Edward Madeyski’s pioneering activities for the development of physiotherapy, physical education and hygiene in Lviv in the years 1870-1906

Sławomir Jandziś, Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Maciej Łuczak

S. Jandziś, E. Puszczałowska-Lizis, Maciej Łuczak – Edward Madeyski’s pioneering activities for the development of physiotherapy, physical education and hygiene in Lviv in the years 1870-1906. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(4); 130-136

The authors, based on source materials and a few studies, present the activities of Edward Madeyski for the development of physiotherapy, physical education and hygiene in Lviv in the years 1870-1906. This doctor, by profession, and a passionate promoter of gymnastics, physiotherapy, hygiene, dietetics and healthy lifestyle, founded the theoretical basics of physical education. He represented the health-and-hygiene school, was a supporter of “rational gymnastics”, published the first Polish manuals for teaching gymnastics in schools. The main aim of the article is to present E. Madeyski’s little-known activity in the field of physiotherapy which he had been practicing since 1870 in his own Orthopedic Gymnastics Center in Lviv. Therein he treated children with musculoskeletal disorders, mainly with spinal curvatures, with the help of physical factors (therapeutic gymnastics, massage, orthopedic supports). Authors also present E. Madeyski’s activities as a teacher and promoter of physical education and hygiene in Galicia at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. His work gave rise to the development of the theory of physical education, gymnastics specialists training and the activity of orthopedic and gymnastic facilities. In recognition of his merits for many years of medical, pedagogical and scientific activity in 1889, the emperor awarded the title of professor to him.

Key words:
physiotherapy, healing gymnastics, history of rehabilitation


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Assessment of the impact of sensory integration method on the development of laterality

Natalia Habik-Tatarowska, Paweł Wieczorkowski, Zbigniew Śliwiński

N. Habik-Tatarowska, P. Wieczorkowski, Z. Śliwiński – Assessment of the impact of sensory integration method on the development of laterality. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(4); 122-128

Introduction. One of the aspects, or factors in the child’s motor development, is the progressive process of laterality, or, in other words, the lateralized preference of his motor activities. Laterality in children is varied in terms of strength and pace of process development. In many activities, harmonious cooperation of the eye, hand and leg is necessary, which is supported by the domination of organs on the same side of the body. Non-permanent laterality becomes the source of disturbances in spatial orientation and visual-motor coordination. In school age children, disruptions in the process of laterality often cause failures in reading and writing, which may lead to the occurrence of emotional disorders.
Purpose of research. The main objective of the conducted research was to assess the impact of the Sensory Integration method on the development of laterality in children.
Material and methods. Forty-six children aged 7-9 were examined. Analyzes of laterality development were made before the start of the Sensory Integration therapy and after six months of its duration. The research was conducted from June 2016 to December 2017. During the six-month period, Sensory Integration therapy included the following types of exercises: polisensoric stimulation, dexterity exercises, visual analysis and synthesis exercises, exercises of auditory and visual sequences, sequential and simultaneous memory exercises, and eye-hand coordination exercises.
Results and conclusions. The analysis of the conducted research indicates an improvement in the development of laterality as a result of the conducted therapy using the Sensory Integration method. The earlier we help the child choose the dominant hand, the sooner they will be ready to understand the speech of the environment and to independently build grammatically correct sentences.

Key words:
laterality, Sensory Integration, children, therapy


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Application of high frequency currents in treatment of patients with knee osteoarthritis

Agnieszka Przedborska, Ewa Pomorska, Marcin Świątczak, Małgorzata Staniszewska, Małgorzata Misztal, Jan W. Raczkowski

A. Przedborska, E. Pomorska, M. Świątczak, M. Staniszewska, M. Misztal, J. W. Raczkowski – Application of high frequency currents in treatment of patients with knee osteoarthritis. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(4); 112-121

