Występowanie objawów zaburzeń stawów skroniowo­ – żuchwowych (TMDs) i depresji oraz odczuwanie stresu u studentów fizjoterapii z osobowością typu D

Magdalena Gębska, Sylwia Mielcarska, Bartosz Dalewski, Łukasz Pałka, Katarzyna Weber-Nowakowska, Łukasz Kołodziej

Magdalena Gębska, Sylwia Mielcarska, Bartosz Dalewski, Łukasz Pałka, Katarzyna Weber-Nowakowska, Łukasz Kołodziej – Prevelence of temporomandibular joint dysfunctions (TMDs) and depressive symptoms and feelings of stress in physiotherapy students with type D personality. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(5); 145-156

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG20BZsV

Wprowadzenie. Doniesienia naukowe z zakresu stomatologii i psychologii podkreślają rolę cech osobowości w etiologii dysfunkcji stawów skroniowo-żuchwowych (TMDs). Osobowość typu D jest stosunkowo nowym konstruktem, w związku z czym nie ma jeszcze zbyt wielu badań na ten temat. Obejmuje ona zarówno skłonność do doświadczania negatywnych emocji, jak i tendencję do powstrzymywania się od ich wyrażania. Wyraźnie podkreśla się wpływ tego połączonego efektu na wzrost natężenia stresu oraz rozwój chorób somatycznych i psychicznych. Przedstawione w doniesieniu naukowym dane stanowią uzupełnienie wcześniejszych spostrzeżeń podczas realizowanych badań dotyczących osobowości typu D u osób z TMDs.
Cel. Ocena wpływu osobowości typu D oraz jej dwóch wymiarów na występowanie TMDs i czynników predysponujących, depresji i poziom nasilenia odczuwanego stresu.
Materiał i metody. Badania przeprowadzono na grupie 240 studentów fizjoterapii. Grupę badaną (G1) stanowiło 120 studentów ze stwierdzoną na podstawie kwestionariusza DS14 osobowością typu D. Grupę kontrolną (G2) stanowiła taka sama liczba osób bez osobowości typu D. Dane zebrano za pomocą opracowanego na potrzeby badania formularza występowania objawów zaburzeń TMDs i czynników predysponujących , kwestionariusza oceny nasilenia stresu PSS10 oraz kwestionariusza depresji Becka (BDI).
Wyniki. W badanej grupie ilość objawów TMDs istotnie dodatnio koreluje z osobowością typu D (z NE mocniejsza korelacja niż z SI), PSS10 oraz BDI oraz ujemnie koreluje z wiekiem. U studentów z osobowością typu D istotnie częściej oraz w większej ilości występowały objawy TMDs niż u osób bez osobowości stresowej (p = 0,00). Wyjątek stanowił objaw wzmożonego napięcia mięśniowego, który nie wykazał różnicy statystycznej (p = 0,22). Osoby z osobowością typu D są ponad 6 razy częściej narażone są na zaciskanie zębów (OR = 6,76) oraz 3 razy częściej na objawy akustyczne TMJ (OR = 3,35) i zgrzytanie zębami (OR = 3,27). W grupie badanej wraz ze wzrostem poziomu odczuwanego stresu i stopnia depresji wzrasta też ilość zgłaszanych objawów TMDs. W grupie studentów z osobowością typu D depresja występowała istotnie częściej niż w grupie bez osobowości stresowej (p = 0,00).
Wniosek. Studenci z osobowością typu D są narażeni na występowanie większej ilości objawów TMDs oraz silniejsze odczuwanie stresu i depresji.

Słowa kluczowe:
osobowość D, stres, depresja, dysfunkcja stawu skroniowo-żuchwowego, studenci

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Aerobinės ir judrumo treniruočių efektyvumas bakalauriniams studentams: eksperimentinis tyrimas

Taufik Rihatno, Kristia Estilo, Edi Setiawan, Jason Agupitan, Vasile Catalin Ciocan, Jasper John De Castro, Lou Margarett Parcon, Mike Jhun Valencia, Kathlyn Sison, Joseph Lobo, Sri Nuraini, Bachtiar


Taufik Rihatno, Kristia Estilo, Edi Setiawan, Jason Agupitan, Vasile Catalin Ciocan, Jasper John De Castro, Lou Margarett Parcon, Mike Jhun Valencia, Kathlyn Sison, Joseph Lobo, Sri Nuraini, Bachtiar – Aerobic and mobility training exercises effectiveness for undergraduate students: an experimental study. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(4); 134-139

