Effect of aerobic training versus myofascial release on claudication among peripheral arterial insufficiency patients: A randomized controlled study

Ola Mohamed EL Sayed EL Gohary, Farag Abd- EL Moneim Aly, Nesreen Gharib El Nahas, Ahmed Mohamed El Mahdiy

Ola Mohamed EL Sayed EL Gohary, Farag Abd- EL Moneim Aly, Nesreen Gharib El Nahas, Ahmed Mohamed El Mahdi – Effect of aerobic training versus myofascial release on claudication among peripheral arterial insufficiency patients: A randomized controlled study. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(1); 70-75

Purpose. To compare between the effect of aerobic training and myofascial release on claudication indices among subjects with peripheral arterial insufficiency.
Methods. A randomized controlled trial. Overall, 40 patients of both sexes, their ages ranged between 45-55 years and they had ABI between 0.90-0.50 and they agreed to participate in the study, they were recruited randomly and divided into two equal groups; Group A: included twenty patients who participated aerobic training program combined with traditional burger’s exercise for 45minutes, 3 times per week for two months as a total treatment period in addition to their medical treatment. Group B: included twenty patients who received myofascial release technique combined with traditional burger’s exercise for 45 minutes, 3 times per week for two months as a total treatment period in addition to their medical treatment. Pre- and post- study period (2 months), assessment using ABI, COT, MCT, MCD.PSV, WIQ were done for all patients.
Results. the results showed statistical differences concerning ABI, COT, MCT, MCD, WIQ, and PSV in both groups, however, the results were in the favor of the aerobic training group(A).
Conclusion. it was concluded that both aerobic training and myofascial release were effective in the increase of claudication indices and enhancing walking functional capacity among peripheral arterial insufficiency patients, however, aerobic training causes much more improvement than myofascial release.
Key words:
aerobic training, myofascial release, ankle-brachial index – claudication indices
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Impact of aerobic versus resistive training on functional capacity in acute myeloid leukemia survivors: a comparative study

Mahmoud Saber Aref, Azza Abdelaziz Abd-Elhady, Raffat Mohammed Abd-Elfattah, Heba Ahmed Ali Abdeen

Mahmoud Saber Aref, Azza Abdelaziz Abd-Elhady, Raffat Mohammed Abd-Elfattah, Heba Ahmed Ali Abdeen – Impact of aerobic versus resistive training on functional capacity in acute myeloid leukemia survivors: a comparative study. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(5); 38-43

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG20986F

Background. Cancer-related fatigue is a persistent symptom in acute myeloid leukemia survivors, with associated decreased functional capacity, which further deteriorates their quality of life. The current study aimed to compare between the impact of aerobic training and resistive training on functional capacity in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) survivors. Fifty nine patients with AML from both sexes aged between 35 and 45 years,were selected from hematology department in (BLINDED FOR PEER REVIEW), where the study was conducted. Patients were randomly assigned into two groups; Group (A) underwent aerobic training in the form of cycling within 50-60% of maximum heart rate. Group (B) underwent resistive training conducted in the form of a series of exercises using free weights, and dumbbells. Sessions were carried out three times per week, for a total of eight weeks period. Six minute walk test (6MWT), 10 repetitions maximum test (10 RM). Ventilatory functions test, fatigue severity assessment (FAS) and quality of life (QoL) scales were measured in both groups before and after the study period. Results. Significant improvement in 6MWT, maximum oxygen consumption (VO2 max) and vital capacity in group (A), significant improvement in fatigue and QoL in both groups and significant improvement in 10 RM test in group (B). Conclusion. Both aerobic and resistive training significantly improved functional capacity in acute myeloid leukemia survivors with a more significant improvement due to aerobic training.
Key words:
acute myeloid leukemia, aerobic training, resistive training, functional capacity, quality of life
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Effects of sub maximal aerobic exercise training versus flexibility exercises among young – polycystic ovarian syndrome

