Robotų pagalba vykdomo ėjimo mokymo dažnumo įgyvendinamumo ir poveikio vaikų, sergančių diplegine cerebrine paralyže, ėjimo funkcijoms tyrimas – Vienas aklas, atsitiktinės imties pilotinis tyrimas

Moza Obaid Saeed Alyahyaee, Jinwoong Cheong, Meeyoung Kim

Moza Obaid Saeed Alyahyaee, Jinwoong Cheong, Meeyoung Kim – The feasibility and effect of robot-assisted gait training frequency on gait functions in children with cerebral palsy – A single blinded, randomized pilot study –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(1); 297-303


Įvadas. Šio tyrimo tikslas yra ištirti robotų pagalba vykdomo ėjimo mokymo (RAGT) dažnumo įgyvendinamumą ir poveikį vaikų, sergančių diplegine cerebrine paralyže (CP), ėjimo funkcijoms. Mes hipotetizavome, kad RAGT su padidintu dažnumu (4 kartus per savaitę) duos didesnių pagerėjimų nei RAGT su įprastiniu dažnumu (2 kartus per savaitę).
Medžiaga ir metodai. Keturiolika dalyvių, sergančių diplegine CP, buvo priskirti dviem grupėms, kurios gavo tik RAGT skirtingais dažnumais. Gydymo grupė (TG) gavo 24 sesijas, o kontrolinė grupė (CG) per 6 savaites gavo tik 12 sesijų. Buvo vertinamas bendrasis motorinių funkcijų matavimas (GMFM) D, GMFM E, ėjimo atstumas (6 minučių ėjimo testas), greitis (10 metrų ėjimo testas), pusiausvyra (Vaikų pusiausvyros skalė) ir ėjimo kokybė (Edinburgo vizualaus ėjimo įvertinimas). Duomenys buvo renkami du kartus, prieš ir po RAGT intervencijos laikotarpio. Taip pat buvo vertinamas įgyvendinamumas pagal saugumą, verbavimo, laikymosi ir prisirišimo rodiklius.
Rezultatai. Abu grupėse buvo reikšmingas pagerėjimas GMFM D, GMFM E, ėjimo atstume, pusiausvyroje ir ėjimo kokybėje (p < 0,05). Tik TG grupėje žymiai pagerėjo ėjimo greitis. Skirtumas ėjimo kokybėje buvo didesnis TG grupėje (p < 0,01) palyginti su CG grupe (p < 0,05). Verbavimo rodiklis buvo 70%. 100% verbuotų dalyvių laikėsi ir vykdė intervenciją. Neigiamų reiškinių nebuvo pranešta.
Išvada. RAGT su padidintu dažnumu gali sukelti didesnį ėjimo funkcijų pagerėjimą nei RAGT su įprastiniu dažnumu vaikams, sergantiems diplegine CP.
Raktiniai žodžiai
reabilitacija, robotika, vaikščiojimas, cerebrinė paralyžė
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Virtuali realybė prieš balanso bėgį vaikų, sergančių spastine hemiplegine cerebrine paralyže, vaikščiojimo našumui: Atsitiktinis kontroliuojamas palyginamasis tyrimas

Mohanad M. Madboly, Khaled A. Olama, Hamada E. Ayoub, Doha H. Al-Afify, Doaa Saeed, Walaa A. Abd El-Nabie

Mohanad M. Madboly, Khaled A. Olama, Hamada E. Ayoub, Doha H. Al-Afify, Doaa Saeed, Walaa A. Abd El-Nabie – Virtual reality versus balance beam on walking performance in children with spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy: A randomized controlled comparative trial –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(1); 222-228


