Body temperature variability in thermal examinations under the influence of whole body cryotherapy (WBC) in patients with spinal pain

Anna Skrzek, Joanna Anwajler, Krzysztof Dudek, Agnieszka Dębiec-Bąk, Urszula Pilch

Anna Skrzek, Joanna Anwajler, Krzysztof Dudek, Agnieszka Dębiec-Bąk, Urszula Pilch – Body temperature variability in thermal examinations under the influence of whole body cryotherapy (WBC) in patients with spinal pain. Fizjoterapia Polska 2007; 7(3); 308-319

Background. Extremely low temperatures, due to physiologically beneficial body reactions, are used as a form of treatment, combined with kinesitherapy in many disorders and dysfunctions, connected with painful ailments. The effects of cryotherapy have been so far investigated using various methods including the thermal one. The objective of the paper was to analyze the temperature layout in various parts of the body and temperature changes under the influence of systemic cryotherapy among patients with spinal pain. The objective of the undertaken observation was also to compare temperature variability in an investigated group of healthy people. Material and methods. The research was conducted on 33 people, divided into two groups. The first group consisted of patients with spine ailments of various aetiology (degenerative changes, discopathy) at the age of 54 years on average. The second group consisted of healthy people at the age of 33 years on average. All of them underwent whole-body cryostimulation treatment in Cryotherapy Laboratory at the University of Physical Education in Wroclaw. The temperature of the whole body was recorded in all participants by a thermal video camera, type Thermo Vision A2OM before, soon after and 40 minutes after cryostimulation. Thermograms illustrated thermal maps of 29 selected parts of the body. Results and Conclusions. Thermal examinations demonstrated significant temperature changes during three successive examinations with great diversity depending on a part of the body. The differences in temperature changes in parts morbidly affected became apparent only after cryostimulation. Systemic cryotherapy caused significant pain relief in patients suffering from such painful spine ailments.
Słowa kluczowe
thermal examinations, systemic cryotherapy, spine disorders
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Use of isokinetic tests and bmd in musculoskeletal system evaluation

Anna Skrzek, Małgorzata Mraz, Marek Woźniewski

Anna Skrzek, Małgorzata Mraz, Marek Woźniewski – Use of isokinetic tests and bmd in musculoskeletal system evaluation. Fizjoterapia Polska 2008; 8(2); 128-138

Background. All elements of the locomotor system from an interconnected and interacting, biological and mechanical whole. The development, functioning and involution are mutually dependent. Studies of problems connected with the involution of the organs of locomotion help to explain and understand the most important determinants of these processes. The purpose of the present study was to demonstrate the utility of densitometric and isokinetic examinations for the assessment of changes in the organs of locomotion brought about by a pro-health exercise programme in women over 60 years old.Material and methods. The study group was composed of 46 women sged 60 or more who were subjected to a 4-monthpro-health exercise programme. Bone mineral density was measured in the proximal femur by DEXA. The densitometric studies were carried out in the Densitometry Unit of the Departament of Endocrinology, Diabetology and Isotope Therapy of Wroclaw Medical University. Strength measurements were performed using a Biodex System 3 Multi Joint isokinetic study unit (Biodex Medical System, New York, USA) located at the laboratory of the Physiotherapy Faculty of the University School of PHysical Education, Wroclaw. Concentric isokinetic tests for the trunk flexors and extensors and for the flexors and extenors of the knee were conducted in the sitting position.Results and Conclusions. The findings confirm a beneficial effect of this form of physical activity on the health of the components of the locomotor system examined in the study. There was a statistically significant improvement in most strength-velocity parameters examined in the muscles of the trunk and lower limbs. There was also a noticeable tendecy whereby the age-associated decrease in bone mineral density was slowed down.
Key words:
ageing, densitometry, isokinetic test
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Evaluation of body position dissymmetry in infants – comparison of clinical findings and podoscopic evaluation with PodoBaby infant evaluation unit.

Magdalena Pyzio, Dorota Wójtowicz, Anna Skrzek

Magdalena Pyzio, Dorota Wójtowicz, Anna Skrzek – Evaluation of body position dissymmetry in infants – comparison of clinical findings and podoscopic evaluation with PodoBaby infant evaluation unit. Fizjoterapia Polska 2010; 10(2); 156-164