Introduction. Endogenous heat is widely used in the treatment of patients with knee osteoarthritis. The development of technology enables new methods of applying high frequency currents.
The purpose of the work is to assess the effectiveness of high frequency currents applied by various methods in the treatment of patients with knee osteoarthritis.
Material and methods. The study was conducted on a group of 111 patients with knee osteoarthritis, of which two groups were distinguished. The studied group consisted of 61 patients subjected to high-frequency therapy using the Thermo TK device. The control group consisted of 50 patients who underwent shortwave diathermy treatment. Assessment of the effectiveness of therapy was carried out on the basis of the VAS scale, Laitinen scale, perimeter and range of motion in the knee joint.
Results. Both groups displayed a statistically significant (p <0.0001) reduction in pain after the therapy according to the Laitinen scale (median (interquartile range IQR), respectively before and after the treatment: in the study group: 7 (6-8) scores vs. 3 (2-6) scores and in the control group: 8 (6-10) scores vs. 3.5 (2-7) scores). In addition, a statistically significant (p = 0.0031) reduction in the frequency of analgesics was observed in the study group. After treatment, in each of the groups, statistically significant (p <0.0001) alleviation of pain symptoms according to the VAS scale was also observed while walking on a flat surface and stairs. Circumference through the knee joint was also decreased (p <0.0001), while the extent of the bending movement significantly increased (p <0.0001). The duration of the analgesic effect in both groups was similar.
Conclusions. 1. Regardless of the type of application, high frequency currents reduce pain and improve the range of knee joint motion in patients with osteoarthritis. 2. The analgesic effect of the therapy in both groups was not permanent.

Key words:
knee joints, degenerative disease, high frequency currents


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The influence of physical activity on the alignment of metabolic disorders in secondary school students

Magdalena Madej, Zbigniew Śliwiński

M. Madej, Z. Śliwiński – The influence of physical activity on the alignment of metabolic disorders in secondary school students. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(4); 102-111

Introduction. This work aimed to assess the influence of systematic physical activity on changes in the blood pressure parameters, and thus on metabolism, distribution of fat, percentage of muscle, water, bone mass in students’ bodies and their BMI.
Material and methods. The study comprised 98 students who do not regularly undertake physical activity, as well as 98 students who undertake sport at least 3-4 times per week. Patients were examined individually as per the established pattern: tissue bioimpedance analysis, waist and hip circumference measurement, Martinet endurance test. The ending contains an anonymous lifestyle survey.
Results. Lower mean values of BMI, WHR and fat percentages were recorded among students who regularly practice sports. Those same students also displayed better endurance.
Conclusions. The conducted research clearly prove that systematic physical activity has a beneficial effect on the human body. It guarantees maximum endurance of the body, protects against many metabolic diseases, affects the proportions of body composition and constitutes an inseparable element of well-being.

Key words:
physical activity, metabolism, bioimpedance, BMI, metabolic diseases


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Characteristics of injuries and injuries of water polo players

Joanna Kałuża-Pawłowska, Iwona Serwin, Robert Serwin, Marek Kiljański

J. Kałuża-Pawłowska, I. Serwin, R. Serwin, M. Kiljański – Characteristics of injuries and injuries of water polo players. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(4); 94-101

Introduction. Sports injury is usually referred to as contusion. It is an injury that can be experienced during physical activity, of a sporting nature, mainly during training and competitions, causing sports injuries, which results in a temporary or total exclusion from further participation in sports activities.
Objective. The objective of the article is to assess the characteristics of injuries among water polo players.
Material and method. The study was carried out on the basis of the diagnostic survey method developed by the authors, with the consent of the coach and players. The questionnaire contained 20 questions, both open and metric. The questions concerned injuries and physiotherapy. The study involved 52 players of Polish sports clubs aged 15 to 30 who have played water polo for not less than 5 years.
Results. None of the studied players during their career had more than 15 injuries, however 100% of players suffered at least one injury. The most common situation in which players experienced injuries was training in the pool – 75%. After injury, in 42% of cases the examined water polo players unfortunately did not use physiotherapists. The studied water polo players most often suffered an injury of the shoulder joint – 35.1%, 26.4% of fingers, 17.5% of wrists, and 10.5% of elbows.
Conclusions. 1. Most often injuries occurred during training in the pool, which arises from low reliability of warm-ups and exercises being incorrectly performed by the players. 2. The most vulnerable parts of the body are shoulder, wrist and finger joints. 3. Water polo is a contact sport with a high level of the incidence of traumas, causing damage to joint capsules, stressing ligaments and muscles in the above-mentioned parts of the body. 4. Increasing awareness and access to professional physiotherapy will allow athletes to return to fitness levels as before the injury more quickly and prevent further injuries.

