The loss of body weight during cyclo-ergometer training in cardiac patients

Witold Pawełczyk, Iwona Kulik-Parobczy, Tomasz Sirek, Jacek Łuniewski, Katarzyna Bogacz, Jan Szczegielniak

W. Pawełczyk, I. Kulik-Parobczy, T. Sirek, J. Łuniewski, K. Bogacz, J. Szczegielniak – Spadek masy ciała u chorych kardiologicznych po treningu na cykloergometrze rowerowym. FP 2013; 13(3); 22-27


Introduction. The problem of weight loss associated with the loss of wafer in athletes has been the subject of numerous studies. Until now, the average values of weight loss due to sweating at rest and while participating in some sports were calculated. However, no comprehensive studies have not been conducted info water loss in patients undergoing intensive physical exertion, including in patients after myocardial infarction, in the course of intensive rehabilitation.
Aim. the aim of this study was to assess weight loss in patients after myocardial infarction during intensive rehabilitation including training on cycle ergometer.
Material and methods. A total of 47 randomly selected patients (72 women, 35 men) treated in Rehabilitation Department of MSW Hospital in Glucholazy participated in the research. Before and after exercise, measurements were taken with the use of body mass weight Tanita SC 330S in all patients. In addition, for all patients at the end of rehabilitation program, 10-point questionnaire was used to examine fluid intake during the day, during and after physical exercises.
Results. There was a statistically significant difference (p <0.05) between body weight values before and after exercise. Based on the questionnaire, it was found that a large number of patients did not fake additional supplementary fluids, unless they experienced the feeling of thirst; the information about the quantity and type of fluid they should take was not given to patients during rehabilitation
Conclusions. The study showed a significant decrease in body weight after training conducted in patients undergoing cardiac rehabilitation. Lack of adequate hydration for patients in the course of their rehabilitation was found.
Complex cardiac rehabilitation program should take into account the need to maintain proper water balance.

Key words:
cardiac rehabilitation, water loss

The impact of dialysis therapy on selected spirometric parameters in patients with end-stage renal failure. Evaluation of lung functions in patients treated with haemodialysis

Witold Rongies, Agata Młynarska, Tadeusz Przybyłowski, Włodzimierz Dolecki, Monika Lewandowska, Iza Korabiewska, Janusz Sierdziński, Justyna Choromańska

W. Rongies, A. Młynarska, T. Przybyłowski, W. Dolecki, M. Lewandowska, I. Korabiewska, J. Sierdziński, J. Choromańska – Ocena wybranych parametrów spirometrycznych w grupie pacjentów przewlekle dializowanych z powodu schyłkowej niewydolności nerek. Ocena wydolności oddechowej pacjentów leczonych przewlekłymi dializami. FP 2013; 13(3); 14-21


lntroduction: Haemodialysis is used in the treatment of both acute and chronic renal failure as well as in some cases of poisoning. The purpose of haemodialysis is to clear the blood of toxic substances. During a haemodialysis session the body also receives substances necessary for regenerating its buffers and for the compensation of metabolic acidosis, and excess wafer is removed from the body. Despite these beneficial outcomes, most dialysis patients report subjective fatigue at the end of a session which can manifest itself an impairment of respiratory parameters. Material and methods: The study enrolled 21 chronic dialysis patients. The study procedures consisted in carrying out a forced spirometry procedure immediately before a dialysis session and 15 minutes after completion of the session. Results: All spirometric parameters assessed in the study group of 21 patients did not change significantly after a dialysis session. There were slight improvements in FEF50 and FEF25. FVC showed mild deterioration. None of the differences was statistically significant. At the same time, there was a statistically significant correlation between the degree of dehydration (loss of body weight during dialysis) and FVC values (p<0.05). Conclusions: 1. A single dialysis session did not induce significant changes in selected respiratory parameters in the study group. 2. The observed subjective feeling of fatigue following a dialysis session in the study group was not caused by impaired respiratory function.

