Assessment of the Impact of Hippotherapy on the Level of Satisfaction with Life and Acceptance of Illness Among Parents of Children with Cerebral Palsy

Dariusz Białoszewski, Monika Lewandowska, Izabela Korabiewska, Witold Rongies, Marta Woińska, Joanna Gotlib

Dariusz Białoszewski, Monika Lewandowska, Izabela Korabiewska, Witold Rongies, Marta Woińska, Joanna Gotlib – Assessment of the Impact of Hippotherapy on the Level of Satisfaction with Life and Acceptance of Illness Among Parents of Children with Cerebral Palsy. Fizjoterapia Polska 2012; 12(2); 141-146

Background. The parents’ satisfaction with life and their acceptance of their child’s illness are important factors that directly and / or indirectly influence the process of rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of hippotherapy on the level of satisfaction with life and acceptance of illness among parents of children with cerebral palsy. Material and methods. The study was conducted in 2008-2010 among 94 parents of cerebrally palsied (CP) children partici­pating in hippotherapy sessions in Warsaw. The study used an original questionnaire with questions dealing with the effect of hippotherapy on selected psychological factors in the parents. The questionnaire was completed by the parents twice: before and after a one-year hippotherapy course. Two psychometric scales: the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) and the Acceptance of Illness Scale (AIS), were also used, both adapted for Polish by Juczyński. The results were analyzed statistically.Results. Overall satisfaction with life among the parents increased significantly (p<0.05) during the year-long hippotherapy course. There was also a statistically significant increase in the parents’ acceptance of their children’s condition. Conclusion. Hippotherapy in CP children significantly increases their parents’ satisfaction with life and acceptance of their children’s illness.
Key words:
hippotherapy, Satisfaction with Life, acceptance of illness, Cerebral Palsy, Parents
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Proposition of conservative treatment of patients with vertigo and balance disorders caused by vestibular dysfunction

Joanna Jaczewska, Witold Rongies, Marek Zaleski

Joanna Jaczewska, Witold Rongies, Marek Zaleski – Proposition of conservative treatment of patients with vertigo and balance disorders caused by vestibular dysfunction. Fizjoterapia Polska 2012; 12(3); 201-212

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of physical exercises used in the treatment of vertigo and balance disorders caused by vestibular dysfunction. The study group consisted of 30 patients (22 women and 8 men, aged 30-84) with vertigo and/or balance disorders of vestibular origin. Half of the patients (10 women and 5 men, aged 30-79) took the medicine. All patients attended in an individually selected programme of exercises dependent on diagnosis. The control group consisted of 15 patients (10 women and 5 men, aged 30-74) treated only pharmacologically. In order to investigate the effect of rehabilitation, a modified DHI questionnaire was used. For statistical evaluation, an analysis of variance with repeated measurements was performed. Statistical significance was assumed at a level of 0.05.In the group of patients who participated only in the programme of vestibular rehabilitation, an improvement of the questionnaire score was on average 48%. The result in the group performing exercises and additionally taking medication improved on average by 45%. In the control group only 15% of improvement was achieved. The difference in the results is statistically significant. 1. Vestibular rehabilitation has proved to be an effective treatment approach for vertigo and balance disorders caused by diseases of the vestibular system. 2. The age had no significant effect on the result of rehabilitation. 3. An improvement was noted, both in structural, functional and emotional aspects.
Key words:
vestibular system, vertigo, dizziness, balance, vestibular rehabilitation
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Evaluation of pre and post operative physiotherapy using the Lysholm scale on functional Outcomes in Patients undergoing Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

Sebastian Zduński, Witold Rongies

S. Zduński, W. Rongies – Evaluation of pre and post operative physiotherapy using the Lysholm scale on functional Outcomes in Patients undergoing Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(1); 130-143

