pain scale,
– medical and socio-demographic history.
The observation comprised 120 patients suffering from osteoarthritis of the limbs in the Przerzeczyn-Zdroj spa. The study also included  observation of the control group consisting of 21-persons treated on an outpatient basis. During the 21-day stays at the spa there were physical treatments, physiotherapy and natural healing materials used such as peloid mud and medicinal radon-sulphide water. Patients treated in the Rehabilitation Clinic did not undergo balneotherapy.
Results. As a result of the spa therapy and treatments performed on an outpatient basis the levels of anxiety and  depression were lowered whereas the pain intensity level was decreased.
Conclusions. 1. Spa treatment and the treatment conducted on an outpatient basis, lowers the level of pain, anxiety and depression in patients with osteoarthritis of the limbs.
2. As a result of the research it was found that more effective, in terms of reducing the level of pain, anxiety and depression, was the treatment carried out at the spa.

Key words:
osteoarthritis of the limbs, anxiety, depression, spa therapy, HADS scale and VAS

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Body Weight Supported Treadmill Training with Parestand system as walking therapy of patients early after stroke: a pilot study

Beata Stach, Marcin Błaszcz, Aleksandra Bober, Mariola E. Wodzińska, Joanna Zyznawska

B. Stach, M. Błaszcz, A. Bober, M. E. Wodzińska, J. Zyznawska – Body Weight Supported Treadmill Training with Parestand system as walking therapy of patients early after stroke: a pilot study. FP 2016;16(2);54-63


Background. Body Weight Supported Treadmill Training (BWSTT) is high intensive and task-specific gait therapy for stroke patients. Effectiveness of BWSTT is repeatedly proven, however superiority of that training over overground walking is often contested. It is rarely practised and investigated method in Poland.
Patients and Methods. 20 patients in the early post-stroke rehabilitation phase able to walk. All patient participated in traditional physiotherapy based on Bobath and PNF concepts. Experimental group (10 people) additionally received Body Weight Supported Treadmill Training. Control group (10 people) additionally received overground walking. Baseline and postintervention assessments included Berg Balance Scale, Timed Up & Go, 10 m Time Walking Test and 6 Minute Walk Test.
Results. Both groups showed statistically significant improvement in all outcome measures (P<0,05). Group BWSTT increased distance by 108,4±75,7 m and control grouop by 57±51,3 m in 6 Minute Walk Test. Difference between the groups was not statistically significant (p=0,28). Group BWSTT shortened time in Timed Up & Go by 9±1,4 seconds and control group by 2,7±1,1 seconds. Difference between the groups was not statistically significant (p=0,63). Group BWSTT improved by 7,0±3,7 points, and control group by 6,6±4,4 points in Berg Balance Scale. Difference between the groups was not statistically significant (p=0,88). Group BWSTT increased gait velocity by 0,25±0,13 m/s, and control group by 0,28±0,13 m/s. Difference between the groups was not statistically significant (p=0,96).
Conclusions. Either Body Weight Supported Treadmill Training or overground walking could improve balance, reduce risk of falls, increase endurance and velocity of gait in walking subacute stroke patients. BWSTT could have tendency to more effective increasing gait endurance.

Key words:
stroke, hemiparesis, physiotherapy, rehabilitation, gait

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Opóźniona diagnoza i leczenie pierwotnego obrzęku limfatycznego kończyn dolnych – studium przypadku / Delayed diagnosis and treatment of primary lymphoedema of lower limbs – case study

