Atsisiųskite nemokamai straipsnį anglų kalba

Marta Grzegocka, Małgorzata Marjańska, Małgorzata Kowacka, Konrad Kijak, Helena Gronwald, Piotr Skomro, Adam Andrzej Garstka, Danuta Lietz-Kijak

Marta Grzegocka, Małgorzata Marjańska, Małgorzata Kowacka, Konrad Kijak, Helena Gronwald, Piotr Skomro, Adam Andrzej Garstka, Danuta Lietz-Kijak – The cooperation between physiotherapist and dentist in treatment of patient with functional disorders of the masticatory system – questionnaire survey. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(5); 69-74


Įvadas. Dentistų ir fizioterapeutų patirtis kramtymo organų disfunkcijų srityje, susijusi su visu kūnu, patvirtina, kad žandikaulio organų motorinės sistemos sutrikimų problema nėra lokali. Todėl šio tipo ligų gydymas neturėtų būti apribotas tik statinės ir dinaminės sąkandžio atkūrimu naudojant konservatyvius, ortodontinius arba protezinius metodus, nepaisant tinkamo raumenų-skeleto, fascijos, kaulų-sąnarių grandinių, susijusių su kaklo skyriumi ir toliau esančiomis stuburo dalimis, mobilizavimo. Funkcinių sutrikimų diagnostika ir terapija, apribota tik žandikaulio sistema, gali sukelti dar didesnes paciento ligas ir skausmus.
Didelis su žandikaulio sistema susijusių simptomų spektras, sukeliantis nemalonų skausmą ir emocinius sutrikimus, verčia pacientus ieškoti pagalbos iš daugelio specialistų, įskaitant otolaringologą, neurologą ar fizioterapeutą. Pacientas turi galimybę išgydyti šias sveikatos problemas, jei dirba visa reabilitacijos komanda: odontologas, fizioterapeutas, psichologas ir logopedas, specializuojantis kramtymo sistemos disfunkcijose.
Tyrimo tikslas. Tyrimo tikslas buvo nustatyti fizioterapeuto ir odontologo bendradarbiavimo poreikį gydant pacientus su funkcinių žandikaulio sistemos sutrikimais.
Medžiaga ir metodai. Tyrimas buvo atliktas tarp 28 fizioterapeutų iš Vakarų Pomeranijos vaivadijos. Naudojamas diagnostinis įrankis buvo interviu anketa, kurioje buvo daug klausimų apie sąlygas ir bendradarbiavimo su odontologu kokybę tvarkant pacientus, kreipusiusis dėl fizioterapijos gydymo žandikaulio sistemos sutrikimams.
Išvados. Esamos fizioterapinės metodikos sutrumpina ligos trukmę, pvz., per masažus, manualinę terapiją (trigerio taškų terapija, mobilizacija, poizometrinis raumenų atsipalaidavimas), fizinius gydymus (ultragarsai, biostimuliacijos lazeris, krioterapija, šviesos terapija, magnetinis laukas) ir pratimus (relaksaciją, stabilizaciją, proprioc…
Santrauka tęsinys
…cepciją), kuriuos pacientas atlieka terapeuto priežiūroje ir vėliau vienas namuose. Teigiami gydymo rezultatai pacientams su žandikaulio sistemos sutrikimais pasiekiami nuolatinio odontologo ir fizioterapeuto bendradarbiavimo dėka. Tik išsamus, holistinis diagnostinis ir terapinis požiūris yra efektyvaus gydymo sąlyga.
fizioterapeutas, odontologas, kramtymo sistema
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Ergonomic aspects of the daily work of a physiotherapist

O. Nowotny-Czupryna, A. Brzęk, J. Nowotny

O. Nowotny-Czupryna, A. Brzęk, J. Nowotny – Ergonomic aspects of the daily work of a physiotherapist. Fizjoterapia Polska 2003; 3(4); 387-395


Physiotherapists themselves often fall victim to the hazards of their work. The professional activities of a physiotherapist involve the performance of various kinds of exercises and procedures in different positions, as well as moving patients and equipment (of various shapes, sizes and weights). Frequent repetition of these activities leads to the creation and maintenance of particular negative movement habits, while the persistence of these habits and further repetition of professional activities in an improper manner generally leads to the appearance of spinal overload disease. These abnormalities can result from failure to adapt the work station to individual needs and/or performing work-related activities (static and dynamic) in non-ergonomic positions. In accordance with the principles of the “back school”, a significant role in the prevention and mitigation of spinal overload disease is assigned to prevention – primary, secondary, and tertiary – which should be promoted among physiotherapists and persons practicing other health-related professions (e.g. physicians and nurses). In this article the authors identify situations that are bad for the spine and the errors most commonly committed by physiotherapists while performing various professional activities. They also pint out some possible ways to reduce overloading to a minimum and avoid the risk of incurring spinal pain syndromes in the future.

