The relationship between body constitution and body composition in young women

Milan Cabrić, Helena Krakowiak, Renata Janczak

Milan Cabrić, Helena Krakowiak, Renata Janczak – The relationship between body constitution and body composition in young women. Fizjoterapia Polska 2002; 2(1); 1-5

Introduction. The goal of our research was to explore the dependency between the body composition, broadly understood, and the type of body construction in young women. Material and methods. The study group consisted of 212 female students from three Bydgoszcz colleges, ranging in age from 18 to 25. the research was performed in the years 2000-2001 in the Department of Anthropology at the Academy of Medicine in Bydgoszcz. The somatotype of the subject was specified according to the method proposed by B. Heath and L. Carter, and the body was tested by segmental bioelectrical impedance analysis (SBIA). Results. In this study the higher correlation coefficient was achieved between the endomorphic component and fatty tissue (in kg and in percentage), fat distribution, and the BMI and Rohrer indices. Conclusions. There is a very diverse codependency between the selected body components and the type of body structure. However, the highest correlation occurs between the endomorphic component of body structure and the fatty tissue content, and a negative correlation between the ectomorphic component and the tested aspects of fat storage.

Key words:
somatoptype, Body Composition, correlation

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Cardio-pulmonary performance and the level of body fat in men of various ages

Renata Janczak, Milan Cabrić, Helena Krakowiak, Sławomir Jeka, Władmir Bożiłow

Renata Janczak, Milan Cabrić, Helena Krakowiak, Sławomir Jeka, Władmir Bożiłow – Cardio-pulmonary performance and the level of body fat in men of various ages. Fizjoterapia Polska 2002; 2(2); 140-144

Background. The main aim of this work was the study of correlation between oxygen uptake (VO2max) estimated by the PWC 170 test and adiposity. Material and method. The study group consisted of 31 men, whose ages ranged from 18 to 51. Body composition was estimated by the method of J. Paoižkova. The degree of adiposity was estimated by BMI (kg/m2) and fat distribution according to the WHR index. In order to estimate cardio-pulmonary efficiency, the cyclometric PWC170 test was performed. Absolute and relative oxygen uptake was estimated on the basis of the intensity of workload. Results. The examined men had an average height of 177.8 ± 5.2 cm, weight 89.6 ± 13.8kg. The average BMI was 28.3 ± 4.4. Fatty tissue accounted for 29.2% (26.7 kg) of the total body weight (LBW was 70.2%). In this group of men, the maximal absolute oxygen uptake was 3071.7 ± 535.6ml/min, and the relative oxygen uptake was 34.8 ± 4.5 ml/kg/min. The highest positive correlation was obtained between absolute oxygen uptake and fatty tissue content in kg and % (r = 0.790 and r = 0.752), body mass (r = 0.717), hip circumference (r = 0.709), and BMI (r = 0.702). High negative correlation was obtained between the age of the examined men and the relative and absolute oxygen uptake (r = – 0.858 and – 0.504, respectively).

Key words:
PWC170 test, VO2-max, Body Mass Index, fatty tissue

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Comparison of body constitution and body composition in female students in various fields of study

Milan Cabric, Helena Krakowiak, Renata Janczak

Milan Cabric, Helena Krakowiak, Renata Janczak – Comparison of body constitution and body composition in female students in various fields of study. Fizjoterapia Polska 2003; 3(3); 272-276


Background. The purpose of our research was to compare the body constitution and composition of female physical education students at the Bydgoszcz Academy to those of female students of other Bydgoszcz colleges. Material and methods. The study involved 52 female students of physical education at the Bydgoszcz Academy and 160 female students at the Academy of Medicine and the College of Hotel Management and Tourism in Bydgoszcz. The tests were performed in 2000-2001 at the Department of Anthropology of the Bydgoszcz Academy of Medicine. The somatotype of the subjects was determined by the method of B. Heath and L. Carter, and the body composition was tested by segmental bioelectrical impedance analysis (SBIA). Results. The physical education students were taller, had larger upper arm circumference without fat tissue, and showed a significantly smaller proportion of the endomorphic component in body constitution, in comparison to female students from the other colleges. In terms of body composition, also, apart from the percentage content of fat tissue, the physical education students achieved significantly higher values in the majority of the tested parameters. Conclusion. Female physical education students, as opposed to female students from the remaining colleges, were characterized by greater muscle mass, with a significantly smaller degree of body fat.

Key words:
Somatotype, Body Composition, body fat
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