Kinematic disorders of the scapula in a group of women after mastectomy – a systematic review

Maciej Śliwiński, Paulina Ostrowska, Rita Hansdorfer-Korzon

Maciej Śliwiński, Paulina Ostrowska, Rita Hansdorfer-Korzon – Kinematic disorders of the scapula in a group of women after mastectomy – a systematic review. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(2); 150-167

Background. Breast cancer is the most common neoplastic disease in the group of women. In terms of negative consequences of oncological treatment, disorders of the kinematics of the shoulder complex and coexisting disorders of motor control are also distinguished. Aim of the study. The aim of the study is to systematize information on motor disorders in terms of scapula kinematics in the area of the shoulder complex during upper limb elevation movements in the group of women after mastectomy. Methods. The systematic review is based on the search results of Science Direct, Ebsco, and PubMed. The systematic review was performed on the basis of PRISMA guidelines. Results. The analysis of the works showed the existence of disorders in the kinematics of the scapula in the group of women after mastectomy. In this group of patients, the scope of upwards rotation of the scapula during the elevation of the upper limb, its lowering, and functional movements was limited. Conclusions: The analysed articles indicate the existence of disorders of the scapula kinematics in the group of women after mastectomy. The obtained results indicate the necessity of implementing routine evaluation and motor re-education in the field of scapula kinematics disorders in the process of comprehensive rehabilitation in this group of patients.
Key words:
mastectomy, motor control, breast cancer
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The prevalence of sleep disorders in women treated for breast cancer – a preliminary report

Anna Słupik, Katarzyna Zięba, Agnieszka Kwiatkowska, Hanna Tchórzewska, Dorota Szczęśniak, Dariusz Białoszewski

Anna Słupik, Katarzyna Zięba, Agnieszka Kwiatkowska, Hanna Tchórzewska, Dorota Szczęśniak, Dariusz Białoszewski – The prevalence of sleep disorders in women treated for breast cancer – a preliminary report. Fizjoterapia Polska 2007; 7(2), 179-184


Background. Women treated for breast cancer tend to assess their sleep quality as poor. This paper presents the preliminary results of a study undertaken to assess the quality and type of sleep disorders in this group of patients. Material and methods. The study group consisted of 23 women aged 41-69 treated at the Centre of Oncology in Warsaw, Poland. The patients had undergone breast cancer surgery 4 weeks to 1 year before the beginning of the study. The control group involved 37 women without a history of cancer. The abridged version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) was employed. Results. Mean PSQI scores were 7.3 in the study group and 4.5 in the control group. The study group scored higher on five domains of the index (1, 2, 4, 5 and 6). There was no statistically significant relationship between sleep disorders and the patients’ age or the length of time since surgery. Conclusions. 1. Sleep disorders were more common in the study group, which can be attributed to the treatment and its side effects. 2. Sleep disorders can impair the quality of life and should therefore be treated. 3. Further studies of the effect of treatment on sleep quality of patients treated for breast cancer seem advisable.

Key words:

breast cancer, sleep disorder, quality of sleep

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Trunk muscle function in post-mastectomy women participating in water exercise

Iwona Malicka, Justyna Matyszczak, Bernadeta Vavric, Magdalena Zakrawacz, Katarzyna Pawłowska, Agnieszka Chwałczyńska, Roman Hawro

Iwona Malicka, Justyna Matyszczak, Bernadeta Vavric, Magdalena Zakrawacz, Katarzyna Pawłowska, Agnieszka Chwałczyńska, Roman Hawro – Trunk muscle function in post-mastectomy women participating in water exercise. Fizjoterapia Polska 2008; 8(2); 153-160

Background. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of water exercise on muscular function in the sagittal plane in women following mastectomy. Material and method. The post-mastectomy women were divided into 2 groups. Group 1 consisted of 19 women participating in a programme of water exercise. The mean age was 60.2 years, with a mean height of 158 cm and mean weight of 76.2 kg. Group 2 (controls) consisted of 13 women participating in gym-based exercises. The mean age was 61.8 years, mean height was 155.6 cm and mean weight was 74.8 kg. All patients participated in two tests of trunk muscle function in the sagittal plane. A Biodex Multi Joint 3 system for isokinetic evaluations was used to measure peak torque, total work and power in the trunk muscles for the angular velocities of 60o/s and 120o/s. The examination was carried out twice: before and after the 6-month rehabilitation. Results. In Group I, a statistically, significant difference was found for the angular velocity of 60o/s in peak torque (extensors and flexors), total work and power (extensors only), and for the velocity of 120o/s there was a statistically significant increase in the peak torque of the extensor muscles. There were no statistically significant differences between the two tests in Group II.Conclusions. Regular water exercise helps to improve the strength and velocity of trunk muscles, with the extensors demonstrating a more pronounced effect.
Key words:
breast cancer, functional dynamometry, trunk, water exercises
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The influence of systematic physiotherapy on upper limb function in post-mastectomy women

Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Paweł Lizis

Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Paweł Lizis – The influence of systematic physiotherapy on upper limb function in post-mastectomy women. Fizjoterapia Polska 2011; 11(1); 41-48

