Early and late neurostimulation in children with Down’s Syndrome usng the Wroclaw Rehabilitation Model (WMU) and the level of concentration of attention

Ludwika Sadowska, Maria B. Pecyna

Ludwika Sadowska, Maria B. Pecyna – Early and late neurostimulation in children with Down’s Syndrome using the Wroclaw Rehabilitation Model (WMU) and the level of concentration of attention. Fizjoterapia Polska 2001; 1(1); 9-16

Background. Morphological changes of cerebral cortex and early aging of the brain may suggest altered bioelectrical activity reflected by the rhythms of beta and theta waves in children with Down’s syndrome. Results. The cognitive potential of children with Down’s syndrome treated with early neurostimulation using the Wrocław Rehabilitation Model (WMU) in infancy was higher than in Down’s children treated after the age of 3. during neurostimulation by the Vojta method increased amplitudes of beta wave rhythm were obtained, along with reduced theta amplitudes. Conclusion. The early neurostimulation of children with Down’s syndrome from the first months of life significantly improves their concentration and increases their mental activity, which helps them to achieve a better start in life.

Key words:
neurostimulation, Down, brain wave rhythms, concentration

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Somatic development of children with Down Syndrome (DS) who were treated in ambulatory system

Ludwika Sadowska, Monika Mysłek, Agata Gruna-Ożarowska

Ludwika Sadowska, Monika Mysłek, Agata Gruna-Ożarowska – Somatic development of children with Down Syndrome (DS) who were treated in ambulatory system. Fizjoterapia Polska 2002; 2(1); 21-28

The authors conducted the evaluation of somatic development in children with DS who were rehabilitated in ambulatory system. Trisomy of 21 pair chromosomes’ causes inharmonious psychosomatic development with could be noticed in complex clinical diagnostic. Retrospective diagnostic was conducted on account of medical documentation of 549 children with DS in the age of 0-18 with were registered in the years of 1995-2001. The disorders of physical development which increases with the age are genetic determinated. This fact was noted account antropometric measures. The young children have a big deficiency of body mass and height and also a small cranial and chest circumferences. But the older ones in second decade of live have obesity and nanosomia. The enormous physical development are strictly connected with enormous physical one, congenital defects, insufficiency of thyroid gland and often infections.

Key words:
Down Syndrome, Somatic development

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Atlantoaxial instability in individuals with Down Syndrome

Paweł Przekwas, Agnieszka Idychowaska, Jerzy Jaskiewicz, Zbigniew Pawłowski

Paweł Przekwas, Agnieszka Idychowaska, Jerzy Jaskiewicz, Zbigniew Pawłowski – Atlantoaxial instability in individuals with Down Syndrome. Fizjoterapia Polska 2002; 2(3); 229-234

The excessive amount o the genetic material in the case of Down Syndrome patients causes a number of structural disorders within the bone-joint system. This manifests itself in atlantoaxial instability. The aim of this report is to present the level of current knowledge both on the causes and the range and dynamics of defects within atlantoaxial instability. After studying various date the authors of this report have undertaken the attempt to evaluate the risk caused by general rehabilitation in patients diagnosed both with Down Syndrome and asymptomatic atlantoaxial instability.

Key words:
Down Syndrome, atlantoaxial instability, Genetic Material

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Physiotherapy of children with Down syndrome

Agnieszka Adameczek, Bożena Werner

Agnieszka Adameczek, Bożena Werner – Physiotherapy of children with Down syndrome. Fizjoterapia Polska 2007; 7(4); 381-391

Down syndrome is a disease entity associated with a characteristic phenotype and, frequently, congenital defects of organs and systems. A structural pathology of the central nervous system leads to psychomotor retardation and mental impairment later in life. The aim of the article is to present contemporary ideas about the rehabilitation of children with Down syndrome at different ages, from infancy to school age. Regular rehabilitation commenced in the first months of life and continued at pre-school and school age is necessary for better development. The aim of the physiotherapy of infants and pre-school children is to improve muscular tone and psychomotor development. The aim of the physiotherapy of children with Down syndrome at school age is to improve quality of movements and physical capacity. The most popular physiotherapeutic methods used in children with Down syndrome are the NDT-Bobath method and the Vojta method combined with the educational methods of Veronica Sherborne, sensory integration and hippotherapy. The NDT-Bobath method uses key points of control to leads movements of the child, stimulate normal motor responses and inhibit pathological responses. The Vojta method uses stimulation areas to facilitate postural and motor patterns. The Sherborne method essentially aids the development of the child by movement, physical contact and emotional contact with an exercise partner. Sensory integration therapy delivers an adequate amount of stimuli so that the child can spontaneously react and form normal adaptive responses, integrating the stimuli. During hippotherapy, the child exercises during slow-paced horse-ridding.
Key words:
Down syndrome, Vojta, NDT-Bobath
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Physiotherapy of a child with Down syndrome and congenital heart disease – case study

Agnieszka Adameczek, Bożena Werner

Agnieszka Adameczek, Bożena Werner – Physiotherapy of a child with Down syndrome and congenital heart disease – case study. Fizjoterapia Polska 2008; 8(1); 72-82

