USG-feedback – novelty in Polish physiotherapy

Tomasz Wolny, Edward Saulicz, Andrzej Myśliwiec, Michał Kuszewski, Mirosław Kokosz

T. Wolny, E. Saulicz, A. Myśliwiec, M. Kuszewski, M. Kokosz  – USG-feedback – nowość w polskiej fizjoterapii. FP 2012; 12(4); 293-304


Ultrasounds have been used in the physiotherapy for a long time, however up till now their application was connected with the therapeutic process. They are applied in the treatment of pain syndromes, in the course of degenerative diseases of peripheral and spinal articulations, neuralgia, soft tissue overload syndromes and after sport injuries. The ultrasound application for diagnostic purposes, as well as support for exercises (sonofeedback), is a new approach which takes its first steps in the Polish physiotherapy and arouses some controversies of the formal-legal as well as factual nature. The great value of the USG application in physiotherapy is primarily connected with the fact that it makes it possible to dynamically assess various tissues in real time at rest as well as during movement. It is a perfect tool to specify the functional diagnosis and to detect contraindications for a therapy. Its application both in a functional diagnosis as well as in a therapy improves the clinical analysis of the osteo-articulo-muscular system which is emphasized and recommended by many authors.
Applying the USG in physiotherapy is beneficial, both for the physiotherapists and their patients. For the physiotherapists – because it improves the efficiency and effectiveness of the therapy program and increases in the range of provided services and for the patients becouse of a significantly higher level of treatment.


Ultrasonography, sonofeedback, physiotherapy

Ocena skuteczności usprawniania pacjentów z dyslordozą szyjną z wykorzystaniem testów neurodynamicznych i zabiegów fizykalnych

Zbigniew Śliwiński, Agnieszka Zamczyk, Danuta Lietz-Kijak, Edward Kijak, Małgorzata Starczyńska

Zbigniew Śliwiński, Agnieszka Zamczyk, Danuta Lietz-Kijak, Edward Kijak, Małgorzata Starczyńska – Ocena skuteczności usprawniania pacjentów z dyslordozą szyjną z wykorzystaniem testów neurodynamicznych i zabiegów fizykalnych. FP 2013; 13(2); 15-21

Wstęp. Celem pracy była ocena skuteczności kompleksowego postępowania fizjoterapeutycznego usprawnianie pacjentów dyslordoza szyjną materiał i metody badania objęto grupę 40 osób, u których stwierdzono zmiany zwyrodnieniowe w obrębie szyjnego odcinka kręgosłupa. Grupa badana stanowiąca 20 osób została poddana serii zabiegów fizykalnych (biostymulacja laserowa i galwanizacja) oraz serii zabiegów mobilizacji i poizometrycznej relaksacji mięśni z ćwiczeniami izometrycznym. W grupie kontrolnej pacjenci korzystali tylko zabiegów fizykalnych (laser i galwanizacja). Oceny rezultatów zastosowanych terapii dokonano wykorzystując testy neurodynamiczne. Wyniki. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika że terapia zabiegami fizykalnymi połączonymi z neuromobilizacją i poizometryczna relaksacją mięśni z ćwiczeniami izometrycznym stanowi ważny element w terapii leczenia dyslordozy szyjnej. Przemawia za tym fakt zmniejszenia się średniego bólu odczuwanego przez pacjentów oraz zwiększenie ruchomości kręgosłupa szyjnego. Wnioski. Terapia dyslordozy szyjnej z wykorzystaniem zabiegów fizykalnych (biostymulacja laserowa i galwanizacja) połączona z neuromobilizacją i poizometryczna relaksacją mięśni daje lepszy efekt terapeutyczny niż usprawnianie tylko z wykorzystaniem metod fizykalnych. Kompleksowe postępowanie fizjoterapeutyczne przyczyniło się do zmniejszenia natężenia bólu oraz do poprawy ruchomości kręgosłupa w odcinku szyjnym.

