Assessment of the impact of sensory integration method on the development of laterality

Natalia Habik-Tatarowska, Paweł Wieczorkowski, Zbigniew Śliwiński

N. Habik-Tatarowska, P. Wieczorkowski, Z. Śliwiński – Assessment of the impact of sensory integration method on the development of laterality. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(4); 122-128

Introduction. One of the aspects, or factors in the child’s motor development, is the progressive process of laterality, or, in other words, the lateralized preference of his motor activities. Laterality in children is varied in terms of strength and pace of process development. In many activities, harmonious cooperation of the eye, hand and leg is necessary, which is supported by the domination of organs on the same side of the body. Non-permanent laterality becomes the source of disturbances in spatial orientation and visual-motor coordination. In school age children, disruptions in the process of laterality often cause failures in reading and writing, which may lead to the occurrence of emotional disorders.
Purpose of research. The main objective of the conducted research was to assess the impact of the Sensory Integration method on the development of laterality in children.
Material and methods. Forty-six children aged 7-9 were examined. Analyzes of laterality development were made before the start of the Sensory Integration therapy and after six months of its duration. The research was conducted from June 2016 to December 2017. During the six-month period, Sensory Integration therapy included the following types of exercises: polisensoric stimulation, dexterity exercises, visual analysis and synthesis exercises, exercises of auditory and visual sequences, sequential and simultaneous memory exercises, and eye-hand coordination exercises.
Results and conclusions. The analysis of the conducted research indicates an improvement in the development of laterality as a result of the conducted therapy using the Sensory Integration method. The earlier we help the child choose the dominant hand, the sooner they will be ready to understand the speech of the environment and to independently build grammatically correct sentences.

Key words:
laterality, Sensory Integration, children, therapy


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Anxiety among therapists working with children with autism

Paweł Wieczorkowski, Natalia Habik, Zofia Śliwińska, Zbigniew Śliwiński

P. Wieczorkowski, N. Habik, Z. Śliwińska, Z. Śliwiński – Anxiety among therapists working with children with autism. FP 2017; 17(4); 76-82


Introduction. The anxiety among the therapists working with the children diagnosed with autism is associated with the fear and concerns associated with planning and conducting the therapeutic process. The objective of the study is to analyse the situations in which therapists experience discomfort and anxiety during classes and exercises with the persons diagnosed with autism. The studies conducted included observations of the causes of anxiety behaviours, the degree of their intensity and elimination.
Materials and methods. The analysis covered 16 therapists working in the Polish Autism Society. The research was conducted from December 2014 to January 2015. The therapists were aged between 22 and 45. The research made use of a diagnostic survey conducted using questionnaires.
Results. The most frequent symptoms of anxiety among the therapists working with autistic children are nervousness and higher heart rate. The best way of handling anxiety is relaxation. The most frequent cause of anxiety among the therapists working with autistic children is physical and verbal aggression demonstrated by children and absence of effects of work.
Conclusions. An important think to remember when working with autistic children is that work problems should not be brought home. The point is to eliminate occupational burnout. An important element that eliminates anxiety is finding the time for relaxation.

Key words:
autism, children, therapy, anxiety

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Assessment of Body Posture in Children of Kindergarten Age