Sathya Prabha, Sheirly Maria Theras. L, Aswathi Suresh

Sathya Prabha, Sheirly Maria Theras. L, Aswathi Suresh – Effects of sub maximal aerobic exercise training versus flexibility exercises among young – polycystic ovarian syndrome. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(4); 222-225

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG20ACCC

Background. Women of reproductive age suffer from an endocrine disorder called Polycystic Ovarian Syndromes (PCOS). It is basically related to metabolic disorders along with reproductive dysfunction. About 50-70% of women having PCOS suffer from Insulin Resistance (IR) which causes metabolic syndrome, dyslipidemia, hypertension, along with intolerance of glucose. Another harmful effect that occurred by PCOS is Hyperinsulinemia. Aim. This research is performed to contrast the effects of Sub Maximal Aerobic training (AE) Training with the Flexibility Exercises amongst Young – PCOS Population. Methods-24 PCOS diagnosed women were chosen. Centred on convenience sampling ‘12’ were on the AE group and the remaining 10 were on the flexibility group. Before and the end of the study, ‘22’ samples were screened with the homeostasis models assessment (HOMA) (Insulin), Ferriman-gallwey score, along with BMI. 3-5 times per week, AE of running or jogging was rendered to one group and flexibility exercises were rendered to the other group for 8 weeks and also audio-visual material used for reference. Results and conclusion. In the AE group, a small variation in the Insulin Resistance (IR) (p value = 0.0435) can well be seen as of the outcomes’ comparison. There is a considerable post-test difference in betwixt groups of HOMA-IR. Thus, to improve insulin sensitivity resistance, PA is recommended among the PCOS population.
Key words:
polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), flexibility exercises, aerobic training, Insulin resistance, obesity
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Trening aerobowy poprawia funkcje poznawcze i funkcjonalne u pacjentów z depresją w stwardnieniu rozsianym. Badanie pilotażowe na podstawie studium przypadku

Marta Niwald, Justyna Redlicka, Elżbieta Miller

M. Niwald, J. Redlicka, E. Miller – Aerobic training enhances cognition and functional status in depressive multiple sclerosis patients. A case-control study-pilot study. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(2); 96-102

Celem badania była ocena wpływu treningu aerobowego (AT) na depresję, funkcje poznawcze i status funkcjonalny w 2 grupach pacjentów ze stwardnieniem rozsianym (MS): z zespołem depresyjnym (MS-D) i bez depresji (MS).
Materiał i metody. 31 pacjentów z MS i 28 MS-D wykonywało 30 minut AT przy użyciu ergometru kończyn dolnych 3×10 min każdego dnia, z 60-minutową przerwą, przez 6 tygodni. Obie grupy były dopasowane pod względem wieku i płci. Wszystkie badane parametry oceniano przed i po serii AT za pomocą Montreal CognitiveAssessment (MoCA), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), skali aktywności dziennej (ADL) i rozszerzonej skali stanu niepełnosprawności (EDSS). Przeanalizowaliśmy wskaźnik rezygnacji jako miarę wykonalności.
Wyniki. W obu grupach sesja AT wywołała istotną poprawę w zmniejszaniu depresji (BDI) i zaburzeniach funkcji poznawczych (MoCA). Jednak zmiany obserwowane u pacjentów z MS-D były znacznie większe niż obserwowane u pacjentów z SM, szczególnie w BDI i MoCA. Nie stwierdzono statystycznie istotnych korelacji między EDSS, MOCCA, BDI, ADL, wiekiem lub płcią.
Wnioski. AT wydaje się być skutecznym i prostym narzędziem do poprawy funkcji poznawczych i funkcjonalnych u pacjentów ze stwardnieniem rozsianym. Badanie to wskazuje, że trening aerobowy jest wykonalny i może być korzystny dla pacjentów z postępującym SM.

Słowa kluczowe:
Trening aerobowy, stwardnienie rozsiane (SM), funkcje poznawcze, depresja

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