Background. Early diagnosis and therapy of infants with central coordination disorder (CCD) ensure maximum therapeutic benefits of nervous system plasticity. Therefore, one of the main aims of modern paediatric physiotherapy is to create a system for objective and early diagnosis in order to enable early institution of appropriate evidence-based therapy. The aim of this study was to evaluate body position dissymmetry in infants on the basis of clinical findings and podoscopic assessment in healthy infants and infants presenting with CCD, thus constituting the first step towards objective evaluation of psychomotor development. The Podo Baby device for the assessment of infants registers the surface of contact with the infant’s body on the right and left sides in the prone and supine positions, thus allowing an assessment of the infant’s body position dissymmetry. Material and methods. The study involved two groups of infants: five healthy infants and five infants with a diagnosis of central coordination disorder. The diagnosis was made on the basis of Vojta’s clinical assessment and a podoscopic evaluation with the Podo Baby device.Results. This experiment showed a good fit between the results of the clinical and podoscopic evaluations. There was a difference in dissymmetry between the healthy and neurologically impaired infants. All healthy infants showed differences between body weight distribution percentages on the right and left sides of less than 18%, while the infants with CCD revealed differences of up to 66%. Conclusion. The Podo Baby device may make clinical diagnosis more objective.
Key words:
Podo Baby, dissymmetry of infants, paediatric diagnosis, central coordination disorder
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Wpływ terapii z wykorzystaniem nowoczesnych technologii na aktywność i wytrzymałość dzieci z mózgowym porażeniem dziecięcym

Emilia Wysoczańska, Anna Skrzek

E. Wysoczańska, A. Skrzek – The impact of technology-based therapy on activity level and endurance of children with cerebral palsy. FP 2017; 17(2); 100-111


Cel pracy. Celem pracy jest ocena wpływu terapii z wykorzystaniem zewnętrznego kontrolera ruchu, jakim jest Kinect (tzw. terapii z wykorzystaniem wirtualnej rzeczywistości), na sprawność funkcjonalną dzieci z mózgowym porażeniem dziecięcym na przykładzie trzech wybranych modułów terapeutycznych Tratwa (Raft), Wioślarz (Oarsman), Siłownia (Gym).
Materiał i metodyka. Do niniejszego projektu zaproszono czternaścioro dzieci w przedziale wiekowym 8-12 lat z rozpoznaniem mózgowego porażenia dziecięcego (MPD). Dzieci były poddawane rehabilitacji z wykorzystaniem tradycyjnych metod. Jednocześnie jako forma terapii wspomagającej, na okres dwóch miesięcy (w tym czasie wykonano trzy badania ), została włączona terapia z wykorzystaniem wirtualnej rzeczywistości. Dwa miesiące po zakończeniu terapii wykonano czwarty pomiar, kontrolny.
Wyniki i wnioski. Analiza wyników badań parametru aktywność, wykazała, że terapia dała pozytywne rezultaty, natomiast 2-miesięczna przerwa spowodowała spadek wyników w porównaniu z ostatnim pomiarem podczas terapii. W badaniu wytrzymałości nie uzyskano istotnej zmiany wartości w trakcie terapii. Być może należałoby wydłużyć czas trwania pracy dziecka z danymi modułami terapeutycznymi. W modułach Raft i Gym, w których pacjenci ćwiczą koncentrację, w czasie trwania terapii maleje wartość aktywności. Oznacza to, że pacjenci z biegiem czasu wykonują ćwiczenia uważniej i bardziej precyzyjnie. Wytrzymałość natomiast od drugiego pomiaru do czwartego wzrasta. W module Oarsman, w którym pacjenci ćwiczą szybkość, wartość aktywności od pierwszego do czwartego pomiaru rośnie. Pacjenci ćwiczą szybciej.

Słowa kluczowe:
rehabilitacja, wirtualna rzeczywistość, program SeeMe

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Evaluation of sitting position in infants

Dorota Wójtowicz, Maria Kubińska, Dariusz Miodoński,
Anna Skrzek

D. Wójtowicz, M. Kubińska, D. Miodoński, A. Skrzek – Evaluation of sitting position in infants. FP 2015; 15(2); 40-51


Introduction. Functional diagnostics of infants poses a great challenge to pediatricians, pediatric neurologists and physiotherapists. The study assessed the sitting position using the PodoBaby podoscopic station dedicated to the diagnostics of infants.
Objective.  The goal of the study was to assess the spontaneous motor activity of healthy infants in sitting position by analyzing the contact areas in podoscopic images.
Material and Methods. The study was conducted in a group of infants attending the “TONI” swimming school for infants and small children in Wrocław. A total of 25 sitting infants aged 8-16 months were included in the study.
Examination were carried out in sitting position using a large-dimensional PodoBaby podoscopic station dedicated to the diagnostics of infants.
Results and Conclusions.  Sitting described the size of the of the contact areas is correct as healthy as infants and in infants with very light CCD. Infants healthy sitting position is stable. Sitting infants with very light CCD is a little less stable than in infants healthy. Certain differences in the quality of infant healthy seated position relative to infants with very light CCD can provide the support of prevention activities in the field of body posture.

Key words:
baby sitting position, central coordination disturbance (CCD), podoscope

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