Ultrasonography in physiotherapy and rehabilitation: A physiotherapist’s curriculum introduction.

Dominik Sieroń, Izabella Jabłońska, Maciej Kostrzewa, Dawid Lukoszek, Jan Szczegielniak, Rafał Trąbka, Karol Szyluk, Aleksander Sieroń


Dominik Sieroń, Izabella Jabłońska, Maciej Kostrzewa, Dawid Lukoszek, Jan Szczegielniak, Rafał Trąbka, Karol Szyluk, Aleksander Sieroń – Ultrasonography in physiotherapy and rehabilitation: A physiotherapist’s curriculum introduction. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(2); 104-111

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG0DF2DA



Ultrasound examination (USG) is becoming more popular among physiotherapists. The term “rehabilitative ultrasound imaging” (RUI) refers to the use of USG in the rehabilitation process. An examination (ultrasound) is used in physiotherapeutic therapy to evaluate the tissue and function of the musculoskeletal system. The real image allows for accurate observation and stimulation of the necessary muscles during kinesiotherapy, while measurements track the treatment’s progress. Furthermore, the ultrasound examination aims to assist the physiotherapist in making an early diagnosis of dysfunctional aspects that may necessitate consultation with another specialty, thereby reducing medical errors. Preparing an educational program and conducting training in accordance with established standards and guidelines will allow physiotherapists to be adequately prepared to perform ultrasound examinations and dispel any doubts about a physiotherapist’s competence and the possibility of performing ultrasound examinations in a medical setting.

Key words: ultrasound, rehabilitation, physiotherapy, diagnostics

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Factors determining the knowledge of women aged 30-40 from the Rzeszów poviat about urinary incontinence

Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Paweł Rychter, Marcin Wilczyński, Monika Banek

Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Paweł Rychter, Marcin Wilczyński, Monika Banek – Factors determining the knowledge of women aged 30-40 from the Rzeszów poviat about urinary incontinence. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(1); 198-206

Introduction. Urinary incontinence is any incident of uncontrolled leakage of urine from the urethra, regardless of the cause. The aim of the study was to assess the dependencies of se-lected factors with the level of knowledge about urinary incontinence in women.
Material and methods. The diagnostic survey using the author’s questionnaire covered 207 women aged 30 to 40 from the Rzeszów poviat, The data were analyzed based on Pearson’s Chi-square test (χ2).
Results. A statistically significant dependence was found between the level of education and the level of knowledge about urinary incontinence (p = 0.001).
Conclusions. Women with higher education have more knowledge about urinary incontinence than women with secondary and vocational education. Educational activities should be aimed mainly at women with secondary and vocational education. The elimination of risk factors should be encouraged, as well as the necessity of early diagnosis of urinary incontinence and immediate treatment.
Key words:
pelvic floor, urinary incontinence, prophylaxis, diagnostics, therapy
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The role of the visual apparatus in the early diagnostics and rehabilitation of disorders of the central nervous system

Zofia Prusiecka, Ludmiła Sadowska, Zbigniew Śliwiński

Zofia Prusiecka, Ludmiła Sadowska, Zbigniew Śliwiński – The role of the visual apparatus in the early diagnostics and rehabilitation of disorders of the central nervous system. Fizjoterapia Polska 2001; 1(1); 43-44

The authors present various symptoms that may indicate developmental disorders of the visual apparatus in connection with associations of the neuronal pathway with the sometimes very complicates reflex arches. The Direct Light Stimulation method (DLS) is presented, which may be helpful in the stimulation and rehabilitation of children with damage to the central nervous system.

Key words:
Vision, CNS injury, diagnositics, Rehabilitation

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Strategies of procedure in manual therapy

Tadeusz Kasperczyk, Robert Walaszek

Tadeusz Kasperczyk, Robert Walaszek – Strategies of procedure in manual therapy. Fizjoterapia Polska 2001; 1(2); 173-178

Orthopedic manual therapy is involved with treatable joint and bone disorders, i.e. dysfunctions characterized by blocking. Its scope encompasses all diagnostic, preventive, and treatment techniques involving the spine, the limbs, and all other joints.The purpose of this article is to discuss the principles and course of treatment in manual therapy, understood as particular strategies of procedure. This includes the techniques of therapeutic procedure within the framework of three periods: Period I, which involves procedures prior to mobilization or manipulation, in order to create the best possible conditions for this operation; Period II, which pertains to the actual operation (techniques) of removing the block; and Period III, which includes procedures subsequent to manipulation, both immediately after the operation and in a later period of time. The article discusses in detail the proper tasks for each of these periods. Contraindications for manual therapy are also listed.

Key words:
manual therapy, Diagnosis, manual techniques

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Injuries and diseases of the knee joint – diagnostic evaluation

Jerzy Widuchowski, Wojciech Widuchowski

Jerzy Widuchowski, Wojciech Widuchowski – Injuries and diseases of the knee joint – diagnostic evaluation. Fizjoterapia Polska 2004; 4(4); 297-306


In traumatic injuries and diseases of the knee joint establishing a correct diagnosis is a very important part of therapeutic management. In many cases it is not easy. The reason for this is the possibility of simultaneous injury of many different anatomical joint structures, and as a result the occurrence of clinical symptoms that vary in intensity and often overlap. In diagnostic procedures, the most important task is to establish which of the anatomical structures has been damaged as a result of acute or chronic trauma, and how extensive the loss of joint function actually is. Making a correct diagnosis in acute traumatic injuries of the knee should be done as quickly as possible. The present study contains an outline of diagnostic evaluation in traumatic injuries and diseases of the knee joint. Each part of this outline is fully discussed.

