Kraniosakralinės terapijos taikymas praktikoje

Małgorzata Wójcik, Katarzyna Placek, Bruno Bordoni,

Małgorzata Wójcik, Katarzyna Placek, Bruno Bordoni – Application of craniosacral therapy in practice. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(5); 136-144


Sisteminis įrodymų, susijusių su kraniosakralinės terapijos (KST) naudojimu praktikoje, vertinimas. Buvo ieškoma tokių anglakalbių elektroninių duomenų bazių kaip PubMed, Scopus, PEDro, Cochrane biblioteka. Žurnalų duomenų bazės peržiūra buvo atliekama 2023 m. kovo – birželio mėnesiais. Duomenų bazėse buvo ieškoma naudojant MeSH (Medicinos temų antraštės) terminus, raktažodžius ir loginius operatorius. Buvo atsižvelgiama į atliktų statistinių analizių rezultatus. Tik dvidešimt penki tyrimai atitiko įtraukimo kriterijus. Buvo pranešta apie teigiamus klinikinius rezultatus, įskaitant skausmo mažinimą, vaikų verksmo mažinimą, streso hormonų mažinimą ir bendros pacientų gerovės pagerėjimą. PEDro skalės metodologinės kokybės diapazonas buvo nuo 1 iki 11 taškų. Apžvalga rodo reikšmingą poveikį pacientų rezultatams/simptomams. Reikalingi daugiacentriniai tyrimai su bendra KST metodika didelėse grupėse.
Bandomųjų registracija: PROSPERO registracijos numeris: CRD42023430923
kraniosakralinė terapija, sveikata, alternatyvioji papildomoji medicina, terapija, skausmas
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Apatinės nugaros dalies skausmo pasireiškimas ir ginekologinės sutrikimai moterims, dalyvaujančioms equestrian sporte, ir šios stuburo stūmimojimo raumenų stiprinimas

Marta Siedlecka, Bartosz Aniśko, Katarzyna Placek, Małgorzata Wójcik


Marta Siedlecka, Bartosz Aniśko, Katarzyna Placek, Małgorzata Wójcik – Low back pain occurrences and gynecological disorders in female equestrians and strengthening of core stability muscles lumbar spine. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(4); 156-162


Įvadas. Moterys, užsiimantys mėgėjišku equestrian sportu, gali patirti stuburo skausmą ir diskomfortą apatinėje dubens srityje.
Tyrimo tikslas. Sukurtas tyrimo hipotezė, teigianti, kad mokymas raumenims, atsakingiems už stuburo stūmėjimą, gali teigiamai paveikti tiek apatinės nugaros dalies skausmo pojūčius, tiek ginekologines sutrikimus moterims, besivažinėjančioms arklių. Tyrimo tikslas buvo patikrinti šią hipotezę ir palyginti “Revised Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Scale” klausimyną lenkų kalba ir autoriaus klausimyną apie ginekologines skundus tarp tyrimo ir kontrolės grupių.
Medžiaga ir metodika. Tyrimas dalyvavo moterys (n = 23), užsiimantys equestrian sportu, jų amžius svyruoja nuo 22,23 ± 2,78 metų, tyrėjų grupė n = 11 ir kontrolės grupė n = 12. Naudojami klausimynai: “Revised Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Scale” ir autoriaus apie ginekologines negalavimus. Klausimynai buvo užpildyti prieš ir po treniruotės, skirtos stūmėjimo raumenims stiprinti. Kasdieniniai treniruotės vyko po pietų šešias savaites (kiekvieno pratimo atlikta 30 kartų).
Rezultatai. Rezultatai buvo pateikti grafikų pavidalu.
Išvados. Šešių savaičių stūmėjimo raumenų mokymas teigiamai veikia apatinės nugaros dalies skausmo mažinimą ir šiek tiek veikia ginekologinius skundus.
arkliavimas, skausmas, stūmėjimo raumenys, ginekologinės disfunkcijos
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Fizioterapinė vertinimo praktika ginekologijoje

Małgorzata Wójcik, Katarzyna Placek, Renata Szczepaniak


Małgorzata Wójcik, Katarzyna Placek, Renata Szczepaniak – Physiotherapeutic assessment in gynecology. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(4); 54-64


