Assessment of the effects of rehabilitation interventions for patients with rhematoid arthritis using biomechanical analysis of elbow function

Jolanta Rojczyk-Chmarek, Joanna Cieślińska-Świder, Krzysztof Gieremek, Wojciech Cieśla, Jacek Polechoński

J. Rojczyk-Chmarek, J. Cieślińska-Świder, K. Gieremek, W. Cieśla, J. Polechoński – Assessment of the effects of rehabilitation interventions for patients with rhematoid arthritis using biomechanical analysis of elbow function. FP 2015; 15(1); 36-47


Background. The aim of the investigations was to verify the effectiveness of a method of elbow function evaluation in patients with rhematoid arthritis. The method was expected to allow monitoring of disease progression and to help assess the effects of rehabilitation interventions.
Material and Methods. Cyclic flexion-extension movements in the elbow joint were examined in 82 individuals. The measurements were carried out with a computer-controlled unit for studying elbow movements (manipulandum). The study participants performed movements 1) of minimum speed, ie., the slowest possible movement, 2) of preferred speed consistent with patient preferences and habits, and 3) of maximum speed. The measurements were carried out before and after a 3-week rehabilitation program.
Results. The obtained results indicate that the rehabilitation intervention caused improvement in several parameters of the investigated movements. Movement amplitude (range of movement),  angular velocity (especially angular velocity of elbow extension) increased, the symmetry index decreased while no changes were observed in movement cycle duration for preferred and maximum speed.
Conclusions. The results indicate that this method of isokinetic movement evaluation allows objective assessment of articular pathologies and rehabilitation/pharmacotherapy outcomes. Our investigations suggest that, in order to obtain reliable information on the patient’s functional status, the measurements should be performed during preferred and maximum speed elbow movements. Information thereby obtained might be of considerable importance for selection of appropriate physiotherapy interventions.

Key words:
rehabilitation, elbow, biomechanical, rheumatoid arthritis

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