Słowo kluczowe
dyslordoza szyjna, zabiegi fizykalne, testy neurodynamiczne,, usprawnianie, fizjoterapia, cervical hypolordosis, physical treatments, neurodynamical tests, improving, physiotherapy

Restitution of hand function as a result of the applied physical therapy in patients with de Quervain’s disease treated conservatively or surgically

Marek Pieniążek, Krzysztof Jamka, Jakub Szczechowicz

M. Pieniążek, K. Jamka, J. Szczechowicz – Restytucja funkcji ręki w następstwie zastosowanej fizjoterapii u pacjentów z chorobą de Quervaina leczonych zachowawczo lub operacyjnie. FP 2013; 13(3); 42-46


De Quervains disease involves inflammation clamping tenosynovitis abductor pollicis longus (APL) and exiensor pollicis brevis (EPB), which together fill the first of six compartments of the wrist extensors. Symptoms include pain in the area of the styloid process of the radius, and the limitation of active range of motion of thumb and wrist.
Aim: The aim of this study was to compare The effectiveness of physical therapy among patients with de Quervains disease
treated conservatively or surgically on a base of selected hand function parameters.
Material and Methods: Medical records of nearly 1,000 patients of Specialized Rehabilitation Hand Center in Cracow have been analyzed, among which 23 patients with de Quervains disease were identified. 16 of them were treated conservatively, and 7 – surgically. The study was conducted twice: on admission to the Centre (1st examinations) and at the end of rehabilitation 2nd examination). The results were analyzed statistically.
Results: A statistically significant improvement of function of specific movements and the global CMCP thumb joint total thumb function, hand and wrist function both in the group treated conservatively and surgically treated was pointed out. Improvement of Finkelstein’s test results were also statistically significant in both groups.
Conclusions: Adequate, individually chosen physiotherapy program is an effective tool in hand function restitution for patients with de Quervain’s disease treated conservatively or surgically.

Key words:
hand, de Quervain’s disease, physiotherapy, APL, EPB

Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) – neurosurgical method in treatment of spasticity in CP: the current state of knowledge

Monika Wolska, Marek Kiljański, Witold Rongies

M. Wolska, M. Kiljański, W. Rongies – Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) – neurosurgical method in treatment of spasticity in CP: the current state of knowledge. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(2); 66-75

Spasticity constitutes one of the main symptoms of Cerebral Palsy (CP), which has a negative influence on children’s activity, their participation in daily life, and it also impacts their functioning in the society. Chronic spasticity leads to the development of structural lesions in the muscles and in the connective tissue, and it contributes to an intensification of atrophy, rigidity, and finally contractures resistant to pharmacological treatment. Worsening comfort of life and problems with taking care of children with CP constitute other aspects, which justify searching for methods of permanent and effective treatment of spasticity.
The selection of an optimal treatment method for every patient depends on the following: location and extent of the injury, clinical symptoms, patient’s age, and available treatment methods. Selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR) is a method of surgical treatment of spasticity in children with CP. The procedure is irreversible, and it permanently reduces spasticity. There are still many controversies regarding qualification for the procedure, indications, or short-term and long-term effects. Over the years, there are more and more international clinical studies which confirm the beneficial effect of the procedure in terms of improving the functional state of the patients. The purpose of this paper was to gather and systematize the knowledge about the procedure itself, the qualification criteria, the applied research tools, and the post-surgery physical therapy protocols, as well as to present the effects of surgical treatment.

Key words:
Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy, SDR, physical therapy, spasticity, CP


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Physiotherapy in the treatment of fibromyalgia

Anna Mickiewicz

A. Mickiewicz – Physiotherapy in the treatment of fibromyalgia. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(2); 20-26

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder characterized by pain, sleep disturbances, fatigue, cognitive dysfunction and many other somatic symptoms, negatively influencing functional status and quality of life of the patients.
Non-pharmacological treatment, comprising exercises, physical agents, massage and manual therapy, should be the first-line treatment in patients with fibromyalgia.
The aim of this article is to present the up-to-date findings of the systematic reviews, meta-analyses and randomized controlled clinical trials, describing the efficacy of the physiotherapy treatment in patients with fibromyalgia.
Material and methods. The literature available in the PubMed and PEDro databases was reviewed regarding the possibility of using selected physiotherapy treatments in fibromyalgia. This review includes the results of the latest systematic reviews, meta-analyzes and randomized clinical trials, showing the effectiveness of selected physical exercises, physical agents and massage in patients with fibromyalgia.