Słowa kluczowe:
water polo, sports injury, physiotherapy in sport

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Evaluation of functional status of children with cerebral palsy using selected scales and tests

Małgorzata Kilon, Martyna Ruszkiewicz, Jan W. Raczkowski

M. Kilon, M. Ruszkiewicz, J. W. Raczkowski – Evaluation of functional status of children with cerebral palsy using selected scales and tests. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(4); 86-93

Objective. The aim of the study was to assess the functional status of children with Cerebral Palsy (CP) using selected scales and tests and to analyze the factors affecting the results.
Material and methods. The study involved 33 children diagnosed with CP, aged 4 to 18 years, attending selected rehabilitation centers in the Lodz region. The research tools included: an original questionnaire, the Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM) and the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) to evaluate the gross motor skills and the Manual Ability Classification System (MACS) for fine motor skills.
In the statistical analysis, the influence of quantitative variables on the scale results was determined on the basis of Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficient depending on the distribution. The one-way ANOVA or the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test was used to assess the effect of qualitative variables on the functional efficiency of children.
Results. Seven children showed none or extremely low physical fitness. They were children with paralysis of four limbs – tetraparesis. The results of the tests were influenced by the length of pregnancy, birth weight, age and height and verbal-logical contact. No correlation was found between qualitative variables such as gender and coexisting epilepsy. A strong correlation was observed between fine and gross motor activity.
Conclusions. The examined children presented varying levels of functional fitness in the used scales and tests. The number of scores obtained by them was strictly related to the type of CP. Children in better verbal and logical contact achieved better scores in the assessed scales. Subjective assessment of children’s performance according to parents was in compliance with the test results.

Key words:
cerebral palsy, MACS, GMFM, GMFCS


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FMS test in assessing the risk of injury in a group of female floorball players

Tomasz Ridan, Adrianna Warzecha, Katarzyna Ogrodzka-Ciechanowicz, Beata Kita, Krzysztof Czupryna

T. Ridan, A. Warzecha, K. Ogrodzka-Ciechanowicz, B. Kita, K. Czupryna – FMS test in assessing the risk of injury in a group of female floorball players. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(4); 74-84

Functional Movement Screening is one of the tests which allow you to find the existing risk of injury. The aim of the work was to assess the state of functional movement possibilities of female floorball players with the use of the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) test and to assess the possibility of improving the result with the use of a set of corrective exercises. The research covered a group of 50 fit young women aged 16-24, training floorball in the category of senior juniors and seniors (mean age 18.2). To evaluate the movement patterns, Functional Movement Screen (FMS) was used. The assessment with the FMS test consisted of seven functional movement tests. The average score obtained by the athletes in the FMS test before the correction was 14.6 points (SD = 1.5), after the correction 16.3 points (SD = 1.4). Female floorball players, based on the FMS test, present a good level of basic mobility with the risk classification of 25-35%. Introducing correction according to the FMS test after just 2 months improves the functional efficiency of the female floorball players.

Key words:
Functional Movement Screen, functional evaluation, dance


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The new Dynamic Spine Correction (DSC) device: indications and contraindications

Wojciech Kaczmarek, Paweł Łęgosz, Renata Szczepaniak, Anna Lipińska, Krzysztof Mucha

W. Kaczmarek, P. Łęgosz, R. Szczepaniak, A. Lipińska, K. Mucha – The new Dynamic Spine Correction (DSC) device: indications and contraindications. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(4); 62-72