Background. Most anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries require surgery and physiotherapy. One important factor that determines physiotherapeutic success is achieving optimal function already before an ACL reconstruction surgery.
Material and methods. A total of 72 randomly enrolled patients, who had been diagnosed with a complete ACL tear and qualified for surgical reconstruction, were included in this study. The experimental group comprised 37 patients aged from 18 to 60 years (mean age 37 ± 10.3 years). All patients from this group underwent a physiotherapy regimen based on established rehabilitation practices over a period of 4 weeks preceding the surgery. The control group comprised 35 patients aged from 18 to 60 years (mean age 34 ± 10.0 years) who did not undergo any preoperative physiotherapy regimen.
Results. At the second time point, both the experimental and control groups exhibited significant improvement in Lysholm scores in comparison with baseline scores (p < 0.05). The Lysholm-Gillquist score in the experimental group was better in the experimental group. There was a significant difference in Lysholm functional knee scores in experimental and control subjects at postsurgical week 6 and 12 (p < 0.05).
Conclusions. 1. Physiotherapy in patients with a complete ACL tear is an important and beneficial factor improving knee function prior to ACL reconstruction.
2. Functional knee scores (assessed with the Lysholm scale) obtained in both groups after the reconstruction surgery confirmed the effectiveness of surgical procedures and physiotherapeutic protocols.

Key words:
knee joint, anterior cruciate ligament, Lysholm-Gillquist scale

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Selektyvi nugaros rizotomija (SDR – Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy) – neurochirurginis spastiškumo gydymo metodas VSP: dabartinė žinių būklė

Monika Wolska, Marek Kiljański, Witold Rongies

M. Wolska, M. Kiljański, W. Rongies – Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) – neurosurgical method in treatment of spasticity in CP: the current state of knowledge. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(2); 66-75

Spasticity constitutes one of the main symptoms of Cerebral Palsy (CP), which has a negative influence on children’s activity, their participation in daily life, and it also impacts their functioning in the society. Chronic spasticity leads to the development of structural lesions in the muscles and in the connective tissue, and it contributes to an intensification of atrophy, rigidity, and finally contractures resistant to pharmacological treatment. Worsening comfort of life and problems with taking care of children with CP constitute other aspects, which justify searching for methods of permanent and effective treatment of spasticity.
The selection of an optimal treatment method for every patient depends on the following: location and extent of the injury, clinical symptoms, patient’s age, and available treatment methods. Selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR) is a method of surgical treatment of spasticity in children with CP. The procedure is irreversible, and it permanently reduces spasticity. There are still many controversies regarding qualification for the procedure, indications, or short-term and long-term effects. Over the years, there are more and more international clinical studies which confirm the beneficial effect of the procedure in terms of improving the functional state of the patients. The purpose of this paper was to gather and systematize the knowledge about the procedure itself, the qualification criteria, the applied research tools, and the post-surgery physical therapy protocols, as well as to present the effects of surgical treatment.

Key words:
Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy, SDR, physical therapy, spasticity, CP


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The impact of dialysis therapy on selected spirometric parameters in patients with end-stage renal failure. Evaluation of lung functions in patients treated with haemodialysis

Witold Rongies, Agata Młynarska, Tadeusz Przybyłowski, Włodzimierz Dolecki, Monika Lewandowska, Iza Korabiewska, Janusz Sierdziński, Justyna Choromańska

W. Rongies, A. Młynarska, T. Przybyłowski, W. Dolecki, M. Lewandowska, I. Korabiewska, J. Sierdziński, J. Choromańska – Ocena wybranych parametrów spirometrycznych w grupie pacjentów przewlekle dializowanych z powodu schyłkowej niewydolności nerek. Ocena wydolności oddechowej pacjentów leczonych przewlekłymi dializami. FP 2013; 13(3); 14-21


lntroduction: Haemodialysis is used in the treatment of both acute and chronic renal failure as well as in some cases of poisoning. The purpose of haemodialysis is to clear the blood of toxic substances. During a haemodialysis session the body also receives substances necessary for regenerating its buffers and for the compensation of metabolic acidosis, and excess wafer is removed from the body. Despite these beneficial outcomes, most dialysis patients report subjective fatigue at the end of a session which can manifest itself an impairment of respiratory parameters. Material and methods: The study enrolled 21 chronic dialysis patients. The study procedures consisted in carrying out a forced spirometry procedure immediately before a dialysis session and 15 minutes after completion of the session. Results: All spirometric parameters assessed in the study group of 21 patients did not change significantly after a dialysis session. There were slight improvements in FEF50 and FEF25. FVC showed mild deterioration. None of the differences was statistically significant. At the same time, there was a statistically significant correlation between the degree of dehydration (loss of body weight during dialysis) and FVC values (p<0.05). Conclusions: 1. A single dialysis session did not induce significant changes in selected respiratory parameters in the study group. 2. The observed subjective feeling of fatigue following a dialysis session in the study group was not caused by impaired respiratory function.