Key words:
spirometry, dialysis, end-stage renal failure, rehabilitation

An assessment of analgestic effects of vibroacoustic therapy in treating pains of umbosacral spine in office workers

Marlena Drężewska, Aleksander Sieroń, Zbigniew Śliwiński

M. Drężewska, A. Sieroń, Z. Śliwiński – Ocena efektów analgetycznych terapii wibroakustycznych w leczeniu dolegliwości bólowych części lędźwiowo-krzyżowej kręgosłupa u pracowników biurowych. FP 2013; 13(3); 8-13


Introduction. The objective of the research was to assess analgesic effects of vibroacoustic therapy in treating pain in the lumbosacral spine among office workers.
Materials and methods. The participants of the research were 52 female office workers from Ostroleka, aged 34-58, with chronic pain of lumbosacral spine caused by overstrain and/or spondylosis. The patients underwent 10-days vibroacoustic therapy which was conducted by means of VITAFON-T device. To assess the effects of the therapy there was used VAS analogue pain scale and a modified pain rates according to Laitinen questionnaire.
Results. There was noted a substantial statistic difference in the average value of pain assessment before and after therapy (p<0.05). The mean value of pain before therapy according to VAS scale amounted to 5.81, and after therapy it constituted 3,38. The total score obtained from the Laitinen questionnaire amounted to 316, and after therapy – 194.
Conclusions. The obtained results indicate that the vibroacoustic therapy is effective in achieving analgesic effects in the treatment of pain in the lumbosacral spine among office workers.

Key words:
vibroacoustic therapy, VAS scale, Laitinen quesfionnaire

Professor Andrzej Zembaty

Sławomir Jandziś, Marek Woszczak, Marek Kiljański, Renata Szczepaniak

S. Jandziś, M. Woszczak, M. Kiljański, R. Szczepaniak – Profesor Andrzej Zembaty. FP 2013; 13(4); 57-59


The 50th anniversary of the organized activity of physiotherapists in Poland is an opportunity to present the figure of one of the eminent representatives of our profession, prof. Andrzej Zembaty, PhD. He was born on April 21, 1935 in Jasło to an intelligentsia family. The mother was a teacher, my father graduated from the Jagiellonian University law department and worked as a judge in Jasło and then Sanok. Andrzej Zembaty, after passing the final exams at the high school in Sanok, he began studies at the University of Physical Education in Warsaw, which he graduated in 1958. In 1960, he started working as a physiotherapist at the Metropolitan Rehabilitation Center for Motion Disorders in Konstancin and in 1964 as a teacher of the profession at the Medical Vocational College in Konstancin. In 1972, at the request of prof. Marian Weiss, director of STOCER and curator of the Rehabilitation Department at the University of Physical Education in Warsaw, was employed as a senior assistant at the same facility. He returned to the university, with whom he associated most of his professional life. He held the following function: 1979 – head of the Department of Movement Rehabilitation, 1982 – Rector’s representative for the appointment of the Rehabilitation Department, 1983 – deputy director. Institute of Biological Sciences, 1984 – 1987 – vice-dean for student and organizational affairs at the newly appointed Faculty, 1987 – 1990 – vice-dean for didactics. The last place of professional and didactic activity before retiring in 1999 was the University of Physical Education in Katowice, where the Professor headed the Kinesitherapy Unit.

Key words:
Therapeutic rehabilitation, physiotherapists, rehabilitation history

Shaping ethical attitude of physiotherapist

Magdalena Rusin, Wojciech Kiebzak, Marek Kiljański, Michał Dwornik, Zbigniew Śliwiński

M. Rusin, W. Kiebzak, M. Kiljański, M. Dwornik, Z. Śliwiński – Kształtowanie postawy etycznej fizjoterapeuty. FP 2013; 13(4); 51-56


Common behavioural and ethical patterns existing in modern medicine are subject to many social debates in which physiotherapist, alongside ethicists, philosophers and doctors, have their say. All of them express their points of view, which more often than not, coincide. The differences in opinions constitute the consequences of applying deontology in certain professional cases. Forming behavioural patterns in the process of academic studies is a hard and long-lasting task. Further development of ethical attitudes of a physiotherapist will be influenced by work. Even though physiotherapists embark upon their professional paths with already formed attitudes, these will be prone to further changes, both negative and positive, depending on the environment.

Key words:
physiotherapy, ethical stance, humanistic education

Professional culture versus physiotherapist’s culture

Wojciech Kiebzak, Magdalena Rusin, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Michał Dwornik, Marek Kiljański

W. Kiebzak, M. Rusin, Z. Śliwiński, M. Dwornik, M. Kiljański – Kultura zawodu a kultura osobowa fizjoterapeuty. FP 2013; 13(4); 44-50


The social role of a physiotherapist must not be reduced to displaying instrumental professional knowledge and propriety; it demands from a physiotherapist to employ humane and ethical streak in his or her practice. A physiotherapist, in collaboration with the whole medical team, creates proper conditions for full recovery. Physiotherapists develop professional identity and awareness by furthering their education, raising their professional competence, belonging to physiotherapist associations and building bonds between other representatives of this profession. What influences the level of professionalism of the group and all the same determine the quality of physiotherapeutic services and a proper approach towards the patient are mutual attempt to standardise education, create role models as well as professional culture and ethical values. The aim of this study is to present physiotherapy as a profession, and the physiotherapist both as a professional who has the highest level of professional command to treat the ill and needed, and as a member of the rehabilitation (therapeutic) team – a humanist who treats a patient as a summum bonum of medicine.