Įvadas. Dažnai ginekologinės ligos pasireiškia skausmu. Raumenų ir skeleto sistemos sutrikimai gali sukelti simptomus, kurie gali imituoti vidaus organų ligas, taip pat vidaus organai gali imituoti raumenų ir skeleto sistemos funkcijos sutrikimų simptomus. Esant vykstančiam ligos procesui konkrečiame vidaus organe, gali būti suaktyvintas refleksinis atsakas iš raumenų ir skeleto sistemos, pavyzdžiui, stuburo sąnarių užblokavimas atitinkamo organo stuburo segmente. Tikslas.
Šio tyrimo tikslas yra pristatyti fizioterapinį dubens funkcionalinį diagnozavimą ginekologijoje.
Medžiaga ir metodai. Dvi nepriklausomos apžvalgos autoriai ieškojo medicininių ir viešųjų duomenų bazių, tokių kaip PubMed, Scopus ir PEDro, naudodami paieškos terminus ir MeSH žymas, tokiu būdu kaip fizioterapija, funkcionalinis diagnozavimas, funkcionalinis vertinimas, ginekologija. Įtraukimo kriterijus buvo straipsnis, paskelbtas peržiūrimame žurnale, be apribojimų dėl publikacijos metų. Nenustatyta jokių apribojimų dėl publikacijos kalbos. Žurnalo duomenų būklė buvo peržiūrėta 2023 m. gegužės ir birželio mėn.
Išvados. Mokslinėse publikacijose trūksta aprašymų apie funkcionalųjį fizioterapinį tyrimą ginekologijoje, įskaitant pozą ir dubens tipus.
fizioterapija, funkcionalinis vertinimas, ginekologija
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Study on the level of professional satisfaction of students of physiotherapy after one year of studying remotely in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic

Katarzyna Placek, Beata Skolik, Renata Szczepaniak, Artur Polczyk, Katarzyna Walicka-Cupryś, Małgorzata Wójcik, Roksana Malak, Ewa Rakowicz, Agnieszka Dąbek-Szwajlik, Tomasz Maicki, Anna Lipińska, Anna Boguniecka, Michał Przybylski, Piotr Chyliński, Janusz Doś, Sebastian Niżnik, Dominik Starski, Mirella Kozakiewicz

Katarzyna Placek, Beata Skolik, Renata Szczepaniak, Artur Polczyk, Katarzyna Walicka-Cupryś, Małgorzata Wójcik, Roksana Malak, Ewa Rakowicz, Agnieszka Dąbek-Szwajlik, Tomasz Maicki, Anna Lipińska, Anna Boguniecka, Michał Przybylski, Piotr Chyliński, Janusz Doś, Sebastian Niżnik, Dominik Starski, Mirella Kozakiewicz – Study on the level of professional satisfaction of students of physiotherapy after one year of studying remotely in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(4); 154-161


The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in an almost immediate need to limit social contact, including access to full-time education.
Teaching in the 2020/2021 academic year relied almost entirely on remote education. Medical students felt the problem of the lack of student-patient contact in particular. Internships and apprenticeships were kept to a minimum, and in many universities there were no apprenticeships, which also translated into the lack of acquisition of practical knowledge, which is very important in the work of a future medic.
The study covered students from all voivodeships. The nationwide character of the study made it possible to obtain objective results.
The objective of the study was to examine the level of satisfaction and acquired skills of students of the medical faculty, i.e. physiotherapy within remote education.
The results of the study and the literature review show that the preferred form of education in medical faculties is a mixed form of education, and student satisfaction with the remote form is rather low. It has been shown that this method of education does not lower the level of satisfaction, and at the same time has a positive effect on the economic aspect of studying.

Key words:
student satisfaction, physiotherapy, remote learning, COVID-19 disease

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Physiotherapist – a medical profession of public trust. Do the rules for preparing physiotherapeutic documentation contradict this…?

Tomasz Pęcherz, Mateusz Curyło, Marcin Mikos, Katarzyna Placek, Dariusz Lusina, Jan W. Raczkowski, Monika Urbanik

Tomasz Pęcherz, Mateusz Curyło, Marcin Mikos, Katarzyna Placek, Dariusz Lusina, Jan W. Raczkowski, Monika Urbanik – Fizjoterapeuta – zawód medyczny zaufania publicznego. Czy zasady sporządzania dokumentacji fizjoterapeutycznej temu przeczą…?. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(4); 102-105


The Act on the profession of physiotherapist constitutes the profession of physiotherapist as a medical profession of public trust, the authors subject to legal analysis whether, in accordance with this Act, other legal acts properly qualify the above competences granted under the Act.

Key words:
act on the profession of physiotherapist, medical profession of public trust, medical documentation, medical law in physiotherapy

Article only in Polish language

Patellar dislocation – conservative or surgical treatment

Dariusz Lusina, Mateusz Curyło, Marcin Mikos, Katarzyna Placek, Jan W. Raczkowski

Dariusz Lusina, Mateusz Curyło, Marcin Mikos, Katarzyna Placek, Jan W. Raczkowski – Patellar dislocation – conservative or surgical treatment. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(4); 28-31


Patellar dislocation is an emergency, requiring immediate medical intervention, followed by the cooperation of the orthopedist and physiotherapist in returning to full health, as well as reducing the risk of relapse. The kneecap is an integral part of the knee joint and is responsible for its proper functioning. Among the methods of treatment used, there are conservative and surgical methods. The article is an attempt to answer the question whether there is an advantage of some methods over others. Materials available on the PubMed and Cochrane Library websites were used to obtain answers to the question asked. Due to different standards of management, the advantage of surgical over conservative has not been established, but there are researchable factors that may help in making therapeutic decisions.