Įvadas. Virtuali realybė ir balanso bėgis plačiai pripažįstami kaip labai sėkmingas metodas, skirtas gerinti balansą bei vaikščiojimo našumą tarp vaikų, sergančių hemiplegine cerebrine paralyže (CP). Tikslas. Šio tyrimo tikslas buvo palyginti virtualios realybės ir balanso bėgio poveikį vaikščiojimo našumui (balansui ir funkcinei vaikščiojimo gebėjimui) vaikams, sergantiems hemiplegine CP. Dalyviai ir metodai. Šiame tyrime dalyvavo iš viso septyniasdešimt penki vaikai su hemiplegine CP, iš jų 31 berniukas ir 44 mergaitės, nuo 7 iki 11 metų amžiaus, abiejų lyčių. Dalyviai atsitiktinai buvo paskirstyti į tris grupes (po 25), A (kontrolinė grupė) ir B, C (tyrimo grupės). Visi vaikai gavo specialiai sukurtas fizioterapijos programas, pagrįstas neurovystymo technika, papildomai balanso ir eisenos treniruočių pratimus A grupei, virtualios realybės mokymus B grupei ir balanso bėgio treniruotes C grupei. Gydomoji programa kiekvienai grupei buvo taikoma tris kartus per savaitę tris iš eilės mėnesius, kiekviena sesija trukdavo vieną valandą. Visi vaikai buvo klinikai ištirti prieš ir po gydymo naudojant HUMAC balanso ir pasvirimo sistemą bei 6 minučių vaikščiojimo testą (6mWT), atitinkamai vertinant balansą ir funkcionalų vaikščiojimo gebėjimą. Rezultatai. Po gydymo visose trijose grupėse buvo pastebėtas reikšmingas balanso ir 6MWT pagerėjimas, palyginti su pradiniais rezultatais (p < 0.001). Be to, B ir C grupių matuojami kintamieji parodė žymų pagerėjimą, palyginti su A grupės kintamaisiais (p < 0.01), o tarp B ir C grupių reikšmingų skirtumų nebuvo (p > 0.05). Išvados. Virtuali realybė ir balanso bėgio treniruotės veiksmingai įtakoja balanso ir vaikščiojimo našumo gerinimą.
Raktiniai žodžiai
balanso bėgis, cerebrinė paralyžė, funkcionalus vaikščiojimo gebėjimas, hemiplegija, virtuali realybė
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Effect of Minds in Motion program on vestibular function and balance in children with hemiplegia: A randomized controlled study

Dina Mohammed Mustafa Abdelhamid, Emam Hassan El Negmy, Hoda Ishac AbuMoussa, Samah Attia El Shemy

Dina Mohammed Mustafa Abdelhamid, Emam Hassan El Negmy, Hoda Ishac AbuMoussa, Samah Attia El Shemy – Effect of Minds in Motion program on vestibular function and balance in children with hemiplegia: A randomized controlled study. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(3); 170-178

Purpose. To investigate the effect of Minds in Motion (MiM) program on vestibular function and dynamic balance in children with hemiplegia.
Methods. Thirty children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy (CP) of both genders with age ranged from 6-12 years were randomly assigned into two groups of equal number; Group (A) (control group), received specially designed physical therapy program for 3 months, Group (B) (study group), received MiM vestibular exercise program in addition to the specially designed physical therapy program given to the control group for 3 months. Vestibular functions and stability indices were assessed for all children before and after treatment using cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (cVEMPs) device and biodex balance system (BBS) respectively.
Results. The results of the present study showed statistically significant improvement within both groups when comparing their pre and post-treatment mean values of stability indices and VEMP amplitude. Post-treatment significant improvement was also observed in the amplitude asymmetry ratio (AAR) in the study group compared with the pre-treatment mean values while no significant change was detected in the control group. Also, no significant changes were detected in P1, and N1 latencies in both groups after treatment. Statistically significant differences were observed in all measured variables between both groups in favor of the study group while there was no significant difference between both groups when comparing the post-treatment mean values of P1 and N1 latencies.
Conclusion. Minds in motion program is an effective modality that can be used for improving the vestibular functions and balance capabilities in children with hemiplegic CP.

Key words:
cerebral palsy, hemiplegia, minds in motion, vestibular function, balance

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Influence of biofeedback training time on muscle torque and knee excursion following semitendinosus release in spastic quadriplegic children with cerebral palsy: A randomized controlled trial

Heba A. Bahey El- Deen, Radwa S. Abdul-Rahman, Magda Ramadan Zahran, Shaimaa Abdalaleem Abdelgeleel

Heba A. Bahey El- Deen, Radwa S. Abdul-Rahman, Magda Ramadan Zahran, Shaimaa Abdalaleem Abdelgeleel – Influence of biofeedback training time on muscle torque and knee excursion following semitendinosus release in spastic quadriplegic children with cerebral palsy: A randomized controlled trial. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(5); 166-171

