The differences of the multistage fitness test and multistage shuttle swim test on swimmer’s aerobic ability

Priska Dyana Kristi, Danarstuti Utami, Hadiono, Nasya Amara Dewi


Priska Dyana Kristi, Danarstuti Utami, Hadiono, Nasya Amara Dewi – The differences of the multistage fitness test and multistage shuttle swim test on swimmer’s aerobic ability. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(4); 18-20


Study Purpose. Discuss the differences between the multistage fitness test and the multistage shuttle swim test in assessing the aerobic ability of swimmers.
Materials and Methods. This research is descriptive. The survey method was used. Data collection techniques include tests and measurements.
Results. The analysis shows that the t-value is 0.001 < t, and the significance value is 0.999 > 0.005.
Conclusion. There was no significant difference in the aerobic ability of swimmers when assessed using the multistage fitness test compared to the multistage shuttle swim test.
multistage fitness test, multistage shuttle swim test, swimming
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Reducing the feelings of work fatigue for women kindergarten teachers by implementing circulo massage

Danarstuti Utami, Yustinus Sukarmin, Widiyanto, Agus Pribadi, Priska Dyana Kristi, Desy Yunita Utami, Inas Gita Amalia, Wildan Wirawan Pinandita, Amran, Rizqie Auliana, Reza Adityas, Ari Tri Astuti, Manil Karakauki, Ardi Riyana, Kukuh Wahyudin Pratama, Risang Muhammad Naufal

Danarstuti Utami, Yustinus Sukarmin, Widiyanto, Agus Pribadi, Priska Dyana Kristi, Desy Yunita Utami, Inas Gita Amalia, Wildan Wirawan Pinandita, Amran, Rizqie Auliana, Reza Adityas, Ari Tri Astuti, Manil Karakauki, Ardi Riyana, Kukuh Wahyudin Pratama, Risang Muhammad Naufal –Reducing the feelings of work fatigue for women kindergarten teachers by implementing circulo massage. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(2);



Psychosocial stressors consist of work environment, family environment, and community environment. Kindergarten teachers as teachers or early educators, must be able to provide basic knowledge, find good and tough personalities in their students. This is one of the factors that cause the body to experience a decrease in fatigue at work. Study purpose. This study aims to determine whether there is an effect of circulo massage on reducing work fatigue of female kindergarten teachers. Materials and methods. This research is a pre-experimental research with a one-group pretest-posttest design using a circulo on the sample, while the data collection technique uses a questionnaire and the population is female kindergarten teachers. The number of samples in this study were 12 people. The data analysis technique used a t-test with a tool in the form of the SPSS (Statistical Program for Social Science) program. Results. The results show the average work fatigue score obtained before = 38.67 and after = 24.42 difference = 14.25 with t count = 6.362 in degrees of freedom (DF) = 11 and obtained t table of 2.201. The results of the data above show that the value of t count is greater than t table, meaning that there is a significant decrease from the comparison of t count with t table. Conclusions, therefore this result can be concluded that circulo massage is proven to have a significant effect on reducing work fatigue of state kindergarten teachers.


Keywords: circulo massage, fatigue, kindergarten teacher

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