Core stability exercise versus movement control exercise in chronic mechanical low back pain – A systematic review

Ahmed Elhamy Koshek, Salwa Fadl, Nagy Ahmed Zaki Sabet, Hamed El-Khozamy

Ahmed Elhamy Koshek, Salwa Fadl, Nagy Ahmed Zaki Sabet, Hamed El-Khozamy – Core stability exercise versus movement control exercise in chronic mechanical low back pain – A systematic review. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(4); 74-78


Purpose. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of two types of therapeutic exercise: core stability exercises and movement control exercises in pain and function.
Methods. Thirty-five patients were diagnosed and referred to physiotherapy as CMLBP, their age ranged from 25–40 years old, patients divided randomly into two groups and assessed for their current level of pain using a visual analog scale (VAS) and for disability using Oswestry disability index (ODI) before and after the study. Both groups received a well-documented fully supervised exercise program as group I movement control exercise, and group II received core stability exercises. Results. Showed significant effect of both exercise approaches on reducing pain level and restoring function. Although the group I exercises showed to be more effective in reducing pain than group II, their difference regarding improving function was non-significant. Conclusion. Conservative forms of treatment (therapeutic exercises) still prove it is a successful, cost-effective treatment of choice in patients with chronic mechanical low back pain. Movement control exercises are superior in reducing pain to core stability exercises.

chronic mechanical low back pain, therapeutic exercises, functional training exercises, core stability exercises, movement control exercises

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Using the MTD control balance platform in intensive PNF-based rehabilitation of patients with various dysfunctions

Grzegorz Srokowski, Anna Srokowska, Wojciech Hagner, Jan Talar, Maciej Dzierżanowski, Urszula Kazimierczak, Ewa Rosa, Mikołaj Kurczewski

Grzegorz Srokowski, Anna Srokowska, Wojciech Hagner, Jan Talar, Maciej Dzierżanowski, Urszula Kazimierczak, Ewa Rosa, Mikołaj Kurczewski – Using the MTD control balance platform in intensive PNF-based rehabilitation of patients with various dysfunctions. Fizjoterapia Polska 2004; 4(1); 58-67


The diversity of available strategies enables the choice of the optimal method leading to effective and safe clinical work. One such strategy is the PNF concept, which is characterized by a holistic approach to the patient and his problems. This makes it possible to treat the patient in his/her own environment, using familiar behaviors and situations. This article describes examples of the use of the MTD Control Balance Platform as an auxiliary device in an intensive program of functional exercises based on the PNF concept. Seven patients are described, all treated at the Rehabilitation Clinic of the Rydygier Academy of Medicine in Bydgoszcz. The examples include neurological and orthopedic disorders, as well as sports injuries. Only the patient’s adaptation to independent living is proof of the effectiveness of rehabilitation. This effect can be achieved by conducting therapy in the patient’s own environment, using familiar behaviors and situations. The examples of PNF therapy selected for presentation here, supplemented with the patient’s independent exercising on the MTD Control Platform, satisfy these conditions and can be recommended.

Key words:

holistic approach, functional exercises, feedback

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Przykłady ćwiczeń funkcjonalnych zalecanych w profilaktyce zaburzeń posturalnych w płaszczyźnie strzałkowej u dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym i wczesnoszkolnym. Praca nad nawykami

Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Krzysztof Czupryna, Tomasz Ridan, Jerzy Rottermund

O. Nowotny-Czupryna, K. Czupryna, T. Ridan, J. Rottermund – Examples of functional exercises recommended in the prevention of prostural disorders in the sagittal plane in children of pre-school and early-school age. Work on habits. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(4); 14-25


Niedoskonałość postawy obserwowana u dzieci wieku przedszkolnym i wczesnoszkolnym jest stanem fizjologicznym i wynika z braku umiejętności stabilizacji odcinka lędźwiowego oraz sąsiednich segmentów ciała, a także z niedoskonałego jeszcze na tym etapie rozwoju czucia głębokiego. W efekcie dzieci w tym wieku mają problemy z zachowaniem stabilnego układu ciała podczas pozostawania w bezruchu oraz w trakcie wykonywania różnych czynności, a dla zachowania zrównoważonego układu ciała często przyjmują charakterystyczną postawę – z miednicą pochyloną w przód i barkami wysuniętymi do przodu. By stan ten z czasem nie przerodził się w nawyk nieprawidłowej postawy, należy zadbać o jak najwcześniejsze wyeliminowanie niekorzystnych sytuacji posturalnych, czemu służą proponowane w opracowaniu ćwiczenia funkcjonalne.

Słowa kluczowe:

niedoskonałość postawy, dysbalans mięśniowy, stabilizacja przestrzenna miednicy, pozycja aktywna, ćwiczenia funkcjonalne

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