The aim of this paper was to evaluate the effect of physiotherapy on upper limb function in post-mastectomy women. Thirty-three women attending the Amazons Post-Mastectomy Women’s Club at the Holy Cross Cancer Centre in Kielce were examined on two occasions at three months’ interval. The participants were divided into Group I of 15 patients regularly attending rehabilitation and Group II of 18 patients practicing rehabilitation occasionally. Bilateral measurement of the angular range of motion in the shoulder was the basic method of assessment. A shoulder range of motion of the upper limb on the operated side smaller by more than 10° in relation to the opposite limb was regarded as ROM limitation. Upper limb circumferences were also measured at 10 cm above and below the lateral humeral epicondyle and in the central metacarpus excluding the thumb to an accuracy of 1 mm. Circumferences of the upper limb on the operated side greater by more than 2 cm compared to the opposite limb were regarded as lymphoedema. Our evaluation of statistical significance of correlations between qualitative parameters (influence of rehabilitation on limitation of the shoulder range of motion and incidence of lymphoedema) relied on the non-parametric Chi-square test (χ²).There was a statistically significant correlation between regular rehabilitation practice and the shoulder range of motion and persistence of upper limb lymphoedema on the mastectomy side.Physiotherapy improves ROM and effectively prevents deterioration of upper limb lymphoedema in post-mastectomy women.
Key words:
breast cancer, mastectomy, shoulder joint, range of motion, lymphoedema
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Long-term evaluation of selected parameters of shoulder girdle and quality of life in post-mastectomy women

Aneta Bac, Anna Jędrzejewska, Renata Woźniacka, Edward Golec

Aneta Bac, Anna Jędrzejewska, Renata Woźniacka, Edward Golec – Long-term evaluation of selected parameters of shoulder girdle and quality of life in post-mastectomy women. Fizjoterapia Polska 2011; 11(3); 261-272

The purpose of the above study was to evaluate the quality of life and the type of late postoperative complications in women after breast cancer surgery. The research group consisted of 30 women who underwent treatment for breast cancer. The women were members of the “Amazons” Post-Mastectomy Women’s Club in Tarnów (50%) and in Kraków (50%). The questionnaire dealt with the quality of life and health and was based on the EORTC QLQ-30 questionnaire. The examination chart determined the range of active movement in the joints of the shoulder girdle, limb circumference, potential contracture of the pectoral muscles, measurement of muscle strength and hand strength. The quality of life in the examined women who underwent mastectomy did not change dramatically. In the research group, the range of movement in the shoulder joint on the side of the operated breast became limited in all directions and similarly, the strength of the analyzed muscles decreased. The upper limb lymphoedema was registered in half of the examined women. Pain and sleep disorders were the two postoperative complications that most strongly affected the quality of life in post-mastectomy women.
Key words:
breast cancer, Mastectomy, Quality of Life, shoulder girdle
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Możliwości zastosowania dynamicznego plastrowania u kobiet po usunięciu węzłów chłonnych z powodu raka gruczołu piersiowego

Anna Lipińska, Magdalena Lipińska-Stańczak, Paweł Macek, Renata Szczepaniak, Sławomir Jandziś, Zbigniew Śliwiński

A. Lipińska, M. Lipińska-Stańczak, P. Macek, R. Szczepaniak, S. Jandziś, Z. Śliwiński: Possible applications of dynamic taping in women after the removal of lymph nodes because of breast cancer. FP 2015; 15(4); 16-31

Wstęp. W Polsce i na świecie rak piersi jest najczęściej występującym nowotworem złośliwym wśród kobiet. Powikłania, występujące po zastosowanej terapii, obniżają jakość życia pacjentek. Jednym z wielu niekorzystnych skutków leczenia raka piersi jest obrzęk limfatyczny. Usunięcie węzłów chłonnych i uszkodzenie naczyń limfatycznych utrudnia transport wysokocząsteczkowych białek, jednocześnie wpływa na wzmożenie ciśnienia koloidoosmotycznego, zatrzymanie wody w przestrzeni międzytkankowej,  utratę napięcia naczyń limfatycznych oraz obniżenie ciśnienia hydrostatycznego. Nie leczony obrzęk limfatyczny wywołuje dolegliwości w postaci nawracających stanów zapalnych skóry, naczyń limfatycznych, co w znacznym stopniu ogranicza sprawność psychofizyczną chorych oraz sprzyja rozwojowi mięsaka limfatycznego kończyny górnej po stronie mastektomii. Jedną z metod leczenia lymphoedemy jest Kinesiology Taping. W Polsce coraz częściej używa się terminu dynamiczne plastrowanie. Zastosowanie tej metody powoduje, że w bezbolesny i naturalny sposób w organizmie pacjenta następują procesy lecznicze.
Cel pracy. Przedstawienie możliwości zastosowania technik limfatycznych dynamicznego plastrowania u kobiet po amputacji piersi oraz ocena wpływu zastosowanych aplikacji na wtórny obrzęk limfatyczny. Cel główny został zweryfikowany poprzez następujące hipotezy badawcze:
1.Aplikacje dynamicznego plastrowania zmniejszają obrzęk limfatyczny u kobiet po mastektomii.
2.Techniki metody Kinesiology Tapingu wpływają na zmianę zakresów ruchów  w stawach kończyny górnej.
Materiał i metody badawcze. Badanie wykonano w Zakładzie Rehabilitacji Świętokrzyskiego Centrum Onkologii w Kielcach. Grupa badana liczyła 73 pacjentki po mastektomii, u których stwierdzono wtórny obrzęk limfatyczny kończyny górnej. Objętość kończyn górnych był mierzony przy użyciu menzury wypełnionej wodą. Pomiary zakresów ruchu w stawach kończyn górnych były wykonywane za pomocą goniometru.

Wyniki i wnioski. Analiza uzyskanych wyników wykazuje, że zastosowane aplikacje limfatyczne zmniejszają obrzęk limfatyczny,  zwiększają zakresy ruchu w stawach kończyny górnej po stronie operowanej oraz wspierają procesy lecznicze przyczyniając się do poprawy sprawności fizycznej i jakości życia.

Słowa kluczowe:
rak piersi, obrzęk limfatyczny, dynamiczne plastrowanie, Kinesiology Taping

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