Katarzyna Sołtysiak, Natalia Kociuga

K. Sołtysiak, N. Kociuga – Assessment of Body Posture in Children of Kindergarten Age. FP 2017; 17(2); 82-99


Study Goal. The goals of this study are: to examine body posture in children of kindergarten age in two ages groups (4 and 5 years), assess the range of motion of the shoulder and hip joints, as well as that of tensile strength of certain postural muscles.
Materials and methods. The sample size for this study consisted of 28 girls and 22 boys (n = 50).
This study was conducted in accordance with guidelines set by the Bioethical Commission of the Medical University of Łódź. Each subject was asked to disrobe to his/her undergarments and stand upright in a comfortable position. The assessment of his/her posture was performed based on both visual observation from a distance of 2 m and by palpation. Kasperczyk’s Protocol as well as the Dega, Thomas, and pseudo-Laseque’s tests were utilized in each assessment. In addition, the body mass and height of each subject was measured. Lovette’s test was utilized in the assessment of strength of the gluteus muscles and the rectus abdominis.
Results. No statistically significant corelation was found in this study between gender and age, however a statistically significant corelation was found between abdominal posture and gender: a flat abdomen was found in 22.73% of boys, but in none of the girls, in this study. An important contrast was found when comparing test subjects based on age in the assessment of body mass: older children were heavier and taller. In terms of the corelation between the Dega test results and age, the results were significant: there were far fewer cases of negative results in children aged 5 years.
Conclusions. 1. Body posture in children of kindergarten age varies greatly for each individual. 2. Lordotic postures or varus/valgus knees, frequently observed in children at this age, are normal variants of ontogenetic development. 3. Results of Lovette’s test indicate good, if not very good, strength of the gluteus maximus and rectus abdominis muscles. 4. Results of Dega, Thomas, and pseudo-Laseque’s tests indicate frequent contractions of the muscles of the shoulder and hip joints. 5.In children aged 4-5 years, improper arching of the feet is frequently evident. 6. The occurrence of abnormalities in body posture occurs in many children of kindergarten age is an indication of the need for corrective treatment to be implemented as early as possible, so as to avoid the permanent fixation of these abnormalities later in life.

Key words:
Body Posture, children, assess the range of motion, postural muscles

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Gender Dimorphism of Postural Static Stability in Children 9 to 12 Years of Age

Marzena Wiernicka, Ewa Kamińska, Dawid Łochyński,
Elżbieta Hurnik, Łukasz Michałowski, Daniel Choszczewski, Piotr Kocur, Marta Flis-Masłowska, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Jacek Lewandowski

M. Wiernicka, E. Kamińska, D. Łochyński, E. Hurnik, Ł. Michałowski, D. Choszczewski, P. Kocur, M. Flis-Masłowska, Z. Śliwiński, J. Lewandowski – Gender Dimorphism of Postural Static Stability in Children 9 to 12 Years of Age. FP 2014; 14(2); 68-76


Introduction. Equilibrioception – or sense of balance – is dependent on a number of features of the nervous system and motor system. A rotational sense of balance is fully developed at around 6 years of age; static and dynamic balance, however, is achieved at about 12 years of age.
Purpose. This paper aims to identify dimorphic differences of postural static stability in children of the same age range.
Research Material and Method. Material: The research group consisted of 450 children aged 9 to 12, comprising 235 girls and 215 boys. Research method: The measurement of the Centre of Pressure Sway Path length (mm) and the Sway Area size (mm2) with Eyes Open and Eyes Closed (EO/EC) using CQ-STAB device. The results have been subjected to statistical analysis.
Results. The results obtained did not present a normal distribution and therefore non-parametric tests were used for the calculations. The analysis shows that girls, when compared with boys, achieved significantly better results in static stability measured by determining both the Sway Path and the Sway Area of the COP, both in EO and EC conditions.
Conclusions. Research results analysis indicated a better postural static stability in females compared to male research participants. Gender differences were observed in the study in both Eyes Open and Eyes Closed conditions; this may indicate functional developmental variability of the central nervous system responsible for postural stability control in girls and boys.

Key words:
static stability, children, dimorphism

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The use of pedobarographic examination in children – own experience and review of literature

Jacek Lorkowski, Oliwia Grzegorowska, Ireneusz Kotela

J. Lorkowski, O. Grzegorowska, I. Kotela – The use of pedobarographic examination in children – own experience and review of literature. FP 2014; 14(4); 46-51


A non-invasive method, that can be used to describe the underfoot pressure distribution during stance and gait, is pedobarography. This examination helps to describe biomechanics of motor system, especially foot pathologies, among children and adults. It has been used to assess and monitor the progress and effectivness of undergone treatment. In this article we describe chosen issues of pedobarographic examination in diagnostics and treatment of the motor system in children, in whom an appropriate therapy can be more effective than in adults.
In our opinion, pedobarography should be used more often and widely than now. Together with clinical and radiological examination, it can simply complement standard diagnosctics.

Key words:
foot, diagnostics, pressure, gait, children

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