Rita Hansdorfer-Korzon, Jacek Teodorczyk, Marcin Gruszecki, Michał Korzon

FP 2016;16(2);42-53

Leczenie pierwotnego obrzęku limfatycznego stwarza wiele problemów pacjentowi jak i całemu zespołowi medycznemu. Całkowite wyleczenie bowiem z racji uszkodzenia anatomicznych dróg odpływu chłonki nie jest możliwe, a terapia ma na celu jedynie zmniejszenie rozmiarów kończyny, przywrócenie jej funkcji i poprawienie aspektów kosmetycznych. Leczenie jest trudne, wieloetapowe i nawet w przypadku dobrych wyników kosztowne i czasochłonne. Obrzęki pierwotne nie są patologią bardzo częstą, toteż problem związany z ich diagnostyką i leczeniem pozostaje często na marginesie zainteresowania lekarzy. W przeciwieństwie do dobrze zorganizowanej pomocy, jaką otrzymują chorzy z obrzękiem w obrębie kończyn górnych (głównie po leczeniu chirurgicznym raka sutka) możliwości rozpoznania, diagnostyki i wdrożenia postępowania usprawniającego u osób z idiopatyczną postacią obrzęku limfatycznego kończyn dolnych są istotnie ograniczone. Chociaż w ostatnich latach intensywnie propagowana jest wiedza dotycząca zasad stosowania terapii przeciwzastoinowej nadal w wielu ośrodkach wdrażana jest nieprawidłowo. Nieleczony lub niewłaściwie leczony obrzęk staje się nieodwracalny wskutek rozplemu tkanki łącznej, czym różni się od obrzęków na innym podłożu. Narastający obrzęk doprowadzający do stopniowej deformacji i zaburzeń funkcji kończyny, wpływa negatywnie na stan psychiczny pacjenta. Późne rozpoznanie, kosztowne, uciążliwe i długotrwałe leczenie, którego efekt jest niejednokrotnie niezadawalający wpływa istotnie na jakość życia chorego. W pracy przedstawiono jeden z licznych przypadków pacjentek z rozpoznanymi późno i nieprawidłowo leczonymi obrzękami pierwotnymi, które mają być ilustracją typowych zaniedbań w dążeniu do ustalenia diagnozy i wdrożenia leczenia w tej jednostce chorobowej. Podkreślono także rolę badania LS jako złotego standardu w diagnostyce obrzęków pierwotnych i jej ograniczonej przydatności w ocenie skuteczności leczenia.

Słowa kluczowe:
obrzęk limfatyczny, pierwotny wrodzony obrzęk limfatyczny, rehabilitacja, limfoscyntygrafia

Treatment of lymphoedema is problematic for the patient and the entire medical team. Complete recovery, because of anatomical damage to the outflow tract of lymph, is not possible and the therapy is intended only to reduce the size of the limb, restore its function and improve the cosmetic aspects. Treatment is difficult, multistage, unpredictable and even if results are good, expensive and time consuming. Primary lymphoedema is not common disease, so the problem of its diagnosis and treatment is often on the margins of medical concern. In contrast to the well-organized support received by patients with secondary oedema of the upper, diagnosing and implementation of rehabilitation in patients with idiopathic lymphoedema of the lower limbs are significantly limited. Although in recent years is intensely propagated knowledge of the principles of anticongestive therapy, it is still is implemented incorrectly in many centers. If left untreated or improperly treated swelling becomes irreversible as a result of proliferation of connective tissue, what differs from cases of oedema not associated with lymphatics damage. Increasing swelling will lead to progressive deformity and dysfunction of limbs and negatively affects the mental state of the patient. Late diagnosis, costly, cumbersome and long-term treatment with the often unsatisfactory effect significantly affect quality of life. The paper presents one of many our cases of patients with late diagnosed and improperly treated primary lymphoedema and is an illustration of the typical negligence in establishing the diagnosis and initiation of treatment in this disease entity.

Key words:
lymphedema, primary congenital lymphedema, rehabilitation, lymphoscintigraphy

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Ease to Control vs Control of Ease – How to Tackle the Functioning of Hand in the Process of Physiotherapy

Ewa Górna, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Marek Wiecheć, Jan W. Raczkowski

E. Górna, Z. Śliwiński, M. Wiecheć, J. W. Raczkowski – Ease to Control vs Control of Ease- – How to Tackle the Functioning of Hand in the Process of Physiotherapy. FP 2016;16(2);32-41


A human hand is a highly specialized organ, with a wide range of functions. The aim of this report is to present physiotherapy treatment of the patient after surgery, which has resulted from an extensive injury to his hand, forearm and arm. During rehabilitation process, the ICF guidelines and the patient’s concerns, as well as his expected functional goals, have been observed. Intermediate therapy and irradiation phenomena, standard of the PNF concept, have allowed to minimize the risk of irritation of the grafted soft tissue and skin, and of damage to the internal connections within the coadunate areas of the hand and thumb. The report contains illustrations showing the stimuli applied, it also discusses other therapeutic actions, which had been employed.

Key words:
stages of motor control, feedback system, PNF concept, goals of therapy after hand injury

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Application of Deep Oscillation and Electric Stimulation in Smooth Muscles to Minimize the Selected Parameters of Muscular Fatigue

Robert Trybulski, Aleksandra Żebrowska, Wiesław Marcol, Robert Roczniok, Katarzyna Kępa, Marek Kiljański

R. Trybulski, A. Żebrowska, W. Marcol, R. Roczniok, K. Kępa, M. Kiljański – Application of Deep Oscillation and Electric Stimulation in Smooth Muscles to Minimize the Selected Parameters of Muscular Fatigue. FP 2016;16(2);14-30


