Fractures of the condylarprocess of the mandible – the use of comprehensive manual therapy in the reduction of postoperative complications

Szymon Tyszkiewicz, Dominik Szczeciński, Anna Lichnowska, Marta Tyndorf, Marcin Kozakiewicz

Szymon Tyszkiewicz, Dominik Szczeciński, Anna Lichnowska, Marta Tyndorf, Marcin Kozakiewicz – Fractures of the condylarprocess of the mandible – the use of comprehensive manual therapy in the reduction of postoperative complications. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(3); 80-87

Condyloid process fractures are a serious injury to the temporomandibular joints, and the surgical supply of tissues intensifies the occurrence of certain disorders.
These Rehabilitation performed was proposed as a result of complications following surgical reconstruction of broken condyloid process of the mandible. The rate and amount of edema reduction were assessed. Changes in the movement of temporomandibular joints and complex movement of the cervical spine were measured. The rate and extent of reinnervation and the level of pain were controlled.
Mobility of joints and functional abilities of the surrounding systems have significantly improved. The function of the facial nerve has been restored to a small sensory-motor disorder.

Key words:
condyloid process, facial nerve, manual therapy, dental physiotherapy, postoperative disorders

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Evaluation of the effectiveness of manual techniques and dynamic taping in the reduction of postoperative complications after surgical treatment of orthognathic defects

Szymon Tyszkiewicz, Marcin Kozakiewicz, Marta Tyndorf, Dorota Kościelniak

S. Tyszkiewicz, M. Kozakiewicz, M. Tyndorf, D. Kościelniak – Evaluation of the effectiveness of manual techniques and dynamic taping in the reduction of postoperative complications after surgical treatment of orthognathic defects. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(3); 146-157

Aim of the study. Evaluation of the effectiveness of manual techniques and dynamic taping in the reduction of postoperative complications after surgical treatment of orthognathic defects.
Material and methods.50 people were qualified for the tests. These people were between the ages of 16 and 39. They were rehabilitated as a result of the surgical treatment of orthognathic defects. These patients were hospitalized due to postoperative complications such as tissue contractures, adhesions and scars, disturbances in joint mobility of the temporomandibular region and the cervical spine, lymphatic edema and nerve conduction disorders in the facial area. In a few people, additional blood bruising was found.
Dynamic taping was performed for two weeks postoperatively, treatments with massage and manual therapy twice a week (45-60 min. – time of a particular visit) for a period of 3 months, starting from the first week after surgery. The results of the therapy were supported by patients performing the recommended exercises. The rate and amount of edema reduction were assessed. Changes in the movement of temporomandibular joints and complex movement of the cervical spine were measured. The rate and extent of reinnervation and the level of pain were controlled. The Pietruski’s, House and Brackmann’s scales, VAS and linear measurements were used for the assessment.
Results.The average range of mobility in the field of temporomandibular joints and the cervical spine was improved in all examined spatial axes. The edema was significantly reduced, remaining after 3 months of therapy only at the averaged value of 8% of the baseline value.Sensory as well as motor fibers in the reinnervation process regained their functions. Their average state described by Pietruski’s scale results is about 26 points, which in the descriptive assessment corresponds to a small paresis.Post-operative haematomas were absorbed within two weeks of the operation.Pain in patients decreased from 7 points at the beginning of therapy, to 3 points after three weeks (average values). The total reduction occurred on average after 5 weeks.
Conclusions. The therapeutic process carried out had a significant influence on the results achieved. These data are comparable with the results presented in the scientific literature, describing similar issues. The results achieved are statistically significant (p <0.05), referring them to the results of people in the comparative group. As a result of the implemented comprehensive therapy, biomechanics and mobility in temporomandibular joints and spine joints were restored to physiological conditions. The performance of the lymphatic system has increased. The pain sensations have been reduced. There were no significant disturbances in the area of facial expressions and the work of sensory branches on the face. Fascial adhesions and scars have been released, to a condition that does not hinder the return to normal daily activity.

Key words:
orthognathic defects, dental physiotherapy, manual therapy, dynamic taping

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Implementation of manual physiotherapeutic activities as an important element of supporting surgical treatment in congenital malformations of the bite and temporomandibular joints – case report

Szymon Tyszkiewicz, Marta Tyndorf, Krzysztof Dowgierd

S. Tyszkiewicz, M. Tyndorf, K. Dowgierd – Implementation of manual physiotherapeutic activities as an important element of supporting surgical treatment in congenital malformations of the bite and temporomandibular joints – case report. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(3); 38-45