Key words:
physiotherapy, professional culture, propriety, ethics, profession

Comparison of circumference of women’s upper limbs after radical breast amputation subjected and not subjected to early professional rehabilitation

Elżbieta Niedbała, Leszek Kołodziejski

E. Niedbała, L. Kołodziejski – Porównanie obwodów kończyn górnych u kobiet po radykalnym leczeniu raka piersi korzystających i nie korzystających z wczesnej profesjonalnej rehabilitacji. FP 2013; 13(4); 37-43


Removing the lymphatic system of the armpit during the radical mastectomy hinders the outflow of lymph from the upper limb. Aim of the work. The aim of this report is to compare the circumference of women’s upper limbs post-surgical breast cancer undergone to early professional and unprofessional rehabilitation. Material and methods. A group of 146 members of Amazon Club subjected to radical breast amputation by Maddens methods between 2002-2009, have been evaluated. 71 patients from Malopolska (M group) were operated on in the Oncological Centre of Krakow (OCK) and 75 from Świętokrzyskie (Ś group) were operated on in the Świętokrzyskie Oncological Centre in Kielce (SCO). For all the patients the same, standard oncological procedures were used. The only significant difference between the medical centres was the method of conducting early post operative rehabilitation. In the M group it was conducted by trained nurses and volunteers of Amazon Club and the patients continued their exercises on their own at home. In Ś group a complex rehabilitation in the stationary conditions was conducted by professional physiotherapists. Data of all the women have been obtained including the patients’ age, past treatment and rehabilitation or the circumference of upper limbs were done. Women from both groups (M i S) were compared regarding antropometric features, past treatment and circumference of upper limbs and development of lymphedema. Results. In spite of the considerable difference in the method of early postoperative rehabilitation the patients from M i S did not differ significantly as regards circumference of their upper limbs, occurrence and volume lymphedema on the operated side.
1. At women after radical mastectomy subjected to the early professional and unprofessional rehabilitation, in the late period of observation, the circumference of their upper limbs were the similar.
2. In both groups M i S the percentage of women with lymphedema was low.

Key words:
mastectomy, circumference upper limbs, lymphedema

Therapeutic value of local cryotherapy in the treatment of patients with gonarthrosis

Łukasz Kopacz, Anna Lubkowska, Iwona Bryczkowska, Piotr Skomro, Elżbieta Kubala, Marek Kiljański, Danuta Lietz-Kijak

Ł. Kopacz, A. Lubkowska, I. Bryczkowska, P. Skomro, E. Kubala, M. Kiljański, D. Lietz-Kijak – Wartość terapeutyczna krioterapii miejscowej w leczeniu pacjentów z gonartrozą. FP 2013; 13(4); 31-36

Wstęp. Celem przeprowadzonych badań była ocena wpływu zabiegów krioterapii miejscowej na zakres ruchu w stawie kolanowym u pacjentów z chorobą zwyrodnieniową stawów. Dodatkowo analizowano potencjalne zmiany w dolegliwościach bólowych pacjentów. Materiał i metody. Grupa badana liczyła 50-ciu pacjentów i była jednorodna pod względem schorzenia. W badaniu wzięło udział 39 kobiet i 11 mężczyzn. Pacjenci poddani byli 10-ciu codziennym zabiegom krioterapii miejscowej na okolicę stawu kolanowego. Przed przystąpieniem do krioterapii, pacjenci zostali poddani badaniom antropometrycznym oraz wyliczono wskaźniki BMI. Został zebrany wywiad odnośnie chorób współistniejącychi zbadano dolegliwości bólowe według skali VAS. U wszystkich badanych wykonano pomiar zakresu ruchów w stawie kolanowym za pomocą goniometru. Został on wykonany przed rozpoczęciem zabiegów oraz po ich zakończeniu. Wynik. U wszystkich pacjentów, poddanych serii zabiegów można stwierdzić znaczną poprawę w zakresie ruchu zgięcia i wyprostu w stawie kolanowym. Analizując dolegliwości bólowe oceniane za pomocą skali VAS, po zakończeniu serii zabiegów wykazano znaczne zmniejszenie wartości wskazywanych przez badanych. Rozpatrując zakres ruchu zgięcia w stawie kolanowym w obu grupach, zarówno z rozpoznaniem choroby zwyrodnieniowej stawów kolanowych oraz choroby zwyrodnieniowej wielostawowej, po serii zabiegów krioterapii miejscowej ruch znacznie się poprawił, natomiast zakres ruchu wyprostu w stawie kolanowym polepszył się w grupie z rozpoznaniem choroby zwyrodnieniowej wielostawowej. Wnioski. Krioterapia miejscowa jest korzystną metodą, redukującą dolegliwości bólowe oraz wpływającą na poprawę zakresu ruchów w stawie kolanowym u pacjentów z gonartrozą.

