The possibilities of using Kinesio Taping in patients after cardiac surgery

Jan Szczegielniak, Jacek Łuniewski, Katarzyna Bogacz, Marcin Krajczy, Zbigniew Śliwiński

Jan Szczegielniak, Jacek Łuniewski, Katarzyna Bogacz, Marcin Krajczy, Zbigniew Śliwiński – The possibilities of using Kinesio Taping in patients after cardiac surgery. Fizjoterapia Polska 2007; 7(4); 465-471

Background. Kinesio Taping is used in physiotherapy to stimulate recovery and increase physical efficiency. Kinesio Taping offers new possibilities of using physiotherapy in patients who cannot fully benefit from kinesiotherapy or physiotherapy. Kinesio Taping is a method of treatment of pain syndromes reducing subjective pain perception. Appropriate applications, adjusted to patients’ needs and overall health, stimulate the activity of the lymphatic system and auxiliary respiratory muscles, regulate muscle tone, accelerate post-operative scar healing processes and provide additional scar stabilization.The aim. The article presents possibilities for using Kinesio Taping in patients after cardiac surgery. Kinesio Taping was used in the study in order to reduce pain, stabilize muscle tone, support respiratory muscles, prevent pectoralis muscle contracture, accelerate post-operative scar healing processes, increase post-operative scar elasticity and prevent the development of adhesions. Conclusions. The observed results of therapy were as follows: a decrease in subjective pain perception, a reduction of oedema, additional scar stabilization, and fully active participation of the patients in kinesiotherapy, which was limited before the KT treatment.
Key words:
Kinesio Taping, physiotherapy, cardio-surgery
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Autonomia zawodu fizjoterapeuty na przykładzie systemu kształcenia w USA

Małgorzata Starczyńska, Wojciech Kiebzak, Zbigniew Śliwiński

Małgorzata Starczyńska, Wojciech Kiebzak, Zbigniew Śliwiński – Autonomia zawodu fizjoterapeuty na przykładzie systemu kształcenia w USA. Fizjoterapia Polska 2008; 8(2); 217-222

Uzyskanie autonomii zawodowej potwierdzającej specjalistyczną wiedzę i umiejętności zawodowe jest podstawą działań podejmowanych przez stowarzyszenia fizjoterapeutów działających w USA. Pomimo faktu, iż większość stanowych aktów prawnych daje pacjentom możliwość bezpośredniego skorzystania z oceny i leczenia przez fizjoterapeutów, nie ma aktu prawnego, który jednoznacznie formułowałby zakres autonomicznej praktyki. Stowarzyszenie Fizjoterapii Amerykańskiej (American Physical Therapy Association – APTA) pełni wiodącą rolę w dbaniu o jakość kształcenia i praktykowania fizjoterapeutów. Zdefiniowana przez Zarząd Dyrektorów APTA autonomiczna praktyka opiera się na profesjonalizmie, odpowiednim poziomie kształcenia i możliwości bezpośredniego dostępu pacjenta do usług fizjoterapeutycznych. W USA istnieje kilka ścieżek edukacyjnych pozwalających uzyskać zawód fizjoterapeuty. Dynamiczna natura praktyki fizjoterapeutycznej wpływa na ewaluację programów nauczania. Większość programów zapewnia kształcenie na poziomie magisterskim lub zawodowym doktoranckim. Stopień doktora fizjoterapii uzyskiwany w toku kształcenia nie jest równoznaczny z akademicką nominacją fizjoterapeutów. Programy studiów doktoranckich stanowią 79,4% spośród wszystkich akredytowanych programów kształcących fizjoterapeutów. Przeznaczone są w szczególności dla doświadczonych pracowników klinik, podnoszą umiejętności kliniczne w konkretnej dziedzinie. Finałem ukończenia akredytowanego programu przygotowującego do zawodu fizjoterapeuty jest przystąpienie do Państwowego Egzaminu Fizjoterapii (National Physical Therapy Examination – NPTE). Ogólnokrajowy wynik zdania egzaminu ustalany jest przez Federację Stanowych Władz Fizjoterapii (Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy – FSBPT). Podniesieniu kompetencji służy również ukończenie specjalizacji klinicznej. Amerykański Zarząd Specjalizacji Fizjoterapii (American Board of Physical Therapy Specialities – ABPTS) oferuje uzyskanie specjalizacji w kilku obszarach zainteresowań, w najbliższej przyszłości również w nowym zakresie jakim jest zdrowie kobiet. Wyrazem dbałości o jakość usług fizjoterapeutycznych jest konieczność ponownej recertyfikacji specjalistów klinicznych po 10 latach.
Słowa kluczowe