Key words:
spirometry, dialysis, end-stage renal failure, rehabilitation

Ocena wyników fizjoterapii po artroskopowej rekonstrukcji więzadła krzyżowego przedniego (WKP) za pomocą kwestionariusza Knee and Osteoarthrosis Outcome Score (KOOS) w wybranym modelu usprawniania

Sebastian Zduński, Witold Rongies, Marcin Ziółkowski, Tomasz Kozieł, Janusz Sierdziński

S. Zduński, W. Rongies, M. Ziółkowski, T. Kozieł, J. Sierdziński – Evaluation of physiotherapy results after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using the Knee and Osteoarthrosis Outcome Score (KOOS) questionnaire. FP 2017; 17(2); 60-70


Wstęp. W ostatnich latach zauważalny jest wzrost liczby urazów stawu kolanowego z następowym, całkowitym uszkodzeniem więzadła krzyżowego przedniego (WKP). Uszkodzenia WKP w większości przypadków wymagają specjalistycznego leczenia operacyjnego i fizjoterapeutycznego. Głównym celem leczenia usprawniającego jest przywrócenie pełnej funkcji stawu kolanowego i całej kończyny dolnej objętej leczeniem operacyjnym. W ostatnim czasie wzrasta zainteresowanie metodami oceny wyników procedur rekonstrukcji WKP. Stworzono wiele kwestionariuszy i skal umożliwiających ocenę rezultatów leczenia. Przykładem jest skala Knee and Osteoarthrosis Outcome Score (KOOS).
Cel pracy. Ocena bliskich i odległych wyników rehabilitacji pacjentów po artroskopowej rekonstrukcji więzadła krzyżowego przedniego w wybranym modelu usprawniania leczniczego za pomocą skali Knee and Osteoarthrosis Outcome Score (KOOS).
Materiał i metodyka. Do badania włączono w sposób losowy 72 osoby z rozpoznanym całkowitym zerwaniem WKP, zakwalifikowanych do jego operacyjnego odtworzenia. Do Grupy Badanej włączono 37 chorych w wieku od 18 do 60 lat (średnia 37 ±10,3 lat). Wszyscy badani z tej grupy poddani zostali modelowi fizjoterapii, opartemu o uznane schematy leczenia usprawniającego, przez 4 tygodnie poprzedzające zabieg rekonstrukcyjny. W sumie przeprowadzono od 10 do 12 sesji terapeutycznych. Do Grupy Kontrolnej włączono 35 chorych w wieku od 18 do 60 lat (średnia 34 ±10,0 lat), którzy nie realizowali programu fizjoterapii przedoperacyjnej. Program fizjoterapii pooperacyjnej był jednakowy u wszystkich badanych.
Wyniki. Zaobserwowano istotną statystycznie poprawę oceny funkcjonalnej stawu kolanowego po rekonstrukcji WKP za pomocą kwestionariusza KOOS u pacjentów z Grupy Badanej i Kontrolnej w kolejnych punktach pomiarowych (p < 0,05). Lepszy wynik w Grupie Badanej stwierdzono niemal we wszystkich subskalach skali KOOS (objawy, sztywność, czynności dnia codziennego, aktywność, jakość życia) po 6 i 12 tygodniach od rekonstrukcji WKP. Nie zaobserwowano jednak istotnej statystycznie różnicy pomiędzy Grupą Badaną i Kontrolną (p > 0,05). Zaobserwowano natomiast istotną statystycznie różnicę w kategorii „sztywność” skali KOOS po 12 tygodniach od operacji (p < 0,05). Zaobserwowano także istotną statystycznie różnicę w parametrze SP3 (możliwość podskoku) skali KOOS po 12 tygodniach od operacji (p < 0,05).
Wnioski. 1. Uzyskane wyniki w obu badanych grupach, w zakresie możliwości funkcjonalnych ocenianych za pomocą kwestionariusza KOOS po zabiegu rekonstrukcji, potwierdzają dobrą jakość wykonanych zabiegów operacyjnych oraz działań fizjoterapeutycznych. 2. Obserwowany w kwestionariuszu KOOS lepszy wynik w Grupie Badanej, wskazuje na dużą wartość terapeutyczną przedoperacyjnej rehabilitacji.

Słowa kluczowe:
więzadło krzyżowe przednie, staw kolanowy, fizjoterapia, kwestionariusz KOOS

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