Key words:
knee joint, diagnosis, injury
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Pėdų defektai pirmųjų klasių mokinių iš Silezijos regiono

Paulina Głowacka, Marcela Przyłudzka

P. Głowacka, M. Przyłudzka – Foot defects in children attending first class of primary school in Silesian voivodeship. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(2); 94-105

Introduction. Foot defects concern ever-greater social group. They develop due to muscle weakening and the instability of ligament-capsular apparatus, thus leading to static and functional foot disorders. The habits of maintaining incorrect body position, lack of education in this field and of preventive measures are the factors conditioning triggering of the issue.
The aim of the work. Static analysis of the feet using plantokonturography in children aged from 7 to 10 and presenting the dependencies among sex, body mass and height (BMI) and the mentioned parameters.
Material and methodology. 30 children took part in the diagnosis, 15 girls and 15 boys from primary schools of Silesian voivodeship. In plantokonturography analysis four parameters have been taken into consideration: Clark’s angle index, “W” Wejsflog index, gamma heel angle, and hallux valgus alpha angle.
Results. The statistically important correlation between BMI and increased alpha and gamma angles have been observed. Lowered values of Clark’s angle index have been observed with all the examined. Population.
Conclusions. 1. With all the examined population the lowered foot arches have been observed. 2. Body mass, BMI, play significant role influencing foot longitudinal and transverse arches.

Key words:
foot defects, plantokonturography, diagnosis, foot arch


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Diagnostyka zaburzeń równowagi i chodu u pacjentów z chorobą Parkinsona

Maria Kłoda, Grażyna Brzuszkiewicz-Kuźmicka, Edyta Smolis-Bąk, Izabela Korabiewska, Monika Lewandowska, Dariusz Białoszewski

M. Kłoda, G. Brzuszkiewicz-Kuźmicka, E. Smolis-Bąk, I. Korabiewska, M. Lewandowska, D. Białoszewski – Diagnostics of Balance and Gait Disorders in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease. FP 2017; 17(2); 122-131


Choroba Parkinsona (Parkinson’s disease – PD) jest przewlekłym, postępującym schorzeniem ośrodkowego układu nerwowego człowieka. Należy do chorób zwyrodnieniowych i dotyczy głównie układu pozapiramidowego, a w szczególności istoty czarnej śródmózgowia [1]. Poza osiowymi objawami choroby Parkinsona do najważniejszych należy zaliczyć zaburzenia postawy i chodu. Nieprawidłowa sylwetka ma wpływ na późniejsze problemy z lokomocją i czynnościami samoobsługi [2].
Przed podjęciem działań fizjoterapeutycznych należy przeprowadzić szereg testów, które pozwolą na ocenę ilościową i jakościową chodu oraz testy związane z postawą pacjenta. Są to m.in. analiza chodu przeprowadzana na bieżni typu „Zebris” FDM-TDM wykorzystująca system baz danych WinFDM-T, system Vicon 460 do trójwymiarowej oceny chodu, testy Timed Up & Go, 10 metrów czy Tinetti.
Dane demograficzne wskazują na wzrost zapadalności na chorobę Parkinsona ze względu na stopniowe wydłużanie się życia społeczeństwa. Dlatego też tak ważna jest rehabilitacja i właściwa opieka nad chorymi.
W miarę postępu choroby pacjenci zaczynają odczuwać dyskomfort podczas wykonywania czynności dnia codziennego, w lokomocji i obniża się jakość ich życia. Ogromne znaczenie ma tu wdrożona fizjoterapia, której zadaniem jest jak najdłuższe utrzymanie sprawności ruchowej pacjentów w stopniu umożliwiającym samodzielne funkcjonowanie. Podjęta odpowiednio wcześnie istotnie wpływa na poprawę parametrów chodu u pacjentów z chorobą Parkinsona i opóźnia postęp choroby.

Słowa kluczowe:
diagnostyka, choroba Parkinsona, zaburzenia równowagi, zaburzenia chodu

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The use of pedobarographic examination in children – own experience and review of literature

Jacek Lorkowski, Oliwia Grzegorowska, Ireneusz Kotela

J. Lorkowski, O. Grzegorowska, I. Kotela – The use of pedobarographic examination in children – own experience and review of literature. FP 2014; 14(4); 46-51


A non-invasive method, that can be used to describe the underfoot pressure distribution during stance and gait, is pedobarography. This examination helps to describe biomechanics of motor system, especially foot pathologies, among children and adults. It has been used to assess and monitor the progress and effectivness of undergone treatment. In this article we describe chosen issues of pedobarographic examination in diagnostics and treatment of the motor system in children, in whom an appropriate therapy can be more effective than in adults.
In our opinion, pedobarography should be used more often and widely than now. Together with clinical and radiological examination, it can simply complement standard diagnosctics.

Key words:
foot, diagnostics, pressure, gait, children

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