Background. Children with Down Syndrome operated for organ defects in the first months of life and undergoing early regular physiotherapy develop better than children who are so treated at an older age. This paper presents the psychomotor development and outcomes of comprehensive rehabilitation during the first two years of life of a boy with Down syndrome and a congential heart defect. Case description. The boy had Down syndrome and a congenital heart anomaly in the form ventricular and atrial septal defect. The boy underwent regular rehabilitation from the second month of life. Initially, the Vojta method was used, followed by pulmonary rehabilitation in the perioperative period, and the NDT-Bobath, Sherborne, and sensory integration methods were introduced in the tenth month of life. Gross motor skills (head lifting, turning, sitting, pulling oneself to stand up, crawling on all fours, walking with assistance and walking unassisted, running), social skills, self-sufficiency (smilling at parents, eating solids, drinking from a cup, following objects with the eyes, grasping a hanging rattle) and communication skills were traced until the 27th month of life. Conclusions. Children with Down syndrome who undergo regular rehabilitation commenced in the first months of life and receive proper care achieve better psychomotor developmental outcomes owing to the developmental plasticity, memory plasticity and regeneration possibilities of humen nervous tissue.
Key words:
child physiotherapy, psychomotor development, Down syndrome
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The effect of carrying out the ‘Test of Infant Motor Performance’ on parental attitudes towards Down syndrome infants during the therapeutic process

Anna Kloze, Grażyna Brzuszkiewicz-Kuźmicka, Agnieszka Stępień, Jolanta Stępowska, Agata Kuźmicka, Małgorzata Łukowicz

A. Kloze, G. Brzuszkiewicz-Kuźmicka, A. Stępień, J. Stępowska, A. Kuźmicka, M. Łukowicz – The effect of carrying out the ‘Test of Infant Motor Performance’ on parental attitudes towards Down syndrome infants during the therapeutic process. FP 2014; 14(4); 34-45


Introduction. An initial pre-rehabilitation assessment of motor development is an integral part of physiotherapy for a Down syndrome (DS) child. A precise evaluation of the child and the involvement of the family are prerequisite for effective support of an infant presenting developmental disorders. Test of Infant Motor Performance is a research tool used to evaluate posture and movement patterns in the first months of a patient’s life. The TIMP construction enables the assessment of the basic repertoire of the child’s intrinsic activity occurring in response to environmental stimuli. This paper aims to assess the effect of TIMP on the attitudes of parents and carers of Down syndrome children.
Research material and methods. The study comprised 64 patients with Down syndrome (full trisomy of the 21st chromosome pair), aged 2 – 17 weeks with an average age of 9.4 weeks (SD+/- 4.5). Following the TIMP, parents of both Down syndrome children and infants in the control group completed the author’s questionnaire regarding the educational value of the test. The questionnaire consisted of 10 questions evaluating the research method, including TIMP availability for carers.
Results. The results of Test of Infant Motor Performance performed on Down syndrome infants have demonstrated that neurodevelopmental disorders were recorded in children with Down syndrome, compared to healthy children.
Conclusions. The the results of the questionnaire indicate that parents believe TIMP to be safe and child friendly; they acknowledge that the test validates confidence in the specialist and facilitates the inclusion of parents of Down syndrome infants in the therapeutic process.

Key words:
Down syndrome, TIMP, physiotherapy

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Warunki socjo-demograficzne rodzin dzieci z Zespołem Downa urodzonych w latach 1980-2010 diagnozowanych i leczonych według Wrocławskiego Modelu Usprawniania. Dwudziestoletnie obserwacje

Ludwika Sadowska, Ewa Gieysztor, Anna Markuszewska, Anna Maria Choińska

L. Sadowska, E. Gieysztor, A. Markuszewska, A. M. Choińska – Sociodemographic conditions of families of children with Down syndrome born between 1980-2010 diagnosed and treated according to the Wroclaw Rehabilitation Model. Twenty years of observations. FP 2016; 16(2); 74-83

Wstęp. Istnieje szereg czynników socjo-demograficznych, wpływających na rozwój dzieci z Zespołem Downa (ZD). Poznanie ich dostarcza wiedzę terapeutom, dzięki której zwiększa się szansa pomocy osobom niepełnosprawnym i ich opiekunom.
Cel. Celem pracy jest retrospektywna ocena warunków socjo-demograficznych rodziny tj. określenie miejsca i warunków zamieszkania, charakter rodziny, dzietność, źródła utrzymania, zatrudnienie i wykształcenie rodziców,  ich stan zdrowia, oraz sprawowania opieki nad dzieckiem.
Materiał i metoda. Analiza obejmuje dokumentację 200 dzieci z ZD leczonych w latach 1980-2010 w Samodzielnej Pracowni Rehabilitacji Rozwojowej (SPRR) w Katedrze Fizjoterapii Uniwersytetu Medycznego we Wrocławiu. Dzieci uczestniczyły w rehabilitacji wg Wrocławskiego Modelu Usprawniania (WMU). Materiał badań podzielono  na 3 grupy, ze względu na dekadę, w której się urodzili. Grupa A obejmuje 50 dzieci urodzonych w latach 1980-1989 (28 dziewcząt i 22 chłopców), grupa B to 100 dzieci urodzonych w latach 1990-1999 (48 dziewcząt, 52 chłopców) oraz grupa C – 50 urodzonych w latach 2000-2010 (25 dziewcząt, 25 chłopców).
Wyniki i wnioski. Na przestrzeni lat zaobserwowano poprawę źródeł utrzymania rodzin dzieci z ZD, na które składa się wysoki poziom wykształcenia rodziców, zarówno matek jak i ojców, wzrost zatrudnienia w zakładach prywatnych, pełna rodzina, w większości przynajmniej dwoje, troje dzieci oraz udział obojga rodziców w opiece nad dzieckiem w dobrych i bardzo dobrych warunkach mieszkaniowych. Korzystny wpływ środowiska na warunki rozwoju i efekty rehabilitacji są widoczne w uzyskaniu dojrzałości społecznej i funkcjonowaniu dziecka z zespołem Downa.

Słowa kluczowe:
Zespół Downa, WMU, warunki socjodemograficzne

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