The impact of physical agents on pain and conduction velocity in the medial nerve in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome (preliminary report)

K. Tomczykiewicz, R. Koczorowski, J. Mróz

K. Tomczykiewicz, R. Koczorowski, J. Mróz – The impact of physical agents on pain and conduction velocity in the medial nerve in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome (preliminary report). Fizjoterapia Polska 2002; 2(1); 43-45

Background. Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common incarceration neuropathy. It is very often undiagnosed, and the patients are mistakenly treated for cervical dicopathy for many years. Material and methods. A total of 9 patients were examined with clinical manifestations of carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosed by electroneurography. The clinical symptoms and the level of pain measured on an analogue scale (VAS) were analyzed. Then patients were divided randomly into two groups. Laser therapy was applied in the first group and ultrasound in the second, for a period of 4 weeks. Afterwards the patients underwent clinical and electrophysiological examinations. Results. As a result of the applied therapy most of the patients were found to have less pain and slightly increased conduction velocity in the median nerve. In other cases there was no satisfactory improvement and several patients were referred for surgery.

Key words:
Laser Therapy, ultrasound therapy, Electroneurography, VAS

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Przedstawienie i analiza rodzajów skal monitorujących postępy fizjoterapii u pacjentów z dolegliwościami bólowymi odcinka lędźwiowego kręgosłupa

Joanna Adamska, Tomasz Maicki, Rafał Trąbka, Karolina Pawełkowska, Magdalena Wilk-Frańczuk

J. Adamska, T. Maicki, R. Trąbka, K. Pawełkowska, M. Wilk-Frańczuk – Presentation and analysis of the types of scales monitoring the progress of physical therapy in patients with low back pain. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(3); 6-17

Wstęp. Dolegliwości bólowe kręgosłupa lędźwiowego stanowią poważny problem zdrowotny współczesnego społeczeństwa. Przeprowadzane w wielu krajach badania epidemiologiczne wskazują, że dolegliwości bólowe kręgosłupa lędźwiowego występują u 85% populacji i są główną przyczyną niepełnosprawności fizycznej u osób poniżej 45. roku życia. Na chwilę obecną brakuje standardu postępowania oraz monitorowania postępu fizjoterapii u pacjentów z dolegliwościami bólowymi odcinka lędźwiowego kręgosłupa. Aby ocenić skuteczność terapii, badający posługują się metodami badawczymi, do których zaliczyć można skale, normy, testy.
Cel pracy. Celem pracy było przedstawienie i analiza skal stosowanych w badaniach monitorujących postępy fizjoterapii u osób z dolegliwościami bólowymi odcinka lędźwiowego kręgosłupa.
Materiał i metody. Publikacji poszukiwano w wyszukiwarce PubMed, wpisując słowa kluczowe: ból lędźwiowego odcinka kręgosłupa, terapia manualna, próba randomizowana (low back pain, manual therapy, randomized trial).
Znaleziono 98 spełniających kryteria publikacji, w których postępy terapii pacjentów z dolegliwościami bólowymi lędźwiowego odcinka kręgosłupa oceniono przy pomocy skal. Były to skale dotyczące bólu, stopnia niepełnosprawności, jakości życia, depresji, jakości snu czy strachu związanego z wykonaniem ruchu.
Kryteriami włączenia były: publikacje z ostatnich 5 lat, badania przeprowadzone na ludziach. Brano pod uwagę publikacje w języku angielskim z baz danych udostępnianych online przez bibliotekę medyczną UJ CM.
Odrzucono artykuły przeglądu literatury, metaanalizy, artykuły dotyczące rozważań teoretycznych, leczenia chirurgicznego oraz farmakologicznego LBP. Odrzucono również publikację dotyczącą coccygodynii oraz dolegliwości bólowych odcinka szyjnego i piersiowego. Czas trwania dolegliwości nie był istotny przy wyszukiwaniu.
Wyniki. Do oceny bólu autorzy wykorzystywali skalę VAS – 36 razy, skalę NRS oraz NPRS 36 razy. Skale ODI, a także RMDQ dotyczące stopnia niepełnosprawności zastosowano po 38 razy. Skale jakości życia SF36 – 14 razy, EQ-5D – 10 razy, skale depresji CESD10 – 2 razy, BDI – 2 razy, natomiast jakości snu PSQIQ – 4 razy, strachu z wykonaniem ruchu FABQ –12 razy, TSK – 7 razy.
Wnioski. Najczęściej wykorzystywane są skale niepełnosprawności oraz bólu, lecz w badaniach pojawiają się również skale mierzące jakość życia, jakość snu, depresję czy kinezjofobię.

Słowa kluczowe:
skale bólu, skala VAS, skala NPRS, skala ODI

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An assessment of analgestic effects of vibroacoustic therapy in treating pains of umbosacral spine in office workers

Marlena Drężewska, Aleksander Sieroń, Zbigniew Śliwiński

M. Drężewska, A. Sieroń, Z. Śliwiński – Ocena efektów analgetycznych terapii wibroakustycznych w leczeniu dolegliwości bólowych części lędźwiowo-krzyżowej kręgosłupa u pracowników biurowych. FP 2013; 13(3); 8-13


Introduction. The objective of the research was to assess analgesic effects of vibroacoustic therapy in treating pain in the lumbosacral spine among office workers.
Materials and methods. The participants of the research were 52 female office workers from Ostroleka, aged 34-58, with chronic pain of lumbosacral spine caused by overstrain and/or spondylosis. The patients underwent 10-days vibroacoustic therapy which was conducted by means of VITAFON-T device. To assess the effects of the therapy there was used VAS analogue pain scale and a modified pain rates according to Laitinen questionnaire.
Results. There was noted a substantial statistic difference in the average value of pain assessment before and after therapy (p<0.05). The mean value of pain before therapy according to VAS scale amounted to 5.81, and after therapy it constituted 3,38. The total score obtained from the Laitinen questionnaire amounted to 316, and after therapy – 194.
Conclusions. The obtained results indicate that the vibroacoustic therapy is effective in achieving analgesic effects in the treatment of pain in the lumbosacral spine among office workers.