Assessment of thermal effects of kinesiology tape application

Henryk Racheniuk, Jan Szczeielniak, Katarzyna Bogacz, Sławomir Zator, Jacek Łuniewski, Grzegorz Skiba, Zbigniew Śliwiński

Henryk Racheniuk, Jan Szczeielniak, Katarzyna Bogacz, Sławomir Zator, Jacek Łuniewski, Grzegorz Skiba, Zbigniew Śliwiński – Assessment of thermal effects of kinesiology tape application. Fizjoterapia Polska 2008; 8(3); 310-316

Background. This work presents the results of a thermovisual analysis of 20 patients subjected to a single Kinesiology Tape application to the lumbosacral region. The Y muscle technique was used for thermovisual assessment. Material and methods. The study involved a group of 20 volunteers, students of Opole Technical University, including 16 women and 4 men, at an average age of 21 years. The subjects had previously reported intermittent low back pain. The surface temperature of the area where Kinesiology Tape was applied was measured three times: before taping, at one hour after taping and 24 hours after the KT application. Results. The biggest increase in surface temperature was observed in centrally located Area 1, where mean temperature increased by 1.27°C while mean temperature increases in lateral test areas were 0.6°C. Temperature increases in test areas located directly on the tapes were 0.3°C. These values fall within thermovisual camera statistical error range. Conclusion. The highest temperature increase was observed in the central test area. The values of temperature increases of the lateral test areas and those located directly on the tape fell within the thermovisual camera statistical error range.
Key words:
Kinesiology Taping, thermovision, physiotherapy
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The effectiveness of Kinesio Taping applications in physiotherapy of post-cholecystectomy patients. Preliminary report

Marcin Krajczy, Jan Szczegielniak, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Krzysztof Kamiński

Marcin Krajczy, Jan Szczegielniak, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Krzysztof Kamiński – The effectiveness of Kinesio Taping applications in physiotherapy of post-cholecystectomy patients. Preliminary report. Fizjoterapia Polska 2008; 8(3); 279-289

Background. Abdominal surgery is always associated with a variety of dysfunctions, including post-operative paralysis of the alimentary tract, water-electrolyte imbalance and other, related to the underlying disease, anaesthesia and any co-existing diseases. Post-operative pain, respiratory complications as well as impaired exercise tolerance remain a serious problem for postabdominal surgery patients. Material and methods. In order to confirm the clinical effects of Kinesio Taping, a study was performed on a group of 17 patients (8 men, 9 women) following recent open cholecystectomy in the General Surgery Unit of Nysa Municipal Hospital, between March 2007 and February 2008. The patients were randomized to a treatment group (5 women, 3 men), which received Kinesio Taping, and a control group (3 women, 6 men), which received standard treatment. The following parameters were evaluated during the study: subjective pain, abdominal circumferences, ventilatory function, exercise tolerance, duration of intestinal atony to the return of peristalsis and first post-operative defecation.Results and Conclusions. 1. Kinesio Taping applied to patients after cholecystectomy reduced pain, accelerated reduction of abdomen circumference and was associated with much lower consumption of analgesics compared to the control group. 2. Kinesio Taping considerably shortened post-operative intestinal atony, accelerating the return of peristalsis and first defecation after the operation. 3. Increased exercise tolerance and ventilatory function observed in the study indicates that Kinesio Taping is an effective physiotherapy technique in patients following a conventional cholecystectomy.
Key words:
general surgery, physiotherapy, Kinesio Taping
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Changes in knee joint thermograms following local cryotherapy combined with various physiotherapy regimens

Magdalena Wilk, Rafał Trąbka, Zbigniew Śliwiński

Magdalena Wilk, Rafał Trąbka, Zbigniew Śliwiński – Changes in knee joint thermograms following local cryotherapy combined with various physiotherapy regimens. Fizjoterapia Polska 2008; 8(3); 267-271

Background. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of cryotherapy and physiotherapy regimens in patients with indications for use of these procedures in the knee joint region or knee joints. Material and methods. The study was performed in the Cracow Rehabilitation Centre in 2008. The study involved a group of 38 patients who underwent cryotherapy of the knee joint region. The patients were dMded into two groups. Group 1 included patients who performed lower limb exercises immediately after the cryotherapy procedure, and patients in group 2 performed exercises 30 minutes following the cryotherapy procedure. Changes in thermograms were recorded in all patients. Results. Mean temperature in the affected knee joint before treatment was x=30.19°C in group 1 and 31.46°C in group 2. The differences between the study groups revealed in examination 2 were also not statistically significant. Examination 3 showed signi-ficant differences. The mean value of the temperature range was x=28.54C in Group 1 and 23.38°C in Group 2. The last exami-nation, performed 30 minutes after the completion of the cryogenic therapy procedure, showed a mean temperature of the treated knee joint of x=28.99°C in Group 1 and x=29.43C in Group 2. Conclusions. Tissue temperature in the knee joint region increased at a slower rate in patients who did not undergo kinesi-therapy immediately after cryotherapy of that region.
Key words:
knee joint, cryotherapy, thermovision, physiotherapy
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The use of backward gait in physiotherapy of female senile osteoporosis

