The perception of vertical and horizontal orientation in children with incorrect body postures

Anna Brzęk, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna

Anna Brzęk, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna – The perception of vertical and horizontal orientation in children with incorrect body postures. Fizjoterapia Polska 2008; 8(4); 445-453

Background. Maintaining a correct body posture depends on the proper processing and interpretation of sensory information furnished primarily by proprioceptors. Postural reflexes play an essential role in the maintenance of a vertical position. A key role is played here by the labyrinth and receptors situated in the ankle joint region. When the support plane is altered, they induce dislocations of the higher body parts to ensure balance. Proprioception is aided by visual control, which ensures spatial orientation. The aim of this paper was to examine the effect of changes in the support plane on the perception of vertical and horizontal orientation in children with scoliosis and those with correct body postures.Material and methods. Thirty children with scoliosis were examined. A control group consisted of 31 children with correct postures. The perception of vertical and horizontal orientation was assessed first in a standing position on a horizontal support plane, followed by four assessments with the supporting platform tilted in different directions.Results. The subjects (88.3%) performed the poorest when the platform was tilted in the direction of the curvature. The scoliotic children performed inferiorly compared to the controls. The differences depended partly on the degree, direction and location of scoliosis.Conclusions. 1. Inappropriate perception of the orientation of vertical and horizontal lines by scoliotic children appears to be one aspect of a more profound disturbance of postural reflexes 2. It is difficult to state at this stage whether these disturbances are the cause or the result of scoliosis.
Key words:
incorrect body posture, the vertical and horizontal lines orientation, postural reflexes
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The influence of external loading on weight compensatory changes and pelvic behaviour during walking in scoliotic children

Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Krzysztof Czupryna, Anna Brzęk, Małgorzata Domagalska, Andrzej Szopa

Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Krzysztof Czupryna, Anna Brzęk, Małgorzata Domagalska, Andrzej Szopa – The influence of external loading on weight compensatory changes and pelvic behaviour during walking in scoliotic children. Fizjoterapia Polska 2008; 8(4); 436-444

Background. Compensatory changes in the spatial arrangement of body segments are a characteristic sign of the development of scoliosis. Additional external loads may lead to intensification of existing signs in both static and dynamic conditions. The manner of carrying heavy objects on a daily basis is a key factor here. The aim of this paper was to assess some changes in static and dynamic parameters associated with carrying the school pack in children with scoliosis.Material and methods. Thirty-six children aged 8-15 years with low-grade scoliosis were examined. Foot pressure in static conditions was recorded using a force platform without additional loading, and with a 4 kg external load carried in a symmetric or asymmetric manner. Three-dimensional gait analysis was also performed using a Zebris® system. Parameters were registered during walking without and with the external load.Results. Signs of asymmetric foot pressures were observed that intensified during external loading of spine (both symmetric and asymmetric). These changes were not clearly related to body posture parameters. There were also signs of gait asymmetry that intensified during walking with asymmetrical external loading. The most marked changes were observed with respect to pelvis-related gait determinants. The magnitude of changes was related to the manner of carrying the school pack rather than to body posture parameters. Conclusions. External loads intensify the asymmetry of foot pressure distribution as a result of spontaneous and unpredictable compensatory dislocations. The manner of carrying the school pack is not irrelevant in children with scoliosis.
Key words:
scolioses, foot pressure, gait, locomotion, external loading, gait determinants
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The effect of derotation exercises on correction of spinal alignment

Anna Brzęk, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Janusz Nowotny

Anna Brzęk, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Janusz Nowotny – The effect of derotation exercises on correction of spinal alignment. Fizjoterapia Polska 2008; 8(4); 384-392

