Assessment of some respiratory parameters in the group of healthy and hearing impaired boys – the role of physical activity
Małgorzata Fortuna, Bogusława Majewska, Jacek Szczurowski, Anna Konieczna-Gorysz
Małgorzata Fortuna, Bogusława Majewska, Jacek Szczurowski, Anna Konieczna-Gorysz – Assessment of some respiratory parameters in the group of healthy and hearing impaired boys – the role of physical activity. Fizjoterapia Polska 2012; 12(3); 286-290
The aim of the paper was to estimate some respiratory parameters in a group of healthy and hearing impaired boys aged 12-14 years including the role of physical activity and respiratory exercises. The first research group included 17 boys with hearing impairment. The second research group included 19 healthy boys with higher level of activity compared to the first group. The experimental group included boys aged 12-14. All the respondents underwent spirometric examinations: FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC. The table of recommended model values was used in the research. The BMI was measured. All the results were measured by means of statistical analysis. The analysis of results indicates significant differences of the evaluated parameters FVC and FEV1 between two groups with exception of parameter FEV1/FVC.Hearing damage does not determine values of the respiratory parameters FVC and FEV1. Parameters FVC and FEV1 depend on the level of physical activity. Hearing damage and a lower level of physical activity did not significantly affect BMI in the studied groups.
Key words:
Spirometry, impairment of hearing, Respiratory System
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