Occupational therapy for children and teenagers in selected centres in Poland

Anna Gumułka, Marta Curyło, Dominika Zawadzka

Anna Gumułka, Marta Curyło, Dominika Zawadzka – Occupational therapy for children and teenagers in selected centres in Poland. Fizjoterapia Polska 2011; 11(4); 367-374

Background. The goal of the article is to present the guidelines of paediatrics occupational therapy based on ICF CY. Paediatrics models and methods, used all over the world will be presented. Also, as the results of the research conducted in therapeutic-educational centres in Krakow, the models applied in paediatrics occupational therapy will be described.Material and methods. The research was conducted in Krakow in medical and care providing institutions. The research tools were the original questionnaire and interview survey.Results. Among the 38 surveyed centres, 21 were found to carry out occupational therapy or its components. Most people conducting occupational therapy or its components are pedagogy graduates (about 50 %). Only 7% of respondents worked as occupational therapists. The most popular therapeutic methods applied were Veronica Sherborne’s and Knills` approaches and Sensory Integration Method. Conclusions. It seems necessary to promote knowledge of the occupational therapy in Poland among workers in therapeutic centres and to implement therapeutic methods in these institutions. It will allow the therapists to satisfy the needs of children and teenagers with various disabilities.
Key words:
Occupational Therapy, therapeutic methods in pediatric, ICF CY
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Evaluation of effectiveness of the therapeutic program combining elements of occupational therapy and Veronica Sherborne’s Developmental Movement approach in autistic children. A preliminary study

Dominika Zawadzka, Paulina Zawadzka, Rafał Bugaj, Marta Curyło, Anna Gumułka

Dominika Zawadzka, Paulina Zawadzka, Rafał Bugaj, Marta Curyło, Anna Gumułka – Evaluation of effectiveness of the therapeutic program combining elements of occupational therapy and Veronica Sherborne’s Developmental Movement approach in autistic children. A preliminary study. Fizjoterapia Polska 2012; 12(4); 405-416

Therapy of autistic children aims at minimizing the problems typical for this condition, including the symptoms resulting from the so called autistic triad. The goal of this study was to assess the effectiveness of the implemented therapeutic program, taking advantage of the elements of occupational therapy and the Veronica Sherborne Developmental Movement approach, applied in autistic children. The sample included 20 children diagnosed with autism (the age compartment ranged from 3 to 6 years). The project was implemented within one year. During the first six months the program was applied in 10 children. During the next six months, the next group of 10 children was subjected to the treatment. The results obtained from each group were statistically analysed and the progress was compared between the groups. Due to the lack of significant between group differences, the final analysis was carried out for the entire study sample. The patients were recruited from the population of children undergoing treatment at the mental Health Clinic in Wroclaw and the Centre of Rehabilitation and Neuropsychiatry “Celestyn” in Mikoszow. The basic diagnostic tool applied in the study was the Scale of Observation of Autistic Children Actions (SOACA), developed by Bogdanowicz. This involved observation of the changes occurring in five aspects of psychomotor development; the four aspects are considered basic ones. These are: the cognitive, emotional, social and motor aspect. The applied therapeutic program most effectively affected the emotional, social and cognitive aspects in autistic children. The treatment proved most effective in the following aspects of psychomotor development: the mood, physical contact, attitude to the activities and attitude to the partner in pair work. The proposed therapeutic program combining the elements of occupational therapy and Veronica Sherborne Developmental Movement approach proved effective; it supports psychomotor development in autistic children. The program can be included in the therapy of autistic children. However, the program should be carried out in an extended period of time to enable assessment of the long-term effects of the treatment.
Key words:
autism, autistic children therapy, a method of Veronica Sherborne, occupational therapy
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Funkcjonalne aspekty terapii zajęciowej

Jerzy Rottermund, Joanna Szymańska, Aneta Warmuz-Wancisiewicz, Renata Szczepaniak

Jerzy Rottermund, Joanna Szymańska, Aneta Warmuz-Wancisiewicz, Renata Szczepaniak – The functional aspects of occupational therapy. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(3); 78-85

Podstawową intencją terapii zajęciowej jest zmniejszanie ograniczeń funkcjonalnych lub całkowita ich likwidacja wraz z dążeniem do uzyskania, na miarę posiadanych możliwości psychofizycznych samodzielności, samowystarczalności i niezależności. Celem pracy jest wskazanie na terapię zajęciową jako środka w dążeniu do doskonalenia sprawności funkcjonalnej, niezbędnej do wykonywania codziennych czynności i zajęć.
Funkcje w medycynie oznaczają czynności oraz wiele procesów fizjologicznych, mających zasadnicze znaczenie w pracy organizmu jako całości. W terapii zajęciowej poprzez określenie „funkcja” rozumie się szereg czynności, które uczestnik terapii jest w stanie wykonać. W artykule przedstawiono i omówiono uwarunkowania przywracania funkcji ruchowych, które terapeuta zajęciowy powinien uwzględnić w swojej pracy zawodowej.

Słowa kluczowe:
terapia zajęciowa, sprawność funkcjonalna, dysfunkcja

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