The impact of nonlinear pedagogy on communication and skill acquisition

Hari Yuliarto, Pasca Tri Kaloka, Putri Prastiwi Wulandari, Hideaki Tanimoto

Hari Yuliarto, Pasca Tri Kaloka, Putri Prastiwi Wulandari, Hideaki Tanimoto – The impact of nonlinear pedagogy on communication and skill acquisition –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(1); 192-198


Study Purpose. The current investigation assessed the impact of hybrid nonlinear pedagogical models on skill acquisition and communication in physical education.
Methods. The intervention group was instructed in physical education applying hybrid pedagogical models for a duration of 12 weeks. Conversely, the control groups adhered to the physical education curricula of their respective schools. Scales for skill acquisition and communication, which had been previously developed for use with students, were implemented both prior to and subsequent to the program. Comparing the two groups required the application of paired sample t-tests, two-way and one-way analyses of variance, and a Pearson correlation analysis.
Results. In comparison to the control group, the intervention group demonstrated a substantial increase in communication and skill acquisition, according to the research findings. Enhancement of communication proficiency is observed in individuals who receive instruction through invasion game learning utilizing nonlinear pedagogy. The aforementioned conclusions are supported by the outcomes of paired sample t-tests, two-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and one-way ANOVA: F < 0.05 (F = 0.000 < 0.05) and ρ < 0.05 (ρ = 0.000 < 0, 05) respectively. Additionally, the Skill Acquisition ability exhibited an improvement subsequent to receiving the intervention based on nonlinear pedagogy and invasion game learning. The significance of this is supported by the outcomes of the paired sample t-tests, two-way ANOVA, and one-way ANOVA: F < 0.05 (F = 0.000 < 0.05) and ρ < 0.05 (ρ = 0.000 < 0.05), respectively.
Conclusions. The integration of hybrid nonlinear pedagogical models into physical education instruction through invasion games may facilitate students’ communication development and skill acquisition. The results of this study provide motivation for physical education instructors to implement instructional techniques. Additionally, research is conducted into the effects of nonlinear pedagogy
communication, skill acquisition, primary school students, nonlinear pedagogy
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The effect of a 12-week ‘Brain Jogging’ learning model on gross motor: locomotor skills

Willy Rizkyanto, Wawan Suherman, Hari Yuliarto, Galih Pamungkas

Willy Rizkyanto, Wawan Suherman, Hari Yuliarto, Galih Pamungkas – The effect of a 12-week ‘Brain Jogging’ learning model on gross motor: locomotor skills. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(3); 182-188


Study Purpose. The primary objective of this study was to test the effects of the ‘brain jogging’ learning model on basic locomotor movement abilities among elementary school students.
Methods. This research is a quasi-experimental study, employing a two-group pretest-posttest design. The ‘brain jogging’ based learning model was compared to traditional learning models, specifically direct instruction. The sample consisted of 30 fourth-grade students, divided into two parallel grades, A and B, both possessing similar characteristics in terms of age, average height/weight, sports learning material, duration, and timing of sports learning sessions. Students receiving the ‘brain jogging’ based learning model treatment attended twice a week and maintained a 90% attendance rate. Each game or activity is aligned with a specific goal related to a ‘brain jogging’ sub-training item. Data were analyzed using SPSS IBM 26. Initial steps included comparing descriptive data to the entire population size, and establishing the distribution of variables, the mean, and the standard deviation (SD). Subsequently, an independent sample t-test was utilized to ascertain the effect of 12 weeks of the ‘brain jogging’ based learning model on the experimental group.
Results. The mean difference in post-test scores between control and experimental groups was determined based on the significance level from the SPSS IBM 26 output (p < 0.05). The independent sample t-test revealed significant results in various categories: run (p = 0.000), gallop (p = 0.000), hop (p = 0.000), leap (p = 0.000), horizontal jump (p = 0.000), and slide (p = 0.009).
Conclusions. Based on the independent sample t-test results, the hypothesis is accepted. This indicates significant differences between the control and experimental groups. Statistically significant improvements were observed in run, gallop, hop, leap, horizontal jump, and slide abilities among elementary school students. The ‘brain jogging’ based learning model presents a promising approach to enhancing locomotor skills.

brain jogging, learning model, locomotor skill, elementary school, gross motor

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