In the scientific literature on the subject, we observe an increased interest in the treatment techniques, which target the activation of lymphatic system and microcirculation, and hence the impact of different stimuli on the immune system. Unfortunately, the reports are still rather scarce. Not very well researched is the impact of the techniques stimulating lymphatic motoricity, such as deep oscillation and electric stimulation of the body flow type, on the muscle tension and the muscle pain. Physical medicine, in the area of stimuli impact on the processes of tissue regeneration, has an advantage over the manual techniques, as it utilizes the electrical and magnetic properties of the  organic compounds.
Underestimation of physiological indicators of muscles overload, such as fatigue, impaired muscle tone or muscle pain, has caused the number of injuries resulting from muscles overload raise to quite epidemic proportions. The methods and means of physiotherapy, in order to face the new challenges, are constantly evolving and have become an indispensable part of the periodization training and post traumatic physiotherapy treatment.
The aim of this study has been to analyze the impact of the innovative methods of physical medicine, such as smooth muscles electrical stimulation (Body Flow) and deep oscillation drainage (Deep Oscillation), on the phenomena of muscle pain and abnormal muscle tone. In the study participated 60 male subjects, engaged in training of the Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), 18-35 years old.
The use of physical methods of lymphatic drainage, such as the body flow and the deep oscillation, in the process of rebalancing – through the stimulation of microcirculation – of the changes in the muscle tissue associated with pain and muscle tension, appears to be effective in light of the test results presented in the study.

Key words:
deep oscillation, smooth muscles electric stimulation, microcirculation, muscular fatigue

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Assessment of kinesiology taping effects in patients with intestinal passage disorders caused by ostoperative adhesions based on test measuring hydrogen level in exhaled air. Preliminary reports

Marcin Krajczy, Adam Bąk, Katarzyna Bogacz, Jacek Łuniewski, Tomasz Dybek, Jan Szczegielniak

M. Krajczy, A. Bąk, K. Bogacz, J. Łuniewski, T. Dybek, J. Szczegielniak – Assessment of kinesiology taping effects in patients with intestinal passage disorders caused by ostoperative adhesions based on test measuring hydrogen level in exhaled air. Preliminary reports. FP 2016; 16(2); 6-13


Introduction. One of the ways to treat patients with intestinal passage obstruction due to adhesions after surgery can be physical therapy with the use of kinesiology taping.
Aim. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of kinesiology taping (KT) in the normalization of intestinal transit and assessment of hydrogen molecules exhaled by patients.
Material and methods . The study involved 20 patients (15 women, 5 men, average age 48.85 years) with the disorder of intestinal passage obstruction due to adhesions after surgery. Patients were divided randomly into test group BA (12 women, 4 men, average age, 47.67 years) and control KO (3 women, 1 man, average age 54.25). InBA group elastic therapeutic tape was applied to improve the intestinal transit. InKOgroup the placeboeffect was used (applications without therapeutic relevance). Hydrogen molecules in exhaledairtestwas used to evaluate the effects of kinesiology tapingapplications. Additionally, the number of defecation per day was assessed and stool form scale by Boston was used. All test were carried out prior to application and at 1, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 24 day after application of KT. The level of hydrogen molecules in exhaled air was checked before the KTapplication and in the 5 and 15 day after application of KT.
Results. The study demonstrated a statistically significant increase in the number of defecation per day, normalization of stool consistency and reductionof hydrogen molecules in in exhaled air in BA group.
Conclusions. The results shown effectiveness of kinesiology taping in the process of digestion and intestinal passage normalization.

Key words:
assessment of hydrogen molecules exhaled by patients, kinesiology taping, intestinal passage obstruction, adhesions after surgery

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Monitoring the results of scoliosis improvement using the DIERS system

Agnieszka Książek-Czekaj, Marek Wiecheć, Grzegorz Śliwiński, Zbigniew Śliwiński

A. Książek-Czekaj, M. Wiecheć, G. Śliwiński, Z. Śliwiński – Monitoring the results of scoliosis improvement using the DIERS system. FP 2016;16(3);124-134


The aim of the study was to present a modern method of imaging the posture of the human body, namely, the DIERS Formetric 4D system. This method is used, among others, for non-invasive evaluation of the effects of treatment of patients diagnosed with scoliosis. Using the DIERS Formetric 4D device, the test of body posture can be done almost any time without the use of a temporary regime between studies. This allows assessment of both the effects of the treatment carried out in the short term, as well as the assumptions of the plan for further treatment.
According to the authors, the use of the DIERS Formetric 4D method to control the effects of scoliosis treatment is extremely important because of the possibility of frequent performance this test, its short duration and repeatability of the achieved results.  They are available very quickly and there is a possibility to compare them with the results of previous tests, thereby greatly facilitating the work of physiotherapists.

Key words:
scoliosis, the Formetric 4D system, DIERS, SOSORT

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