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG20AA3B

Buvo atlikta daugybė tyrimų, kuriuose tiriamos aerobinės ir judrumo treniruotės naudos padidinant KMI. Tačiau jos naudingumas virtualioje klasėje nebuvo ištirtas jokiuose akademiniuose tyrimuose. Šio kontroliuojamo eksperimento tikslas yra nustatyti, ar skirtingi aerobinių ir judrumo treniruočių tipai reikšmingai pagerina KMI tarp tyrimo dalyvių. Šiame tyrime naudojamas eksperimentinis tyrimo dizainas, kuriame studentai keturias savaites iš eilės dalyvaus aerobinių ir judrumo treniruočių serijoje, atsižvelgiant į dalyvių lytį ir KMI. Tyrime dalyvauja vienas bakalaurinių studentų skyrius Filipinuose esančioje kolegijoje. Buvo naudotas apklausos klausimynas, suskirstytas į dvi dalis. Pirmoje dalyje įtraukti asmeniniai profilis, tokie kaip lytis ir pradinis KMI. Antroji dalis paprašė dalyvių atsakyti į Fizinės Aktyvumo Pasirengimo Klausimyną (PAR-Q). Atlikus treniruočių seriją, pastebėta reikšminga skirtumas tarp vyriškųjų ir moteriškųjų studentų jų pasirodyme, kuriame vyrai pasirodė geriau palyginti su jų kolegomis. Svarbiausia, pastebėta reikšminga skirtumas tarp studentų pradinių ir galutinių testų rezultatų. Galima daryti išvadą, kad įvairios aerobinės ir judrumo treniruočių serijos yra efektyvios studentams pagerinti savo KMI, net ir online mokymosi aplinkoje. Labai rekomenduojama tęsti šių treniruočių naudojimą. Galiausiai pateikiamos praktinės išvados, apribojimai ir ateities tyrimų kryptys.
aerobinės treniruotės, judrumo treniruotės, online mokymosi aplinka, fizinis ugdymas, bakalauriniai studentai
Pobierz/Download/下載/Cкачиваете Atsisiųskite nemokamai straipsnį anglų kalba

Prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in south Indian university students: A cross-sectional study

S. Swathi, S.R. Swathi, Hasira Bhanu, Shazia Neelam, P. Senthil

S. Swathi, S.R. Swathi, Hasira Bhanu, Shazia Neelam, P. Senthil – Prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in south Indian university students: A cross-sectional study. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(3); 180-182

Background and Objective. Most of the earlier studies explored the prevalence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) among university students with self-report measures. The aim of the present study was to find the prevalence of ADHD among south Indian university students.
Methods. This is a Cross sectional study conducted In different universities in south India. The Adult ADHD Symptoms Self-Report (ASRS) was filled out by 419 university students. A two-step procedure was done by using the ASRS 6 item screener, an 18-item scale. The sum of the 18 dichotomized items is computed only for those subjects who scored higher than 3 on the 6-item screener, and those who received a total score of higher than 10 are considered as likely to have ADHD. Data analysis was done using descriptive and analytical statistics in SPSS software.
Results. The self-reported ADHD prevalence rate among university students was 7%. The prevalence of ADHD was greater in females than males.
Conclusion. ADHD Prevalence is common among university students. To know the actual prevalence rate of ADHD structured interviews, clinical evaluations are needed.

Key words:
prevalence, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, university students, adult ADHD self-report scale

Pobierz/Download/下載/Cкачиваете Atsisiųskite straipsnį anglų kalba nemokamai

Analysis of changes in attitudes towards starting the chosen career among physiotherapy students during their Bachelor program studies at university-level schools of differenteducational orientations

Joanna Gotlib, Dariusz Białoszewski, Anna Cabak, Katarzyna Barczyk, Aleksandra Bauer, Wojciech Kuła, Piotr Majcher, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Maciej Płaszewski, Janusz Sierdziński, Andrzej Wall

Joanna Gotlib, Dariusz Białoszewski, Anna Cabak, Katarzyna Barczyk, Aleksandra Bauer, Wojciech Kuła, Piotr Majcher, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Maciej Płaszewski, Janusz Sierdziński, Andrzej Wall – Analysis of changes in attitudes towards starting the chosen career among physiotherapy students during their Bachelor program studies at university-level schools of differenteducational orientations. Fizjoterapia Polska 2010; 10(1); 25-36

Background. The education of physiotherapists in Poland takes place at three types of university-level schools: medical universities, universities of physical education and universities of other orientations. The orientations differ in terms of: educational traditions, teaching quality and various approaches to the subject of study. The objective of this study was to analyze the perception of the futurę career in physiotherapy by comparing first- and third-year students from universities of different orientations. Material and methods. The study involved 1145 students from 11 university-level schools. The same students were sun/eyed twice: during the first and third year of their studies. The research tool was a yoluntary anonymous questionnaire designed by the authors containing a total of 88 questions. The analysis (Statsoft STATISTICA 8) was based on the following non-parametric statistical tests: the chi-square (x2) test, Kruskal-Wallis test and Wilcoxon signed-rank test (p<0.05). Results. The third-year students were morę willing to undertake Master-level studies and significantly less willing to embarkon their chosen career than when they were in the first year. While the familiarity with opportunities for starting their career as physiotherapists had increased significantly, most students still declared that they were not familiar with them. Most students claimed that it was easy to findajob in other European Union countnes. Conclusions. 1. In the study group, the school orientation had no significant influence on the students’attitude towards their futurę chosen career. 2. It is important that the education curricula for the students of Bachelor-level studies in physiotherapy be complemented with objecth/e source.
Key words:
students, vocational attitudes, starting a career, European Union
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Analysis of physiotherapy students’ opinions on curricula in university-level schools of different educational orientations