Key words:
fibromyalgia, physiotherapy, exercises, physical agents, massage

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Judo as an alternative rehabilitation method in multiple sclerosis

Katarzyna Wiszniewska, Feliks Jaroszyk, Krystyna Opalko, Małgorzata Wiszniewska

K. Wiszniewska, F. Jaroszyk, K. Opalko, M. Wiszniewska – Judo as an alternative rehabilitation method in multiple sclerosis. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(1); 30-36

Objective. To evaluate the efectiveness of training judo as a part of a physiotheraphy programme in MS patients
Materials and methodology. 4 female RR-MS patients, aged between 32 and 49, have taken part in a 8-week programme. Their condition was evaluated twice – before and after the therapy. Two surveys have been carried out: one prepared by the authors of the study and Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale (MSIS-29). In order to evaluate the functional state the following methods have been used: Functional Reach Test, 10 m TW (Time Walking) test and the Lovett test (for the following muscles: rectus femoris, biceps femoris, rectus abdominis, deltoideus).
Results. After the therapy the most persisting ailments decresed considerably. The functional tests showed better results and the patients had a better phycological disposition.
Conclusions. Judo training improved both functional and psychogical condition of the patients in the rehabilitation group. The programme proved to be an alternative form of physiotherapy for MS patients.

Key words:
multiple sclerosis, physiotherapy, judo, physical activity


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Edward Madeyski’s pioneering activities for the development of physiotherapy, physical education and hygiene in Lviv in the years 1870-1906

Sławomir Jandziś, Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Maciej Łuczak

S. Jandziś, E. Puszczałowska-Lizis, Maciej Łuczak – Edward Madeyski’s pioneering activities for the development of physiotherapy, physical education and hygiene in Lviv in the years 1870-1906. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(4); 130-136

The authors, based on source materials and a few studies, present the activities of Edward Madeyski for the development of physiotherapy, physical education and hygiene in Lviv in the years 1870-1906. This doctor, by profession, and a passionate promoter of gymnastics, physiotherapy, hygiene, dietetics and healthy lifestyle, founded the theoretical basics of physical education. He represented the health-and-hygiene school, was a supporter of “rational gymnastics”, published the first Polish manuals for teaching gymnastics in schools. The main aim of the article is to present E. Madeyski’s little-known activity in the field of physiotherapy which he had been practicing since 1870 in his own Orthopedic Gymnastics Center in Lviv. Therein he treated children with musculoskeletal disorders, mainly with spinal curvatures, with the help of physical factors (therapeutic gymnastics, massage, orthopedic supports). Authors also present E. Madeyski’s activities as a teacher and promoter of physical education and hygiene in Galicia at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. His work gave rise to the development of the theory of physical education, gymnastics specialists training and the activity of orthopedic and gymnastic facilities. In recognition of his merits for many years of medical, pedagogical and scientific activity in 1889, the emperor awarded the title of professor to him.

Key words:
physiotherapy, healing gymnastics, history of rehabilitation


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The new Dynamic Spine Correction (DSC) device: indications and contraindications

Wojciech Kaczmarek, Paweł Łęgosz, Renata Szczepaniak, Anna Lipińska, Krzysztof Mucha

W. Kaczmarek, P. Łęgosz, R. Szczepaniak, A. Lipińska, K. Mucha – The new Dynamic Spine Correction (DSC) device: indications and contraindications. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(4); 62-72