Marek Walusiak, Jacek Durmała, Ewa Detko, Bartosz Wnuk

Marek Walusiak, Jacek Durmała, Ewa Detko, Bartosz Wnuk – The use of backward gait in physiotherapy of female senile osteoporosis. Fizjoterapia Polska 2008; 8(3); 260-266

Background. The aim of the study was to assess the efficacy of various models of comprehensive rehabilitation in patients with senile osteoporosis, concentrating on the correction of thoracic kyphosis and increasing the strength of the knee extensor muscles. Material and methods. The prospective and randomized study was conducted in the group of female patients with known senile osteoporosis (n=37, average age – 72.7 yrs, SD – 5.79, range 65-84 yrs), divided into two groups of 17 and 20 patients, respectively. To take part in the rehabilitation, all patients were hospitalized at the department of rehabilitation for 3 weeks. The programme of rehabilitation applied in respective groups was different only with regard to walking training, with forward walking training applied in the first group and backward gait in the second group. The measurement of thoracic kyphosis was performed using a plurimeter-V. The strength of the knee extensor muscles was measured in both lower limbs by tensometry. Results. A degree of correction of thoracic kyphosis was seen in both groups. Additionally we observed a statistically significant increase in the knee extensor torque. The increase was significantly higher in the second group in comparison to the first group. Conclusion. The use of backward walking training in the comprehensive rehabilitation of female senile osteoporosis patients contributed to a greater increase in the torque of the knee extensors compared to forward walking training over the same period.
Key words:
senile osteoporosis, backward gait, physiotherapy, tensometry
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Efficacy of the PNF method in rehabilitation for activities of daily living in late post-stroke patients

Tomasz Wolny, Edward Saulicz, Rafał Gnat

Tomasz Wolny, Edward Saulicz, Rafał Gnat – Efficacy of the PNF method in rehabilitation for activities of daily living in late post-stroke patients. Fizjoterapia Polska 2009; 9(1); 51-60

Background. Our increasing knowledge on the complexity of CNS injuries and mechanisms of neuronal plasticity indicates that the traditional approach to rehabilitation of stroke patients is no longer adequate. Appropriate stimulation of the central nerv-ous system to promote neuromuscular plasticity is crucial for the restoration of normal function. Rehabilitation based on PNF (Pro-prioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) significantly improves ADL functional performance of post-stroke patients. Materiał and methods. A total of 64 stroke patients were randomly divided into two groups. ActMties of daily living were eval-uated by means of the ‘Repty’ Functional lndex, which includes: self-service, sphincter control, mobility locomotion and communi-cation. Throughout the study period (their stay at the Neurological Rehabilitation Ward for a mean of 21 days), all patients received comprehensive rehabilitation, with Group A receiving conventional rehabilitation and Group B receMng also indMdual kinesiother-apy based on the PNF method. Results. Analysis of yariance showed significant differences in the following domains of the ‘Repty’ Functional lndex: self-service (p=0.0015), locomotion (p=0.0279), and total score (p=0.0032). No significant differences were found in the remaining domains (sphincter control, mobility and communication). Conclusions. PNF-based rehabilitation of late post-stroke patients significantly improved their ADL functional performance with respect to self-service and locomotion.
Key words:
PNF, physiotherapy, activities of daily-living
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Focused and radial shock wave in orthopedics and physiotherapy

Piotr Król, Andrzej Franek, Wiesław Zinka, Janusz Kubacki, Anna Polak, Ewa Franek

Piotr Król, Andrzej Franek, Wiesław Zinka, Janusz Kubacki, Anna Polak, Ewa Franek – Focused and radial shock wave in orthopedics and physiotherapy. Fizjoterapia Polska 2009; 9(1); 1-20