Key words:
Physiotherapist, overloaded spine disease, back school, ergonomics
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Standards of competence in the physiotherapist profession

Wojciech Kiebzak, Jan Szczegielniak, Michał Butkiewicz, Bogusław Frańczuk, Małgorzata Starczyńska, Zbigniew Śliwiński

Wojciech Kiebzak, Jan Szczegielniak, Michał Butkiewicz, Bogusław Frańczuk, Małgorzata Starczyńska, Zbigniew Śliwiński – Standards of competence in the physiotherapist profession. Fizjoterapia Polska 2009; 9(1); 84-96

Background. Work on standards of professional aualifications was started in Poland in the 1990’s. The standards contain a general description of professional tasks in the context of the particular profession together with an outline of the associated skills and qualifications. A total of 253 qualifica-tions standards had been developed by the end of 2007, including standards for physiotherapists, physiotherapy assistants and massage specialists. Material and methods. Five levels of qualifications have been defined in the National Professional Oualification Standard in accordance with EC provisions, taking under consideration the complexity of work, the difficulty of the skills, the degree of responsibility and the level of professional hierarchy which students are prepared to. The sets of skills, knowledge and psychophysical characteristics were assigned to four groups of qualifications: extra-professional, general-professional, basie professional and specialised professional skills, with indMdual groups differing in terms of scope and degree of generalny. On the basis of the above criteria, a questionnaire was designed and a survey was carried out. The questionnaire, which had over 30 pages, was first tested in a pilot study involving 8 persons and then used in a target study of 40 respondents. Both studies involved active physiotherapists as well as the management of the facility where they were employed. The results of the suney served to develop a preliminary version of the standard, which was later assessed by three evaluators during a session with the authors. Following incorporation of justified comments and emenda-tions, the standard was sent to reviewers, whose remarks were incorporated before the standard was submitted to a relevant committee for approval. Results. The standard of the physiotherapist profession was elaborated, including the legal basis of the profession, a synoptic description of the profession, work place, professional tasks, and a specification of general-professional, basie and specialized qualifications for the profession. Conclusions. 1. The standard is a single document specifying the range of knowledge and skills, professional tasks and the scope of professional responsibility. 2. The standard of the physiotherapist profession can be used by interested persons and institutions for a variety of purposes, e.g. vocational counselling, employment policies, personnel policy of companies and institutions as well as for social insurance related purpos-es to estimate occupational risk and determine insurance premiums accordingly and in jurisprudence and to determine social insurance.
Key words:
physiotherapist, professional tasks, professional competence
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Physiotherapist in every school: ademand in the view of students, lecturers, parents and physiotherapists

Elżbieta Trylińska-Tekielska, Karolina Włostowska, Monika Drewnik, Lidia Nowińska, Hubert Nałęcz, Anna Makulska

Elżbieta Trylińska-Tekielska, Karolina Włostowska, Monika Drewnik, Lidia Nowińska, Hubert Nałęcz, Anna Makulska – Physiotherapist in every school: ademand in the view of students, lecturers, parents and physiotherapists. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(1); 126-139

Introduction. A large percentage of musculoskeletal disorders among adolescents can be attributed to the lack of physical activity. Properly directed prevention as well as assuring the right conditions for development constitutes a valid part in the research on the subject.
Objective. To assess the opinion of students, lecturers, parents and physiotherapists on the need of cooperation with a physiotherapist in the school environment.
Design. The research was conducted at the primary and secondary schools in Warsaw in 2018. 1053 participants were selected to take the survey. The distribution among the group was as follows: lecturers (N = 178), students (N = 548), parents (N = 97) and physiotherapists (N = 230). A survey “Physiotherapist at every school” by E. Trylińska-Tekielska and L. Nowińska was used.
Results. There was a shared agreement among the participants on the need of having access to a physiotherapist at every school with choices respectively: lecturers (94%), parents (89%), students (82%) in favor. Teachers were overwhelmingly open (93%) to the possibility of working together with a physiotherapist. Most of the students (91%) pointed to experiencing fatigue at school with majority (67%) agreeing that having an access to physiotherapist would positively affect their physical well-being.
1. A presence of a medical professional in the form of physiotherapist is important to and expected by the study group.
2. Teachers were willing to work with a physiotherapist and agreeing on its positive influence on students’ physical condition.
3. Majority of the students agree that physiotherapist will positively influence their physical condition.
Key words:
physiotherapist, student, school, prevention
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Występowanie zespołów bólowych i urazów w wyniku przeciążenia narządu ruchu wśród fizjoterapeutów

Katarzyna Michalak, Anna Szwaczko, Agnieszka Cieślak, Katarzyna Krekora, Tomasz Miśkiewicz, Elżbieta Poziomska-Piątkowska

K. Michalak, A. Szwaczko, A. Cieślak, K. Krekora, T. Miśkiewicz, E. Poziomska-Piątkowska – Occurrence of work-related pain syndromes and injuries due to overload of the musculoskeletal system in physiotherapists. FP 2017; 17(2); 72-81