Key words:
patellar dislocation, conservative treatment, surgical treatment

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Sacro-lumbar orthosis in lower back pain syndromes – literature review

Mateusz Curyło, Tomasz Urbański, Agnieszka Ciukszo, Katarzyna Placek, Dariusz Lusina, Marcin Mikos, Jan W. Raczkowski

Mateusz Curyło, Tomasz Urbański, Agnieszka Ciukszo, Katarzyna Placek, Dariusz Lusina, Marcin Mikos, Jan W. Raczkowski – Sacro-lumbar orthosis in lower back pain syndromes – literature review. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(3); 164-168


Purpose of study. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of sacral-lumbar orthoses on the occurrence of pain in patients with low back pain (LBP) and the effects of these orthoses on the muscles that stabilize the trunk based on the available literature.
Methods. For the purpose of this study, the following databases were searched: Pubmed, Scopus, ScienceDirect, Medline, and others using the Google Scholar search engine using the following keywords: low back pain, lbp exercise, low back pain epidemiology, low back pain orthosis, low back pain therapy, LBP treatment, lumbar sacral orthosis.
Results. 26 of the 92 articles searched by the above method were analyzed in relation to the subject of the use of sacral-lumbar orthoses in patients with spinal pain syndrome. The analysis did not show that wearing a corset negatively affects muscle strength. Most current studies recommend using a corset in combination with exercise and/or pharmacotherapy for LBP.
Conclusion. There are not enough studies to conclusively determine the effect of lumbar sacral orthoses on the sensation of pain in the lumbar spine. Among the main limitations of the analyzed studies are difficulty in measuring pain, as pain is a subjective sensation, and the significant number of possible causes of LBP, which are sometimes difficult to specify.

Key words:
sacral-lumbar orthosis, spinal pain syndrome, lower back pain

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3D printed orthosis supporting rehabilitation of children with nervous system disorders

Agnieszka Ciukszo, Mateusz Curyło, Katarzyna Placek, Dariusz Lusina, Jan W. Raczkowski

Agnieszka Ciukszo, Mateusz Curyło, Katarzyna Placek, Dariusz Lusina, Jan W. Raczkowski – 3D printed orthosis supporting rehabilitation of children with nervous system disorders. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(3); 52-58


The main task of orthoses in neurological diseases is stabilization, correction and improvement of gait function. Orthoses actively support the work of muscles by proper alignment of individual body segments in relation to each other to facilitate the performance of the planned function. During upright standing, the task of the orthosis is to keep the upper ankle in a fixed, intermediate position, usually at an angle of 90°. This increases the base of support provided by the feet flat on the ground. Stabilization in the joints gives a chance to maintain the correct length of the muscles, and thus protects against contractures. Individual orthoses are used during upright standing and to improve the gait function with dedicated footwear. The brace widens the contour of the foot, so the footwear for orthoses is usually wider than the standard one, but it cannot be longer than the brace. One of the leading guidelines in gait analysis used in children with gait disorders are the criteria adopted by the Rancho Los Amigos Hospital. Despite the complexity of the problems with gait that patients report to a physiotherapist, a simple strategy should be adopted when it comes to securing with the orthosis. The role of orthopedic equipment is to support muscle failure by obtaining a stable stance phase.

Key words:
3D printing, 3D orthoses, CP (cerebral palsy), spina bifida, SMA, gait analysis

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Life quality of patients with idiopathic scoliosis treated with Chenêau Brace

Tomasz Urbański, Mateusz Curyło, Karina Rożek, Dariusz Lusina, Katarzyna Placek, Jan W. Raczkowski

Tomasz Urbański, Mateusz Curyło, Karina Rożek, Dariusz Lusina, Katarzyna Placek, Jan W. Raczkowski – Life quality of patients with idiopathic scoliosis treated with Chenêau Brace. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(2); 136-143


Objective. The main objective of this study was to determine the effect of wearing a Chêneau brace on the quality of life of patients with idiopathic scoliosis.
Methodology. The study used a short questionnaire that consisted of 12 questions – 4 questions about demographics and 8 questions about quality of life. The investigated aspects of life included difficulty in performing daily activities, feelings of embarrassment, sleep discomfort, irritability, and patients’ perceived benefits of this treatment procedure. Questionnaires were filled during follow-up visits. The study was conducted on a group of 30 patients aged 9–16 years treated for at least 6 months. Among the respondents there were 22 females and 8 males.
Results. Despite the small study group, the results of the statistical analysis confirmed the hypothesis that the brace significantly affects the quality of life of patients and has a greater impact on the quality of life of the female gender due to the disruption of aesthetics and the associated sense of shame. An association was observed between the sense of shame related to wearing a brace and the desire to “hide” the brace under clothing, as well as the perception of the benefits of wearing a brace and a lower sense of shame.
Conclusion. In the processes of rehabilitation and treatment of the patient with idiopathic scoliosis, a holistic approach that considers not only activities related directly to physiology, but also to patients’ well-being and quality of life is important.
Key words:
idiopathic scoliosis, Chêneau brace, quality of life
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