The Dynamic Spine Correction (DSC) device (patent PL 229766; patent US 9,949,884 B2) was designed and constructed for the use in the spine physiotherapy. The device was produced by Bio.morph Ltd. as a result of the European Union Operational Program Innovative Economy for the 2007-2013 years.
The DSC proposes new methodology for the almost independent rehabilitation. Our method with the supervision of a physiotherapist can follow-up the osteo‑kinematics of the patient’s spine as the dynamically physiological joint play that being restored in blocked spine joints.
Thanks to the new diagnostic system there is also the possibility to: a) visualize the condition of the spinal column; b) register the parameters of patient’s therapy, as well as c) the results. Thanks to that, it is possible to evaluate the patient’s current condition and the progress of the therapy objectively.
Our innovative diagnostic and therapeutic methodology – namely Dynamic Correction and Mobilization of Spine and Postural Neuromuscular Re‑education – allows for an effective treatment of the spine disorders of different etiologies. Moreover it minimizes the potential risks for the patient’s, that results nowadays from therapeutic technologies used, as well as harmful materials and medicines with low specificity (e.g. painkillers).

Key words:
Back pain, DSC, dynamic spinal correction, physiotherapy, postural neuromuscular re‑education, spine

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Efficacy of selected physiotherapeutic procedures in the treatment of lumbar spine pain

Tomasz Miśkiewicz, Zbigniew Dudkiewicz, Robert Irzmański, Katarzyna Michalak, Elżbieta Poziomska-Piątkowska

Tomasz Miśkiewicz, Zbigniew Dudkiewicz, Robert Irzmański, Katarzyna Michalak, Elżbieta Poziomska-Piątkowska – Efficacy of selected physiotherapeutic procedures in the treatment of lumbar spine pain. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(3); 12-28

Aim of the study. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of selected sets of physiotherapeutic procedures for pain in the lumbosacral segment caused by degenerative disease.
Materials and Methods. The study involved 45 patients with pain syndromes within the lumbosacral spine, who underwent a series of physiotherapy treatments. The subjects were divided into four groups. Three groups were divided depending on the applied sets of physiotherapy treatments, while the fourth group (comparative) were those taking only non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for the duration of a series of treatments in the remaining groups. The patients were examined using the questionnaire of their own questionnaire, the SF-36 questionnaire (vol.2) of the short questionnaire version (Poland version), Lovett test, Laitinen scale and diagnostic tests (Laseque, Bragard, Thomayer). The tests were carried out immediately before the treatment series and two weeks after its completion.
Results. The subjects were aged 45-65. 71.1% were women and 28.9% were men. 13.3% of people were physically active. Spinal osteoarthritis was the cause of pain in all patients participating in the study. In the research group, a statistically significant difference was found between the results of the severity of pain, the level of muscle strength and the quality of life measured before physiotherapy and 2 weeks after its completion. In 90% of people participating in the procedures, an increase in muscle strength was obtained, whereas in the control group only in 6%. The improvement of the ranges of mobility in the discussed section of the spine concerned 46.6% of the subjects participating in the treatment series. In the comparison group, none of the patients improved their range of motion.
Conclusions. Physiotherapeutic treatments have a positive effect on the reduction of pathological symptoms of the lumbosacral spine. They have a positive effect on improving the quality of life, muscle strength, ranges of mobility and reducing or completely removing pain. Regardless of the applied set of physiotherapeutic treatments, they worked better than the intake of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs by patients.

Key words:
physiotherapy, degenerative disease, lumbosacral segment, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

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Physiotherapy in HIV/AIDS infected patients – case presentation, principles of prevention

Włodzisław Kuliński

W. Kuliński – Physiotherapy in HIV/AIDS infected patients – case presentation, principles of prevention. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(3); 6-10

Introduction. The first cases of the disease known as acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) were described in 1981. According to the WHO, more than 35 million people worldwide have been diagnosed with HIV since then. The number of HIV-infected individuals in Poland is estimated at 35 000. The disease is associated with changes involving, among others, the central and peripheral nervous system and the musculoskeletal system. Patients are referred for physical treatment due to lower limb paresis, disturbed sphincter function and coordination as well as acute articular pain.
Material and methods. The paper presents physical treatment and rehabilitation conducted in HIV-infected patients with these problems. The principles of preventing HIV infection in the staff of the Division performing the procedures are also described together with HIV infection prophylaxis.
Conclusion. The principles of prevention and timely preventive measures may help the staff avoid HIV infection.

Key words:
HIV/AIDS infection, physiotherapy, principles of prevention


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