Background. Scoliosis is a three-plane defect. The correction of scoliosis should therefore be a global process involving all three planes, which, however, is not always the case with postural reeducation. More emphasis, especially in corrective exercises in schools, is placed on the correction of lateral curvatures in the frontal plane, elongation exercises, and exercises to strengthen the postural muscles, while the rotary component is usually ignored. The aim of this paper was to analyse derotation exercises and answer the question whether and how the correction of spinal alignment during derotation exercises results in immediate changes in body posture. Material and methods. 73 persons in two age groups (schoolchildren and adults) were examined. All participants had been diagnosed with scoliosis of the thoracic spine. Posture was assessed photogrammetrically in various free positions, following active spinal correction and during a derotation exercise using the bancho device.Results. There were considerable differences regarding active spinal correction between the children and adults. There was also a statistically significant correlation between age and the ability to actively correct spinal alignment during a derotation exercise. Conclusions. 1. The possibilities of active scoliosis correction are increased if the rotational component is also involved. 2. Derotation exercises are a significant element of corrective gymnastics, particularly in school-age patients.
Key words:
scoliosis, arrangement of body, derotation exercises
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Fizjoterapeuta – predyspozycje zawodowe. Poziom gibkości

Weronika Gallert-Kopyto, Andrzej Knapik, Dagmara Wasiuk-Zowada, Anna Brzęk, Małgorzata Domagalska-Szopa, Andrzej Szopa

W. Gallert-Kopyto, A. Knapik, D. Wasiuk-Zowada, A. Brzęk, M. Domagalska-Szopa, A. Szopa – Physiotherapist – occupational predispositions. Level of flexibility. FP 2016; 16(4); 130-140


Wstęp. Możliwie wysoki poziom sprawności funkcjonalnej jest nie tylko podstawą dobrostanu człowieka, ale odgrywa też istotną rolę w pełnieniu ról społecznych, w tym funkcji zawodowych. Wśród zawodów, gdzie sprawność fizyczna jest istotnym elementem jakości wykonywanej pracy, jest zawód fizjoterapeuty. Jedną ze składowych sprawności fizycznej jest gibkość. W zawodach cechujących się zmiennością pozycji oraz różnym obciążeniem wysiłkiem właściwy poziom gibkości wydaje się mieć szczególne znaczenie.
Cel pracy. Celem badań było określenie poziomu ruchomości (gibkości) tułowia wśród studentów fizjoterapii. Postanowiono również zbadać w jakim stopniu takie zmienne jak płeć, wiek, parametry morfologiczne, przeszła oraz aktualna aktywność fizyczna mają związek z prezentowanym poziomem gibkości.
Materiał i metody. Zbadano 341 osób: 289 kobiet (84,25% ogółu) i 52 mężczyzn (15,25%). Średnia wieku w badanej grupie wynosiła: 20.26 lat (SD=1.69) dla kobiet; 19.85 lat (SD=1.73) dla mężczyzn. Byli to studenci kierunku fizjoterapia.
Zebrano dane dotyczące wieku, przeszłości sportowej oraz aktywności fizycznej – według kwestionariusz Baecke. Wykonano pomiary antropometryczne oraz trójpłaszczyznowy pomiar gibkości kręgosłupa.
Wyniki. Odnotowano słabe związki parametrów morfologicznych z gibkością – tylko u kobiet. Aktywność fizyczna silnie różnicuje poziom gibkości u kobiet w płaszczyźnie strzałkowej (p<.05) i poprzecznej (p<.001; p<.002), podobnie przeszłość sportowa: płaszczyzna strzałkowa: p<.001 i poprzeczna strona lewa (p<.05). U mężczyzn tylko przeszłość sportowa różnicowała gibkość w płaszczyźnie poprzecznej dla strony prawej (p<.05)
Wnioski. Poziom gibkości jest zróżnicowany indywidualnie, szczególnie w płaszczyźnie strzałkowej. Płeć, wiek oraz parametry morfologiczne u młodych, dorosłych są słabo powiązane z gibkością. Przeszła oraz aktualna aktywność fizyczna wykazują korzystny wpływ na sprawność funkcjonalną tułowia.

Słowa kluczowe:
sprawność funkcjonalna, gibkość tułowia, aktywność fizyczna, trójpłaszczyznowa ocena gibkości, zawód fizjoterapeuty

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