Key words:
vibroacoustic therapy, VAS scale, Laitinen quesfionnaire

Analysis of statics of the pelvis in radicular and pseudoradicular syndrome of the lower part of the spine

Bartłomiej Halat, Paweł Jędrzejewski, Agnieszka Jędrzejewska, Anna Lipińska, Zofia Śliwińska, Zbigniew Śliwiński

B. Halat, P. Jędrzejewski, A. Jędrzejewska, A. Lipińska, Z. Śliwińska, Z. Śliwiński – Analysis of statics of the pelvis in radicular and pseudoradicular syndrome of the lower part of the spine. FP 2014; 14(2); 6-24


Introduction. Radiculopathies and pseudoradiculopathies are the most common pain syndromes of the lumbar spine. This issue became a civilization disease and affects people of various ages. Goal. The goal of this work was to compare analgetic effectiveness of physiotherapy in radiculopathies and pseudoradiculopathies and to identify an association between syndromes of vertebral origin disorders of muscular elasticity as well as to assess the effects of therapy on pain-induced discomfort.
Material and methods. Study included 40 patients divided into two groups. Group A consisted of patients with radiculopathy, while group B comprised pseudoradiculopathy subjects. Muscle energizing techniques (MET), Hold Relax method and classical massage of musculofascial structures were applied in therapy. It also involved physiotherapeutic procedures (Interference currents, Tens, Iontophoresis, UD, Laser, Sollux). Results. Based on the Oswestry questionnaire it was determined that among group A patients level of disability was reduced by 38%, while in group B it decreased by 31%. In both study groups therapy contributed to reduction of pain measured in VAS scale by 58%. Lumbar spine mobility measured with Schober test increased by 11% in group A and by 5% in group B. Administered physiotherapy contributed to normalization of length and tension of musculoligamentous structures. Conclusions. Study results show that radiculopathies and pseudoradiculopathies affect the disorders of pelvic statics presenting with shortening of muscle fibers and increased activity of connective tissue structures in this region. Physiotherapeutic methods applied in treatment of radiculopathies and pseudoradiculopathies significantly reduce pain. Some techniques (MET) restore muscle elasticity, contributing to lessening of discomfort.

Key words:
statics of the pelvis, Piedallu’s sign, Oswestry questionnaire, normal values of muscle fiber length, VAS scale

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Mobilisation of proximal radioulnar joint and functioning of the arm after forearm fracture

Marek Woszczak, Katarzyna Syrewicz, Marcel Kotkowski, Marek Kiljański

M. Woszczak, K. Syrewicz, M. Kotkowski, M. Kiljański – Mobilisation of proximal radioulnar joint and functioning of the arm after forearm fracture. FP 2015; 15(1); 58-73


Research objective. The research aims to evaluate the effect of mobilisation of proximal radioulnar articulation on the hand function after a forearm fracture.
Material and methods. The research involved 60 patients over the age of 50 who were subject to treatment for limitation of hand function resulting from a forearm fracture. The respondents were randomly divided into equal research and control groups and subjected to a series of ten physiotherapy treatments, including low-frequency electromagnetic field therapy, blue filter Sollux lamp and physiotherapy in the form of free active exercises of the elbow, wrist and fingers. The research group also underwent the mobilisation of proximal radioulnar articulation using the Kaltenborn-Evjenth method.
Results. The analysis of the data obtained showed that mobilisation of proximal radioulnar articulation improved the clinical and functional condition of patients after a forearm fracture.
Conclusions. The respondents who went through a rehabilitation program which included mobilisation of proximal radioulnar articulation, assessed their pain level as being lower. They also achieved a wider range of dorsiflexion, palmar flexion, ulnar and radial deviation as well as supination and pronation motion in the radioulnar joint. Additionally, therapy that included the mobilisation resulted in improved strength of cylindrical grip.

Key words:
injury, forearm fracture, mobilisation, VAS scale, Laitinen scale

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Application of manual therapy in the elimination of myogenic pain in stomatognathic system disorders

Magdalena Gębska, Danuta Lietz-Kijak, Krystyna Opalko,
Ewelina Żyżniewska-Banaszak, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Marek Kiljański

M. Gębska, D. Lietz-Kijak, K. Opalko, E. Żyżniewska-Banaszak, Z. Śliwiński, M. Kiljański – Application of manual therapy in the elimination of myogenic pain in stomatognathic system disorders. FP 2015; 15(2); 60-67


Introduction. In last years there has been considerable development of physiotherapy methods used in dentistry. Among them is the manual therapy as a_form of treatment of functional disorders of the stomatognathic system muscular origin. This method is still very popular among dentists. This is because a_small number of literature, and a_small amount of physiotherapists involved in manual therapy in order to eliminate the symptom of pain.
Aim of the study. determined the effect of relaxing and analgesic masseter muscles under the influence of the use of manual therapy.
Material and methods. study was performed in 20 females, aged from 40 to 45  pain diagnosed as a_disorder of the stomatognathic system. In patients conducted physical examination and clinical examination, electromyographic study of masseter muscles and pain assessment using the VAS scale. Then, the test group received manual therapy treatments.
Results. After completion of therapy and analysis of the results showed a_decrease in the electrical potentials studied muscle and decrease of the VAS scale

Key words:
stomatognathic system, manual therapy, electromyography, pain, VAS scale

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