Evaluating the motor development of infants using Vojta’s method, with particular attention to risk factors, in clinical material from a Rehabilitation Center for Children with Cerebral Palsy

Aleksandra Deljewska-Starykow, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Wanda Różyło

Aleksandra Deljewska-Starykow, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Wanda Różyło – Evaluating the motor development of infants using Vojta’s method, with particular attention to risk factors, in clinical material from a Rehabilitation Center for Children with Cerebral Palsy. Fizjoterapia Polska 2002; 2(3); 216-228

Background. The author described child’s physical and mental development in the first year his live in Theodor Hellbrige’s opinion. They presented new definitions how „high-risk pregnancy, „high-risk birth, „high-risk child” They talked over risk factors and among of them there is of great importence famillie’s relations connected with the Rh factor, main blood groups, famillie’s enzynopathy and chromosome aberration also mather’s ilnneses during the her pregnancy. They payed special attention to the gestosis, diabetes, tyroid’s ilnneses, obesity, anemia, passed infectius and bleeding. The authors rated negative factors among low height of mather, low weigth of mather befor her pregnancy and no hygienic live. The period shorter than 6 months between the pregnancies is health risk also, and like how the inflammatory proceeses of the Central Nervous System, generalized cyanosis, low evaluation in the Apgar Scale, acidosis, hiperbilirubinamy, infantile convulsions, neonatal asphyxia, the children born after different complications related to labour.The aim of examine.• The neurophysiology analysis of the development newborn from the group high-risk pregnancy, high-risk birth, especially children which was born before 37 weeks lasting pregnancy – premature baby- and children which was born in normal labor but the size those newborn was too small to fetal age- dystrophy child• The paying attention to early diagnosis of the neurodeveloping disturbances and starting the treatment quickly.Material and methods. 32 premature baby was examine , it was the children were born between 28-37 weeks of the pregnancy and 13 dystrophy child which weight were 2 500 g. and 1 child was born after 37 weeks pregnancy. The examine was done in the Rehabilitation Center in Zgorzelec. Results and conclusions. On the basis of examine the authors drown following conclusions: 1. The Vojty’s development neurokinesiology diagnostic is good screening for children from risk groups, is simply to do and let to evaluate early child’s disturbances in psychomotorial development. 2. The bigger worth of the Vojtys diagnostic and therapy is possible right development of children from high-risk birth groups. The results which are presented prove to early start to diagnos and treat give children chance to right development. 3. The age of the child is of great importance for results and time of therapy. 4. The low weigth of labor and relative shorter time of live the child during the pregnancy have the influence for efficiency CNS and the level of disturbances central neurvous coordination. The low weigth and shorter pregnancy live the higher level disturbances central neurvous coordination is presented. 5. The risk factor has influence for time therapy to moment reached the normalization. The intermural dystrophy is worst than premature baby. The premature baby quicklier and large number reache the normal psychomotorial development.

Key words:
infantum Cerebral Palsy, Vojta, child physical and mental development

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Physiotherapy of children with Down syndrome

Agnieszka Adameczek, Bożena Werner

Agnieszka Adameczek, Bożena Werner – Physiotherapy of children with Down syndrome. Fizjoterapia Polska 2007; 7(4); 381-391

Down syndrome is a disease entity associated with a characteristic phenotype and, frequently, congenital defects of organs and systems. A structural pathology of the central nervous system leads to psychomotor retardation and mental impairment later in life. The aim of the article is to present contemporary ideas about the rehabilitation of children with Down syndrome at different ages, from infancy to school age. Regular rehabilitation commenced in the first months of life and continued at pre-school and school age is necessary for better development. The aim of the physiotherapy of infants and pre-school children is to improve muscular tone and psychomotor development. The aim of the physiotherapy of children with Down syndrome at school age is to improve quality of movements and physical capacity. The most popular physiotherapeutic methods used in children with Down syndrome are the NDT-Bobath method and the Vojta method combined with the educational methods of Veronica Sherborne, sensory integration and hippotherapy. The NDT-Bobath method uses key points of control to leads movements of the child, stimulate normal motor responses and inhibit pathological responses. The Vojta method uses stimulation areas to facilitate postural and motor patterns. The Sherborne method essentially aids the development of the child by movement, physical contact and emotional contact with an exercise partner. Sensory integration therapy delivers an adequate amount of stimuli so that the child can spontaneously react and form normal adaptive responses, integrating the stimuli. During hippotherapy, the child exercises during slow-paced horse-ridding.
Key words:
Down syndrome, Vojta, NDT-Bobath
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Base of support in babies with central origin movement disorders

Krzysztof Czupryna, Grzegorz Serkies, Janusz Nowotny

Krzysztof Czupryna, Grzegorz Serkies, Janusz Nowotny – Base of support in babies with central origin movement disorders. Fizjoterapia Polska 2011; 11(2); 107-114

The development of infantile cerebral palsy (IPC) precedes movement disorders of central origin (MDCO). In early rehabilitation of the children at risk of IPC, not only early diagnosis, but also the assessment of posture and movement patterns in these children is essential. The purpose of this study was to assess the load distribution in the base of support in infants with MDCO while assuming the supine and prone position, in the context of suspension response evaluation in these infants.The sample included 14 infants with MDCO and 8 healthy infants. The size and arrangement of the base of support was studied on the special platform, in the infants assuming the prone and supine positions. The values of the size of the base of support as the percentage of the front or back body surface as well as load distribution in the right, left, upper and lower body were calculated.In younger infants, the arrangement of the support base of in recumbent position was found to be asymmetric. The asymmetry was more pronounced in the supine position and definitely larger in MDCO infants. Also a bigger load applied on the lower body was observed, especially in the prone position.Bigger asymmetry in both positions was noted in MDCO infants as compared to healthy infants; in the supine position, the tendency to apply bigger load on the lower body was observed.
Key words:
movement disorders of central origin, base of support, Vojta
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