Dariusz Białoszewski, Joanna Gotlib, Anna Cabak, Katarzyna Barczyk, Andrzej Bugajski, Wojciech Kułak, Piotr Majcher, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Maciej Płaszewski, Janusz Sierdziński

Dariusz Białoszewski, Joanna Gotlib, Anna Cabak, Katarzyna Barczyk, Andrzej Bugajski, Wojciech Kułak, Piotr Majcher, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Maciej Płaszewski, Janusz Sierdziński – Analysis of physiotherapy students’ opinions on curricula in university-level schools of different educational orientations. Fizjoterapia Polska 2010; 10(2); 136-148

Introduction and Objective. Physiotherapy as a university degree programme was first offered in Poland in 1997, with courses including 3-year Bachelor-level and 2-year Master-level programmes. The education of physiotherapists in Poland currently takes place at three types of university-level schools: medical universities (MS), universities of physical education (PE) and university-level schools of orientations not connected with medicine or physical education (OU).This study aims to analyse and compare opinions of MS, PE and OU students on the curricula offered by the three types of university-level schools. Material and methods. The study involved a total of 593 students in their third year of Bachelor programme studies from 10 university-level schools of different educational orientations. Participation in the study was voluntary and anonymous involved completing a questionnaire distributed in March and April 2009. The questionnaire, designed by the authors, consisted of 4 parts and contained a total of 88 questions. The statistical analysis of the survey data (STATISTICA 9.0) was conducted using the Kruskall-Wallis test. Results. The majority of MS students believed the amount of practical classes was appropriate, while PE and OU participants assessed it as insufficient (p=NS). The MS students were satisfied with the amount of time of working directly with patients during clinical classes, while their PE and OU counterparts found the time insufficient. The largest number of MS, PE and OU participants declared that training in special techniques in physiotherapy was insufficient (p=NS). Conclusions. 1. It would be advisable to combine the clinical experience of medical universities with the facilities and teaching staff of specialists in physiotherapy-related courses available in universities of physical education in order to improve the quality of physiotherapy education in Poland.2. In view of the current level of research in physiotherapy, it seems important to provide students with high quality training in state-of-the-art physiotherapy techniques.
Key words:
physiotherapy, students, Bachelor-degree programmes, medical universities, universities of physical education
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Motivations for studying physiotherapy and familiarity with employment situation – differences between female and male students of physiotherapy at university-level schools in Poland

Katarzyna Barczyk, Joanna Gotlib, Aleksandra Bauer, Dariusz Białoszewski, Piotr Majcher, Maciej Płaszewski, Anna Cabak, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Wojciech Kułak, Janusz Sierdziński

Katarzyna Barczyk, Joanna Gotlib, Aleksandra Bauer, Dariusz Białoszewski, Piotr Majcher, Maciej Płaszewski, Anna Cabak, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Wojciech Kułak, Janusz Sierdziński – Motivations for studying physiotherapy and familiarity with employment situation – differences between female and male students of physiotherapy at university-level schools in Poland. Fizjoterapia Polska 2010; 10(4); 307-316

Background. The present paper analyses and compares the factors that motivate female and male students of physiotherapy to take up these studies and examines students awareness of the employment situation in their future profession.
Material and methods. The diagnostic poll method (anonymous and voluntary question naire). The study sample comprised 1st year Bachelor programme students from eleven university-level schools. The statistical analysis was based on question naires obtained from 954 students. The survey was carried out in 2006, at the beginning of the 1st semester of the Bachelor’s programme. Outcome measures The Mann–Whitney U test was used at a significance level of p<0.05. Results. Personal interest was the only factor that influenced the decision to study physiotherapy and differentiated between the male and female students. For a significantly higher percentage of the female students (p<0.001), studying physiotherapy had been a life-long ambition. The vast majority of the students stated that they were not familiar with all opportunities for finding employment as physiotherapists. The vast majority of the students believed that it is easy to find employment as a physiotherapist in other European Union countries, with female students stating so significantly more frequently (p<0.05) than their male counter parts
Conclusion. Men and women share similar expectations of their future job and motivations
Key words:
sex differences, physiotherapy, education, occupations, perception, students
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