Funkciniai ryšiai tarp žandikaulio sąnario ir klubo sąnario

Kamil Lenczewski, Małgorzata Wójcik

Kamil Lenczewski, Małgorzata Wójcik – Functional connections between the temporomandibular joint and the hip joint –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(1); 122-125


Įvadas. Kai kurie veiksniai, dalyvaujantys žandikaulio sąnario sutrikimų formavime, yra centrinės ir periferinės nervų sistemos pokyčiai. Kuriant ryšius tarp dviejų sąnarių, svarbios są fascija ir biotensintegracijos koncepcija. Audinyje sukuriama įtampa yra lineariai paskirstyta per visą kūną. Per didelės įtampos sukūrimas vienoje struktūroje gali lemti identiškos įtampos atsiradimą tolimoje struktūroje.
Tyrimo tikslas. Tyrimo hipotezė buvo ta, kad minkštojo audinio rankinės terapijos žandikaulio sąnariui, trunkančios 7 minutes kiekvienai pusei, turės įtakos didesnei klubo sąnario judesių laisvei abdukcijos metu.
Rezultatai. Gauta dešiniojo ir kairiojo klubo sąnario vertė rodo stiprų ir teigiamą koreliaciją. Tai įrodo, kad atlikta terapija turėjo įtakos judesių diapazono didėjimui.
Išvados. Miofascialinis žandikaulio sąnario audinių atlaisvinimas turėjo teigiamą poveikį klubo abdukcijos judesių diapazono didėjimui.
Raktiniai žodžiai
rankinė terapija, klubo sąnaris, judesių diapazonas, žandikaulio sąnaris, miofascialiniai grandiniai
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Metody manualnej rehabilitacji oraz ocena ich skuteczności na przykładzie pacjenta po zwichnięciu stawu skroniowo-żuchwowego

Przemysław Pasiak, Tomasz Tomaszewski

P. Pasiak, T. Tomaszewski – Methods of manual rehabilitation and assessment of their effectiveness on the example of a patient after temporomandibular joint dislocation. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(3); 108-114

Wstęp. W pracy przedstawiono metody rehabilitacji stosowane przy schorzeniach w obrębie twarzoczaszki, a także omówiono najczęstsze przyczyny predysponujące do zwichnięcia stawu skroniowo-żuchwowego. Zaburzenia te są problemem wielopłaszczyznowym. W ich procesie leczniczym, na różnych etapach, konieczny jest udział zarówno specjalistów chirurgii twarzowo-szczękowej, jak i ortodontów, logopedów, psychologów oraz fizjoterapeutów.
Cel pracy. Celem pracy było omówienie metod fizjoterapii stosowanych w leczeniu zaburzeń w obrębie stawu skroniowo-żuchwowego oraz ocena ich skuteczności na przykładzie pacjenta po zwichnięciu prawego stawu skroniowo-żuchwowego.
Materiały i metody. W pracy opartej na opisie pacjenta, który zgłosił się do gabinetu fizjoterapii, u którego doszło do zwichnięcia prawego stawu skroniowo-żuchwowego, przedstawiono postępowanie lecznicze stosowane przez specjalistów z zakresu chirurgii szczękowo-twarzowej oraz fizjoterapeutów.
Wyniki. Wdrożenie rehabilitacji przyniosło następujące efekty: zwiększenie zakresu ruchomości żuchwy, zmniejszenie dolegliwości bólowych, redukcję obrzęku, rozluźnienie mięśni.
Wnioski. Fizjoterapia powinna być jednym z elementów kompleksowego leczenia pacjentów z zaburzeniami w obrębie stawów skroniowo-żuchwowych.
Słowa kluczowe:
staw skroniowo-żuchwowy, rehabilitacja, chirurgia szczękowo-twarzowa
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Effect of Immediate Versus Gradual Exercises Program on Maximum mouth opening Post Temporomandibular Joint Arthroscopy: A randomized controlled trial

Zeinab A. Ali, Marwa M. Eid

Zeinab A. Ali, Marwa M. Eid – Effect of Immediate Versus Gradual Exercises Program on Maximum mouth opening Post Temporomandibular Joint Arthroscopy: A randomized controlled trial. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(2); 52-57


Objective. The purpose of this study was to compare two physiotherapy programs for rehabilitation of patients after temporomandibular joint (TMJ) arthroscopy. Methods: Sixty patients diagnosed with closed lock and treated with arthroscopic lysis and lavage participated in this study, patients were divided into two groups: Group A (immediate program): included thirty patients rehabilitated with immediate full range of motion self-exercises. Group B (gradual program): included thirty patients rehabilitated with progressively increasing range of motion self-exercises. Outcome Measures. Maximum mouth opening (MMO) by measuring distance between the upper and lower incisors while the patient actively opens the mouth were assessed by Ruler, Pain assessment was done by using visual analogue scale. The measurements taken by the end of first month of treatment, analyzed and compared between the two groups. Results. Statistical analysis showed significant improvement in MMO and pain outcomes for the immediate group than for the gradual group. Conclusion. Based on the obtained results this study concluded that, a physiotherapy program consisting of immediate postoperative full range of motion mobilizations achieves better results (in terms of pain and mouth opening) than a physiotherapy program consisting of gradual and controlled increases in range of motion of closed lock of the TMJ after arthroscopic treatment.