Introduction. Surgical procedures used to treat congenital craniofacial malformations may give rise to complications, resulting in impaired function of the stomatognathic system. Reconstructive correction of subsequent defects may require multi-disciplinary skills, including those of maxillofacial and microsurgery, orthodontics, speech therapy and physiotherapy. The purpose of reconstruction to restore function can be divided into two stages: firstly the establishment of correct anatomical relationships in the facial skeleton and secondly the restoration of function of individual structures of the stomatognathic system, together with the stabilisation of both function and appearance. The latter is fundamentally associated with supportive physiotherapy.
Aim of the study. The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of physiotherapy in the process of restoring motor functions in the stomatognathic system in a patient treated for disorders of the masticatory apparatus.
Material and methods. The article presents an account of supportive physiotherapy utilised in the healing process. The case study presented is that of a patient with congenital ankylosis of the temporomandibular joints. The patient presented in the maxillofacial department for surgical joint treatment and with associated in activity in the musculature of this region. Initial treatment involved bilateral arthroplasty with prosthetic arthroplasy, after which it was possible to proceed to restoration of functional speech. The provision of physiotherapy over a timescale of six months achieved reduction of oedema, development of the expected range of movement, reduction of pain and the achievement of deglutition.
Results. Results were maintained through continuation of therapeutic procedures, since periods of reduced activity are associated with loss of function. In order to increase functional capacity and achieve stability, the patientis to undergo microtransplantation (cable grafts) and orthodontic treatment to achieve full centricocclusion. Speech therapy and physiotherapy will also be continued.
Conclusions: Supportive physiotherapy should be a key element of treatment of patients after maxillofacial procedures, regardless of whether this is due to injury, congenital malformation ororthognathic procedures.

Key words:
arthroplasty, ankylosis, dental physiotherapy, temporomandibular joint

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Metoda limfatyczna plastrowania dynamicznego w walce z obrzękiem twarzy po operacjach na szkielecie części twarzowej czaszki – doniesienie wstępne

Marta Tyndorf, Marcin Kozakiewicz, Jakub Winerowicz

M. Tyndorf, M. Kozakiewicz, J. Winerowicz – Lymphatic kinesiology taping technique as the method of treatment against the swelling of a face after surgeries in the craniofacial area – preliminary report. FP 2016; 16(1); 88-98

Współczesna chirurgia szczękowo-twarzowa za cel nie stawia sobie wyłącznie przywracania funkcji układu stomatognatycznego i twarzy, ale również przywracanie ich harmonii i poprawę estetyki. Stale narastające tempo życia oraz chęć pacjentów do jak najszybszego powrotu do pełnej sprawności wymusza na członkach zespołu terapeutycznego szukanie nowych możliwości skrócenia czasu rehabilitacji, a w tym sposobów na redukcję obrzęków. Istnieje szereg metod walki z zastojem chłonki, ale często nie dość, że nie są wystarczająco skuteczne, to obarczone są ryzykiem szeregu poważnych działań ubocznych. W związku z tym nieustannie poszukuje się nowych metod redukowania obrzęku, jedną z nich jest metoda limfatyczna plastrowania dynamicznego.
Cele. Ocena wpływu metody limfatycznej plastrowania dynamicznego na dynamikę obrzęku twarzy  u pacjentów operowanych z powodu urazów i wad części twarzowej czaszki.
Materiał i metoda. Do badania włączeni zostali pacjenci Kliniki Chirurgii Szczękowo-Twarzowej Uniwersyteckiego Szpitala Klinicznego im. WAM-CSW w Łodzi leczeni z powodu urazów oraz wad gnatycznych w okresie od 31.08.2013 do 30.06.2014. Na podstawie randomizacji utworzono 22 osobową grupę badawczą i 19 osobowoą grupę kontrolną. W grupie badanej stosowano aplikację metodą limfatyczną plastrowania dynamicznego, a następnie w obu grupach dokonywano pomiarów obrzęku twarzy w 1,2,5 oraz 10 dobie po zabiegu. Wyniki poddano analizie statystycznej.
Wyniki. W grupie chorych przeważali mężczyźni (68%) w średnim wieku 34,2 lata. Wykazano znaczący wpływ plastrowania dynamicznego na dynamikę powstawania obrzęku pooperacyjnego. Powodowało ono jego stopniową redukcję do uzyskania 75% poprawy w 10 dobie po zabiegu, podczas, gdy w grupie kontrolnej początkowo obserwowano narastanie obrzęku i znacznie mniejszą jego redukcje w końcowej fazie badania.
Wnioski. Metoda limfatyczna plastrowania dynamicznego wykazuje pozytywny wpływ na redukcję obrzęku pooperacyjnego twarzy i wskazane jest dalsze badanie wpływu tej metody na rehabilitacje pacjentów operowanych w obrębie części twarzowej czaszki.

Słowa kluczowe:
obrzęk, chirurgia szczękowo-twarzowa, kinesiology taping, złamanie, chirurgia ortognatyczna

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