This article aims at presenting current knowledge about shock wave therapy and especially analysing the results of research on the influence of focused and radial shock wave in the treatment of pseudarthrosis, tendinosis calcarea of the shoulder, calcanean spurs, plantar fasciitis, tendinitis and enthesitis, etc. Orthopaedics and physiotherapy have been using focused shock wave therapy for two decades now, but radial shock wave therapy has a history of only several years. As a consequence, there is a dearth of studies corroborating the thera-peutic efficacy of this method, although the available results are very encouraging. Most studies concentrate on presenting the effects of focused shock wave in the treatment of pseudarthrosis, where the shock wave impact is purely destructive. In other conditions, the mechanism of action of both focused and radial shock wave is obscure, although the procedures are very effective. Because the only alternative available to many patients, especially those with tendinosis calcarea of the shoulder and calcanean spurs, is a surgical procedure, the application of shock wave, a low-invasive and highly effective method, is fully justified.
Key words:
focused shock wave, radial shock wave, physiotherapy
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Perception of the physiotherapist profession by first-year students of Polish universities of various educational orientations

Joanna Gotlib, Dariusz Białoszewski, Anna Cabak, Katarzyna Barczyk, Aleksandra Bauer, Wojciech Kułak, Piotr Majcher, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Maciej Płaszewski, Janusz Sierdziński

Joanna Gotlib, Dariusz Białoszewski, Anna Cabak, Katarzyna Barczyk, Aleksandra Bauer, Wojciech Kułak, Piotr Majcher, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Maciej Płaszewski, Janusz Sierdziński – Perception of the physiotherapist profession by first-year students of Polish universities of various educational orientations. Fizjoterapia Polska 2009; 9(2); 109-121

Background. In Poland at present, physiotherapy studies are offered at three types of school: medical universities, universities of physical education, and schools not specialising in either the medical sciences or physical education. The aim was to compare the perception of the physiotherapist profession by first-year students of different types of universities. Material and methods. The study sample comprised 1145 1st year BA programme students from eleven schools in Poland. The study utili-sed the diagnostic poll method – a questionnaire, which comprised three parts. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used along with the median test and the Chi-squared test (p<0.05). Results. Most students stated that the professional status of physiotherapists is lower than that of doctors (above 52%), but is higher than that of nurses (above 70%). 92% of the students believed that physiotherapists and physicians should work together as partners (p=NS). The vast ma-jority (70%) of the students believed that the physiotherapist profession is related to medicine rather than physical education. Conclusions. 1. The educational orientation of the university did not influence first-year students’ perception of their futurę profession in this study with most of the surveyed stating that physiotherapist is a medical profession. 2. In the light of the findmgs of foreign authors, there is a ne-ed to carry out a study in Poland that would address the issue of the position of the physiotherapist in the therapeutic team in relation to the doctor and the team nurse as well as the other members of the team: dietitian, psychologist and occupational adviser.
Key words:
medical education, physiotherapy, type of university, perception of the profession
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Motivations for studying physiotherapy and familiarity with employment situation among physiotherapy students at variously oriented university-level schools in Poland

Joanna Gotlib, Dariusz Białoszewski, Anna Cabak, Katarzyna Barczyk, Aleksandra Bauer, Wojciech Kułak, Piotr Majcher, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Maciej Płaszewski, Janusz Sierdziński

Tomasz Wolny, Edward Saulicz, Rafał Gnat, Mirosław Kokosz, Michał Kuszewski, Andrzej Myśliwiec – Motivations for studying physiotherapy and familiarity with employment situation among physiotherapy students at variously oriented university-level schools in Poland. Fizjoterapia Polska 2009; 9(3); 232-244

Background. There is considerable interest in studying physiotherapy in Poland and in many countries of the European Union. The objective was to identify the factors that motivate applicants to choose Physiotherapy studies and find out what students know about working in Poland and other EU countries. Material and methods. The study sample comprised 954 1st year BA students from eleven universities: medical sciences (MS), physical education (PE), and other universities (OU). The statistical analysis was based on questionnaires obtained from : 211 MS, 118 PE and 625 OU. Results. Students relied on advice of active physiotherapists when choosing a study programme: 62% ME, 57% PE and 68% OU. Respondents would like to study for the Master’s degree and take up work: 55% PM, 56% PWF and 62% IP. Students were not familiar with employment opportunities: 87% MS, 91% PE and 73%. The most important factors aiding in finding a job are knowledge and skills: 43% MS, 42% PE and 45% OU. Conclusions. 1. The respondents did not choose studies by accident but based their decision on stereotypes. 2. Universities should set great store by their teaching standards as applicants decide to choose a university on the basis of opinions about the particular university. 3. There is a need to develop a professional information service on study opportunities in physiotherapy in Poland that would necessarily include objective information regarding employment opportunities for physiotherapists in EU countries and in the world.
Key words:
employment situation, motivation, European Union, physiotherapy, type of university
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