Słowa kluczowe: Temporomandibular Joint, Arthroscopy, Maximum mouth opening

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Implementation of manual physiotherapeutic activities as an important element of supporting surgical treatment in congenital malformations of the bite and temporomandibular joints – case report

Szymon Tyszkiewicz, Marta Tyndorf, Krzysztof Dowgierd

S. Tyszkiewicz, M. Tyndorf, K. Dowgierd – Implementation of manual physiotherapeutic activities as an important element of supporting surgical treatment in congenital malformations of the bite and temporomandibular joints – case report. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(3); 38-45

Introduction. Surgical procedures used to treat congenital craniofacial malformations may give rise to complications, resulting in impaired function of the stomatognathic system. Reconstructive correction of subsequent defects may require multi-disciplinary skills, including those of maxillofacial and microsurgery, orthodontics, speech therapy and physiotherapy. The purpose of reconstruction to restore function can be divided into two stages: firstly the establishment of correct anatomical relationships in the facial skeleton and secondly the restoration of function of individual structures of the stomatognathic system, together with the stabilisation of both function and appearance. The latter is fundamentally associated with supportive physiotherapy.
Aim of the study. The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of physiotherapy in the process of restoring motor functions in the stomatognathic system in a patient treated for disorders of the masticatory apparatus.
Material and methods. The article presents an account of supportive physiotherapy utilised in the healing process. The case study presented is that of a patient with congenital ankylosis of the temporomandibular joints. The patient presented in the maxillofacial department for surgical joint treatment and with associated in activity in the musculature of this region. Initial treatment involved bilateral arthroplasty with prosthetic arthroplasy, after which it was possible to proceed to restoration of functional speech. The provision of physiotherapy over a timescale of six months achieved reduction of oedema, development of the expected range of movement, reduction of pain and the achievement of deglutition.
Results. Results were maintained through continuation of therapeutic procedures, since periods of reduced activity are associated with loss of function. In order to increase functional capacity and achieve stability, the patientis to undergo microtransplantation (cable grafts) and orthodontic treatment to achieve full centricocclusion. Speech therapy and physiotherapy will also be continued.
Conclusions: Supportive physiotherapy should be a key element of treatment of patients after maxillofacial procedures, regardless of whether this is due to injury, congenital malformation ororthognathic procedures.

Key words:
arthroplasty, ankylosis, dental physiotherapy, temporomandibular joint

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The physiotherapeutic estimation of the act of temporal-mandibular joints among students of Medical University of Gdańsk

Maciej Krzyżanowski, Rita Hansdorfer-Korzon, Elżbieta Rajkowska-Labon

M. Krzyżanowski, R. Hansdorfer-Korzon, E. Rajkowska-Labon – The physiotherapeutic estimation of the act of temporal-mandibular joints among students of Medical University of Gdańsk. FP 2014; 14(4); 14-22


Aim of the study. 1. Evaluating the activity of temporomandibular joints manifesting features of dysfunction in students of the Medical University Gdańsk, 2. Quantitative analysis of the disorders occurring in temporomandibular joints. 3. Proving the correlation between the investigated parameters and the analysed dysfunctions in temporomandibular joints
The materials and research method. For the examination, 40 students in the age of 19 to 27 years (21 women and 19 men) were classified, representing the average age of 23 years.  For the needs of this study, a card of patient examination had been constructed. The evaluation covered, among others, such parameters as: the mobility range of the jaw, the Rozencwaig’s dyskinesia index, the movement of the joint head during the jaw abduction, acoustic symptom, pain index, the presence of trigger points, the cervical spine mobility range.  The obtained results were subjected to statistical analysis with the application of Statistica 10 software .
Results. Analysis of the investigated parameters revealed that dysfunctions of mobility range, at least in one direction, occur in 87,5% (n=35) of the examined persons. The Rozencwaig’s dyskinesia index was proven in 37,5% (n=15). Asymmetric movement of the joints heads occurred in 67,5% (n=27) of the examined persons; and the disorders of the jaw guiding track and the presence of the acoustic symptom were revealed in 80% (n=32) out of the total 40 of the examined persons. Among 57,5% (n=23) of the examined, the presence of trigger points was revealed within the masseter and the temporalis muscles, or in one of them. Dysfunction of the temporomandibular joints correlates, among others, with a reduction of the mobility range in the cervical spine, with acoustic symptoms and presence of parafunctions.
Conclusions. A significant percentage of the temporomandibular joints dysfunctions was observed among students. Attention was attracted by the high percentage of people performing parafunctions. Correlations statistically significant for the temporomandibular joints were proven.

Key words:
temporomandibular joint, dysfunction, physiotherapy

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