Cel: Analiza częstości występowania dolegliwości bólowych i urazów układu kostno-stawowo-mięśniowego związanych z wykonywaniem zawodu fizjoterapeuty oraz czynności zawodowych, związanych ze specyfiką pracy fizjoterapeuty, predysponujących do wystąpienia urazu.
Materiał i metody. Badanie przeprowadzono wśród 150 losowo wybranych fizjoterapeutów. Wykorzystano kwestionariusz ankiety własnego autorstwa, obejmujący pytania dotyczące danych socjodemograficznych, specyfiki pracy, częstości występowania dolegliwości bólowych oraz urazów doznanych podczas wykonywania czynności zawodowych i ich lokalizacji, a także czynności, podczas której doszło do urazu.
Wyniki: 99% fizjoterapeutów odczuwa dolegliwości bólowe związane z wykonywaną pracą a 61% doznało urazu układu mięśniowo-szkieletowego, który objawił się bólem i dolegliwościami trwającymi dłużej niż 3 dni i był wyraźnie spowodowany pracą.
Wnioski. 1. Dolegliwości bólowe i urazy układu kostno–mięśniowo–stawowego stanowią istotny problem wśród fizjoterapeutów. 2. Najczęściej dotyczą odcinka lędźwiowo–krzyżowego i szyjnego kręgosłupa oraz stawu nadgarstkowego i ręki. 3. Czynności predysponujące do powstania urazu dotyczą głównie podnoszenia i przenoszenia pacjentów lub sprzętu, a także wykonywania masażu i ćwiczeń biernych. 4. Wysoka częstotliwość występowania dolegliwości bólowych i urazów wynika z niewystarczającego zastosowania zasad ergonomii przez fizjoterapeutów oraz z nieodpowiedniego przystosowania miejsca pracy. 5. Niezbędne jest wprowadzenie działań edukacyjnych skierowanych do fizjoterapeutów w zakresie ergonomii pracy i konsekwentne kontrolowanie przestrzegania zasad ergonomii przez przełożonych.

Słowa kluczowe:
fizjoterapia, fizjoterapeuta, dolegliwości bólowe, urazy, ergonomia, miejsce pracy

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The level of anxiety and the attitudes of physiotherapists towards mentally disabled children

Zbigniew Śliwiński, Justyna Wójcik, Małgorzata Starczyńska, Zofia Śliwińska

Z. Śliwiński, J. Wójcik, M. Starczyńska, Z. Śliwińska – The level of anxiety and the attitudes of physiotherapists towards mentally disabled children. FP 2014; 14(2); 40-50


Aim: The aim of this paper is to analyse the attitudes of physiotherapists towards mentally disabled children and to analyse the influence of their attitudes on their anxiety level.
Method: The study comprised 67 respondents; 37 students of physiotherapy and 30 physiotherapists who work in special care centres. Both research groups were asked to fill out an STAI Questionnaire which determines the level of anxiety as a state and anxiety as a trait, as well as author’s original questionnaire (Scale of Attitudes of Physiotherapists Towards Mentally Disabled Children).
Results: Both research groups present positive attitudes towards mentally disabled children. The research indicates that a more positive attitude towards mentally disabled children is presented by physiotherapists who work in special care centres, as compared to the other research group. A higher level of anxiety as a state is experienced by the students of physiotherapy.
Conclusions: Anxiety may influence the attitudes of physiotherapists toward mentally disabled children. It may be inferred that the higher the score of assessment of positive attitude towards mentally disabled children, the lower the level of anxiety in physiotherapists and students of physiotherapy.

Key words:
anxiety, attitude, mental disability, physiotherapist

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How do physiotherapists define health? – results of a questionnaire study

Łukasz J. Krzych, Mateusz Ziemba, Michał Wyder, Krystian Oleszczyk, Anna Zielińska-Meus, Jacek Durmała

Ł. J. Krzych, M. Ziemba, M. Wyder, K. Oleszczyk, A. Zielińska-Meus, J. Durmała: How do physiotherapists define health? – results of a questionnaire study. Fizjoterapia Polska 2015;15(3);56-63


Introduction. A physiotherapist should know methods used in health assessment, basic definitions and psychosocial mechanism driving health and its prevention. The aim of this study was to assess opinions of physiotherapist about health with aligned basic determinants.
Methods. This cross-sectional study involved 117 subjects, 91 (77.7%) females and 28 (22.3%) males, aged 38 ± 10 years. Polish version of a standardized Ewles and Simnett questionnaire was applied. The poll consisted of 23 questions about 4 components of health: physical (7 questions), mental (6 questions), social (5 questions) and health as a lack of disease (5 questions). Subject chose all of possible 23 answers their agreed with. Percentage of given answers was calculated. On this basis, a dominant domain was established.
Results. Subjects agreed with 64.5% of all opinions of a questionnaire. Most frequently they chose those related to social (80%), then physical (71.4%) and finally to mental (66.7%) components of health. Health as a lack of disease was declared less frequently (60%). After categorization of individual answers, we found that physiotherapists defined health as the bio-psycho-social condition (38.9% of persons). Age, education level, marital status, place of work and number of years in profession were not associated with given opinions.
Conclusions. More than half of investigated physiotherapists define health inappropriately. Gender influences subjects’ opinions about health. Questionnaire formula of the study is its limitation, so the results need to be verified in further researches.

Key words:
health, questionnaire, opinions, physiotherapy, physiotherapist

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