Background. Medial hamstring shortening represents a serious common complication in children suffering from spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy. Objective. The purpose of the study was to examine the efficacy of biofeedback training timing following tendon release in spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsied children. Design. a prospective, single-blind, randomized controlled trial. Setting: several hospitals across Giza and Cairo, where children were operated. Methods. Thirty spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsied children of both genders, with their ages ranged from 7 to 9 years (x ̅  = 8.2 ± 0.86 yr.) were randomly assigned into two equal groups (A and B). The control group (A) was trained using electromyographic biofeedback daily for two weeks after removal of plaster cast, in addition to an hour/ day of a designed physical therapy program, while the study group (B) was trained by electromyographic biofeedback during the immobilization period and for two weeks after removal of the cast along with the same physical therapy program as the group (A). The knee extensors’ peak torque and knee excursion angle were measured immediately and two weeks following cast removal by MERAC isokinetic system and electro-goniometer, respectively. Results. The findings exhibited a significant increase (P < 0.05) in the peak torque of knee extensors and an increase in knee excursion in the group (B) immediately and after two weeks of the cast removal when compared with the results of the group (A) after the same period. Conclusion. Applying electromyographic biofeedback training at the two-week immobilization period resulted in a strengthening of the quadriceps and maintaining the obtained range of knee extension following semitendinosus muscle release in spastic quadriplegic children with cerebral palsy.
Key words:
cerebral palsy, spastic quadriplegia, biofeedback, dynamometer
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Whole body vibiration versus pulsed magentic field on bone denisty in spastic diplegic children: A randomized controlled trial

Mahmoud N.Khattab, Gehan H.El Meniawy, Eman I.El Hadidy, Rokia A.El Banna

Mahmoud N.Khattab, Gehan H.El Meniawy, Eman I.El Hadidy, Rokia A.El Banna – Whole body vibiration versus pulsed magentic field on bone denisty in spastic diplegic children: A randomized controlled trial. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(5); 82-88

Background and Purpose. Despite the well-known benefits of whole body vibration and pulsed magnetic field on bone density in spastic diplegic children, none of the former studies had evaluated the difference between both techniques on bone density in spastic diplegic children. Therefore the aim of this study was to evaluate the difference between whole body vibration and pulsed magnetic field during the application of a selected exercises program on bone density in children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy. Materials and Methods. Thirty spastic diplegic children participated in this study. They were classified randomly into two groups of equal numbers, group A and group B. DEXA was used to evaluate bone density and muscle lean in the two groups before and after three successive months of application of the treatment programs. Group A received whole body vibration and selected exercises program. Group B received the same exercises program given to group A plus pulsed magnetic field. Results. Comparing The pre-treatment results revealed non significant difference in all the measuring variables between the two groups. In comparing the pre and post-treatment results for both groups revealed significant improvement in all measured variables. Post treatment results between two groups show no difference. Conclusion. It can be concluded that, whole body vibration and pulsed magnetic field can be considered as an effective modality in improving bone mineral density and can be used safely in the treatment program of spastic diplegic cerebral palsied children.
Key words:
cerebral palsy, diplegia, bone density, whole body vibration, pulsed magnetic field
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Hippotherapy as one of the elements of comprehensive pediatric rehabilitation at the Zgorzelec Rehabilitation Center

Zbigniew Śliwiński, Anna Morawska, Bartłomiej Halat

Zbigniew Śliwiński, Anna Morawska, Bartłomiej Halat – Hippotherapy as one of the elements of comprehensive pediatric rehabilitation at the Zgorzelec Rehabilitation Center. Fizjoterapia Polska 2002; 2(3); 250-256

The hyppotherapy is one of the form rehabilitation in the ICP. This manner of treat used only one kind of horse’s walk which name is walk. The horse riding normalizes the tension of muscles . It is connected with the correct position on horse , the rhythmic movement of rider, alternately flex and relax of muscle and the temperature of horse. The horse riding for children who don’t walk to let the felling the location own body in air space. In the hyppotherapy the authors distinguish ; therapeutic horse riding, horse’s rehabilitation, therapy by the contact with horse, pedagogic and therapeutic bareback riding, the horse riding for disabled people. The authors presented the indication to the horse riding- neurological syndromes, faulty posture genetic illness eg Down’ syndrome, myelomeningocele. They described also the contraindication eg. mental handicap, epilepsy, osteoporosis, injures on the of skin, retinodialises, injures or column, rethrolisteses and allergy to horse’s fur, sweat or odour. The authors presented also the rules comprehensive rehabilitation for children with ICP which is used in the Rehabilitation Center in Zgorzelec.

