Monitoring and evaluation of flat-feet in children of pre-school age and younger school age

Matúš Kozel, Gabriela Škrečková, Eva Lukáčová, Cyril Grus


Matúš Kozel, Gabriela Škrečková, Eva Lukáčová, Cyril Grus – Monitoring and evaluation of flat-feet in children of pre-school age and younger school age. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(4); 144-148


Background. The issue of flat-feet in children of pre-school and younger school age has been a frequently discussed issue in recent times. This issue has been addressed in particular with regard to the deteriorating physical fitness and general health of children. The lack of sensory stimuli from the foot causes incorrect development of the arch of the foot, which later becomes apparent in other parts of the support-movement system.
Objective. The aim of the study was to monitor the current condition of flat-feet in children.
Method. In our study we observed the occurrence of flat-feet in children of pre-school (n:37; age ø: 5,22) and younger school age (n:52; age ø: 7,45). The study enrolled children of pre-school and younger school age between five and nine years of age. We used the examination device Podoscope to examine the condition of the arch of the foot. We used the subjective method Chipaux – Šmířák (CSI) to evaluate the fingerprints. For each child, both feet were always compared. The results were evaluated with descriptive statistics.
Results. We found that 70.79% of all children have a normally shaped longitudinal arch on both feet. In the preschool year, the percentage of normal arch on both feet indicates 64.86% of all children. In primary school children, the figure is 73.08%. Among preschool and school age children, there was also a high foot, which was found on both feet in 8 out of 89 children. Flat-foot was found on both feet in 6.74% of the participants. 8.11% of kindergarten children had a flat-foot on both feet. In 5.77% of primary school pupils, a bipedal flat-foot was found.
Conclusion. The arch of the foot shapes with age. However, it cannot be said that it always shapes into a physiologically correct shape in every circumstance. In kindergarten children, flat-foot predominates because children attending this facility have not yet had time to fully form the arch. It is necessary to consider which year the children attend. In younger school age pupils, i.e. first to fourth grades, all three types of arch of the foot are present.
flat-foot, pre-school age, younger school age
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Monitoring of physical activity of patients with essential hypertension by the Actigraph accelerator – the influence of the environment

Gabriela Škrečková, Eva Lukáčová


Gabriela Škrečková, Eva Lukáčová – Monitoring of physical activity of patients with essential hypertension by the Actigraph accelerator – the influence of the environment. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(2); 162-167


Background. The environment is an important determinant of physical behaviour and also affects the quality of life. A healthy lifestyle is considered to be the simplest form of hypertension prevention and therapy.
Objective. The aim of our study was to find the correlation of physical behaviour of patients with essential hypertension depending on the environment.
Method: We monitored the physical activity (PA) of 60 hypertensive patients from urban (n: 30) and rural (n: 30) environments with Actigraph accelerator. The average blood pressure values of the respondents were SBP 147 mmHg (± 8.24) and DBP 92.08 mmHg (± 8.08). Actigraph evaluated physical behaviour in the form of: sitting during the day, light, moderate and high physical activity (min/week) and steps (steps/week). The quality of life of the respondents was assessed by the Quality-of-Life SF36 – short version questionnaire.
Results. We confirm the statistically significant difference between hypertensive patients from urban and rural environments in the following categories: sitting during the day (p = 0.000052), light PA (p = 0.022009), medium PA (p = 0.0012 steps (p = 0.006993). Comparing the Quality-of-Life SF 36 questionnaire data, we find a worse quality of life in hypertensive patients living in rural areas (ø 74.40) than in hypertensive patients living in urban areas (ø 78.57).
Conclusion. Hypertensive patients living in rural areas have better physical behaviour than hypertensive patients living in urban areas, but larger population studies are needed to confirm the influence of the environment on physical activity and quality of life.
Key words: hypertension, Actigraph, environment
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The occurence of postural disorders and muscular imbalance in children from urban and rural environment

Eva Lukáčová, Gabriela Škrečková, Lucia Demjanovič Kendrová

Eva Lukáčová, Gabriela Škrečková, Lucia Demjanovič Kendrová – The occurence of postural disorders and muscular imbalance in children from urban and rural environment. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(5); 116-120



Background. Postural examination is considered to be one of the most important parts of the general examination and is therefore the basis for correct diagnosis and determining preventive measures or appropriate treatment procedures.
Objective. The aim of the study was to evaluate the functional status of school-aged children.
Methods: The study was carried out at selected primary schools in Slovakia, we examined 453 children. We assessed the quality of the postural system according to Thomas Klein´s evaluation, modified by Mayer, the presence of shortened and weakened muscles according to Janda. The following measurements were used to assess the range of motion of the spine: Otto’s inclination and reclination distance, Schober’s distance, Stibor’s distance and Thomayer’s distance.
Results. A statistically significant difference was found in the examination of gluteal muscles strength l.dx. (p = 0.03), gluteal muscles l.sin. (p ≤ 0.001), with the children from urban environment having, on average, lower muscle strength. Statistically significant differences were found in the evaluation of m. trapesiusl.dx. at significance level p = 0.04, m. trapesiusl.sin. at the level of significance p ≤ 0,001, with higher average values found in children from the urban environment.
Conclusion. Children from countryside show better postural outcomes and exhibit fewer postural disturbances than children from city backgrounds.

school age, postural disorders, muscular imbalance

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