Słowa kluczowe:
zimnolecznictwo, gonartroza, leczenie zimnem


Introduction. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of local cryotherapy treatment for range of motion in the knee joint in patients with osteoarthritis. In addition, analyzed potential changes in symptoms of pain patients. Material and method. The study group consisted of 50 of the patients and was homogeneous in terms of disease. The study involved 39 women and 11 men. Patients were subjected to 10 daily treatments local cryotherapy on the area of the knee. Before cryotherapy, patients were examined anthropometric, and BMI was calculated indicators. Was collected interview regarding comorbidities and examined pain according to VAS. In all patient performed to measure of range of motion in the knee joint using a goniometer. It was made before and after treatment.
Results. All patients who underwent a series of treatments there is a considerable improvement in flexion and extension of the knee. Considering the analysis of pain assessed by VAS in all patients demonstrated a significant reduction in the value indicated by the respondents on the scale after the series of treatments. Considering the range of flexion in the knee joint in both groups, both diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knee and polyarticular osteoarthritis, after a series of local cryotherapy treatments became significant improvement, while the range of motion in the knee extension improved more in the group diagnosed with polyarticular osteoarthritis. Conclusion. Local cryotherapy is a beneficial effect on the range of motion in the knee joint and reduction of pain in patients with gonarthrosis.

Key words:
cryotherapy, osteoarthritis, knee, cold therapy

Analysis of the cost of courses for physiotherapists in selected countries in Europe

Jan Szczegielniak, Barbara Szaro, Marek Kiljański

J. Szczegielniak, B. Szaro, M. Kiljański – Analiza kosztów kursów prowadzonych dla fizjoterapeutów w wybranych krajach Europy. FP 2013; 13(4); 24-30


Background. Physiotherapist who graduated is adequately prepared to work with the patient. However still new treatment options forcing therapist to continuous professional development.
Material and methods. Analysis includes 11 courses of special methods of physiotherapy. These courses are organized in most European countries taught by international instructors. Gained certificate entitles you to use a particular method in Europe.
Results. The highest courses prices are in Poland and the Czech Republic and are respectively 259% and 172,12% of average earnings. In all countries the highest price concerns the Bobath therapy method. The lowest price concerns Kinesio Taping course and Trigger Point therapy.

Key words:
specialized courses, the cost of courses, professional development

Risk assessment of falls by selected parameters of Berg balance scale in patients with acute coronary syndrome and after coronary angiography

Grzegorz Biliński, M. Wójtowicz, Małgorzta Fuchs, Jacek Soboń, Henryk Racheniuk, Jan Szczegielniak

G. Biliński, M. Wójtowicz, M. Fuchs, J. Soboń, H. Racheniuk, J. Szczegielniak – Ocena ryzyka upadków wybranymi parametrami skali Berg u chorych po ostrych zespołach wieńcowych i po koronarografii. FP 2013; 13(4); 19-23


The treatment and selected diagnostic tests performed inpatient cardiac patients often require immobilization. The procedures used in the treatment of these patients may have an impact on the control of postural and balance after immobilization and involve disturbances at the level of activities of daily living, preventing or hindering the maintenance of upright posture.
The aim of the study was to evaluate body balance control in patients with acute coronary syndromes and after coronary angiography
Examined 70 patients, including 35 after acute coronary syndrome treated with interventional cardiology ward of the Regional Medical Center. The study was conducted using a modified scale Berg showing deterioration in the balance in the group of patients who underwent angiography.

Key words:
Body balance, myocardial infarction, coronary angiography, BBS- Berg Balance scale, physiotherapy

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