Key words:
ICP, hipotherapy form, idication and contridication

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Postoperative three-dimensional gait analysis in a child with cerebral palsy – ankle and knee joint kinematics

Wiesław Chwała, Dorota Pamuła

Wiesław Chwała, Dorota Pamuła – Postoperative three-dimensional gait analysis in a child with cerebral palsy – ankle and knee joint kinematics. Fizjoterapia Polska 2006; 6(4); 322-327

The aim of this study was to assess ankle joint kinematics in a child with hemiplegic cerebral palsy after multiple soft tissue surgery. Gait analysis was performed using a video-based 3-dimensional gait analysis system (VICON). The gait of the child differed significantly at ankle and knee joints from that seen in a normal population. The stance phase was prolonged in both lower extremities. At the ankle significant differences were found in preswing, initial contact, loading response and terminal swing. Gait analysis demonstrated increased dorsiflexion, especially at preswing, most likely due to the prior surgery. The stance length was prolonged (by over 10%). At the knee significant differences were found in preswing, initial contact, loading response and terminal swing. The hemiparetic leg commonly presents as a functional shortening of two muscles: the rectus femoris and the tibialis anterior during the GC and little concentric action of the gastrocnemius muscle in preswing. The observed changes in muscle length confirm inadequate extension of the knee and increased dorsiflexion during stance.

Key words:
three-dimensional gait analysis, cerebral palsy, ankle and knee joints

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ffect of locomotor training with a robotic-gait orthosis (lokomat) In Spasticity Modulation of Spastic Hemiplegic Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Mohamed Serag Eldein Mahgoub, Wagdy William Amin, Samah Saad Zahran

Mohamed Serag Eldein Mahgoub, Wagdy William Amin, Samah Saad Zahran – Effect of locomotor training with a robotic-gait orthosis (lokomat) In Spasticity Modulation of Spastic Hemiplegic Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(4); 94-101

Background. Studying of robotic-assisted locomotor training (lokomat) in spasticity modulation on cerebral palsied hemiplegic children is a strategy for determining its efficacy in reducing spasticity.
Objective. To investigate the efficacy of robotic-assisted locomotor training (lokomat) in spasticity modulation. Methods. Thirty spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsied children of both genders ranged in age from 7 to 14 years contributed in this study, they were being randomly selected from comprehensive rehabilitation center and assigned into two equal groups (15 children each). Control group (A) underwent traditional exercise treatment, while Study group (B) underwent lokomat gait training in addition to traditional exercise program. Lokomat training was performed 3 days/week for 4 weeks with up to 45 minutes of training per session. The 3-D kinematics gait analysis was carried out before and after intervention and used as an indicator for improvement and reduction of spasticity.
Results. there was a statistically significant improvement in the study group in comparison to control group. Conclusion. Lokomat gait training is an effective additional tool for physical therapy program in treatment of hemiparetic C.P. children as it plays an important role in decreasing spasticity and improving patient gait pattern.

Key words:
cerebral palsy, spasticity, 3-D measurement, Lokomat gait training

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Impact of Hand-Arm Bimanual Intensive Therapy Versus Shock Wave Therapy on Hand Function and Grip Strength in Children with Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy

Amr A. Abo Gazya, Abdel Aziz A. Serief, Ayman Gouda Matar, Wael Shendy, Hamada Ahmed Hamada

Amr A. Abo Gazya, Abdel Aziz A. Serief, Ayman Gouda Matar, Wael Shendy, Hamada Ahmed Hamada – Impact of Hand-Arm Bimanual Intensive Therapy Versus Shock Wave Therapy on Hand Function and Grip Strength in Children with Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(1); 92-98

Background and purpose. Children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy have impairments in fine motor skills above and beyond their unilateral impairments. The current study was conducted to compare the effect of hand-arm bimanual intensive therapy (HABIT) versus shock wave therapy on the affected upper extremity in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy. Materials and methods. Thirty hemiplegic children ranged in age from 4 to 8 years with hand spasticity ranged between 1 and 1+ grades according to the Modified Ashworth Scale participated in this study. They were assigned randomly into two equal study groups. Group A received a designed physical therapy program and shock wave therapy one session 2000 shock, while the group B received the same physical therapy program in addition to bimanual arm therapy. Both groups received treatment sessions three times per week for three successive moths. Each child in the two groups was evaluated before and after the suggested treatment duration for detecting the level of hand performance using the Peabody Developmental Test of Motor Proficiency while, hand grip strength by a hand held dynamometer and active abduction and external rotation range of motion were measured by a standard universal goniometer. Results. The results revealed non-significant differences when comparing the pre-treatment mean values of all measuring variables for the two groups (p > 0.05), while significant improvement was observed in the two groups when comparing their pre and post treatment mean values. Also, significant differences were observed when comparing the post treatment results of the two groups in favor of the group B (p < 0.05). Conclusion. The results suggested that, hand-arm bimanual intensive therapy appears to have a positive impact on hand function in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy.

Key words:
Cerebral palsy, Hemiplegic, Hand-arm bimanual intensive therapy, shock wave therapy

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