The Dynamic Spine Correction (DSC) device (patent PL 229766; patent US 9,949,884 B2) was designed and constructed for the use in the spine physiotherapy. The device was produced by Bio.morph Ltd. as a result of the European Union Operational Program Innovative Economy for the 2007-2013 years.
The DSC proposes new methodology for the almost independent rehabilitation. Our method with the supervision of a physiotherapist can follow-up the osteo‑kinematics of the patient’s spine as the dynamically physiological joint play that being restored in blocked spine joints.
Thanks to the new diagnostic system there is also the possibility to: a) visualize the condition of the spinal column; b) register the parameters of patient’s therapy, as well as c) the results. Thanks to that, it is possible to evaluate the patient’s current condition and the progress of the therapy objectively.
Our innovative diagnostic and therapeutic methodology – namely Dynamic Correction and Mobilization of Spine and Postural Neuromuscular Re‑education – allows for an effective treatment of the spine disorders of different etiologies. Moreover it minimizes the potential risks for the patient’s, that results nowadays from therapeutic technologies used, as well as harmful materials and medicines with low specificity (e.g. painkillers).

Key words:
Back pain, DSC, dynamic spinal correction, physiotherapy, postural neuromuscular re‑education, spine

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Functional assessment of female dancers representing different dance styles, such as jazz and hip-hop, based on the Functional Movement Screen Test

Tomasz Ridan, Barbara Tomas, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Beata Kita

T. Ridan, B. Tomas, O. Nowotny-Czupryna, B. Kitai – Functional assessment of female dancers representing different dance styles, such as jazz and hip-hop, based on the Functional Movement Screen Test. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(4); 50-60

The objective of this study was to assess the level of functional fitness of 30 female dancers (16 jazz dancers and 14 hip-hop dancers), aged between 16 and 21 years. An important research goal was to determine whether there are any differences in the level of functional fitness between the two groups, depending on the dance style. Moreover, the study also aimed to assess the correlation between the style of dance and the results obtained for the particular components of the FMS test. The study was carried out in the Egurrola Dance Studio in Krakow in April 2018. The final result of the tests provided a picture of the overall physical fitness of the examined group of dancers, and was found to be appropriate, since the total mean score was above the limit value of an increased injury risk. No differences were found between jazz and hip-hop dancers with regard to the overall physical fitness score. At the same time, however, differences were detected in the detailed scores for the particular FMS components. The test results reflected the level of functional fitness among the dancers, and the detailed scores confirmed the differences in that level depending on the type of activity.

Key words:
Functional Movement Screen, functional evaluation, dance


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Comparison of the impacts of classic massage and Lomi Lomi Nui massage on the mental and physical condition of the patient

Agata Gajos, Marek Kiljański

A. Gajos, M. Kiljański – Comparison of the impacts of classic massage and Lomi Lomi Nui massage on the mental and physical condition of the patient. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(4); 38-49

The objective of this study is comparison of the impacts of classic massage and Lomi Lomi Nui massage in treating stress-induced mental and physical tiredness. Another objective is to compare the impact of massage on body hydration and on the level of extracellular water.
Materials and methods. The study covered 30 persons aged 25 – 65.
The patients were divided into 2 groups. Group I included 15 people (7 women and 8 men) who underwent a classic massage. Group II included 15 people (7 women and 8 men) who underwent a Lomi Lomi massage.
Before the massage, the body mass and height were measured in both groups, and then the patients underwent bioelectrical impedance analysis for the purpose of measuring body hydration and the level of extracellular water.
After the massage, impedance was measured again for the purpose of determining the difference in results after the massage. The patients were then asked to fill in a questionnaire including a question about the effectiveness of massages in decreasing mental and physical tiredness and about the impressions during and right after the massage.
Results. Both massages are effective in alleviating the symptoms of stress-induced mental and physical tiredness. The results were not statistically relevant.
The classic massage resulted in reduction in pain and muscle stiff muscles, while the Lomi Lomi massage affected the emotional aspects – the patients were relaxed, the harmony between spirit
and body was recovered, which was statistically relevant. The results of bioelectrical impedance analysis indicate that the massages affected body hydration
and the level of extracellular water. The comparison of arithmetic means of results indicated that the classic massage demonstrated a greater relationship than the Lomi Lomi massage, which was statistically relevant.

Key words:
Stress, medical massage, bioelectrical impedance


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