Procjena učinkovitosti rehabilitacije kod pacijenata s KOPB-om u sklopu projekta “PulmoRehab – Pristup zdravstvenim uslugama putem personaliziranog sustava skrbi za pacijente s KOPB, uključujući daljinsko praćenje i tele-rehabilitaciju na temelju metoda umjetne inteligencije”

Katarzyna Bogacz, Anna Szczegielniak, Łukasz Czekaj, Andrzej Jarynowski, Robert Kitłowski, Stanisław Maksymowicz, Danuta Lietz-Kijak, Bartosz Pańczyszak, Jacek Łuniewski, Edyta Krajczy, Mirosław Lenczuk, Jacek Sahajdak, Krzysztof Kassolik, Szymon Kaliciński, Jan Szczegielniak


Katarzyna Bogacz, Anna Szczegielniak, Łukasz Czekaj et al – Assessment of rehabilitation effectiveness in patients with COPD as part of the project “PulmoRehab – Access to healthcare services through a personalized care system for patients with COPD, including remote monitoring and tele-rehabilitation based on Artificial Intelligence methods” –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(1); 6-11


Uvod. U projektu “PulmoRehab – Pristup zdravstvenim uslugama putem personaliziranog sustava skrbi za pacijente s KOPB, uključujući daljinsko praćenje i tele-rehabilitaciju na temelju metoda umjetne inteligencije,” Specijalizirana bolnica SP ZOZ Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova i uprave u Głuchołazyju i 10 partnera provelo je istraživanje o tele-rehabilitaciji za osobe koje pate od Kronične opstruktivne plućne bolesti (KOPB). Program tele-rehabilitacije, temeljen na personaliziranom pristupu i tehnologiji, omogućio je pacijentima korištenje terapije kod kuće ili na prikladnoj lokaciji. Cilj projekta bio je smanjenje socijalnih nejednakosti u zdravstvu pružanjem daljinskog pristupa zdravstvenim uslugama za pacijente s KOPB.
Materijali i metode. Studija je uključivala 80 pacijenata u dobi od 50 do 76 godina, hospitaliziranih u Specijalističkoj bolnici Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova i uprave sv. Ivana Pavla II, koji su zadovoljavali određene kriterije. Kvalifikacija za program tele-rehabilitacije uzela je u obzir procjenu tolerancije na vježbanje, dispneje, umora, funkcije ventilacije pluća i saturacije. Program je uključivao vježbe prilagođene individualnim potrebama pacijenata.
Rezultati. Analiza rezultata provedena korištenjem softvera XLSTAT 2021.2.2 pokazala je statistički značajne razlike između spirometrijskih vrijednosti prije i nakon rehabilitacije. Slično tome, značajno poboljšanje primijećeno je u rezultatima testa hodanja na 6 minuta i saturacije krvi. Program tele-rehabilitacije pokazao se učinkovitim u poboljšanju respiratornih zdravstvenih parametara kod pacijenata s KOPB.
Program tele-rehabilitacije poboljšava funkciju ventilacije pluća kod osoba s KOPB. Smanjuje osjećaj dispneje, umanjuje umor, poboljšava SpO2 i povećava toleranciju na vježbanje, što demonstrira korisne učinke primijenjene rehabilitacije.
Dobiveni rezultati potiču daljnja istraživanja na reprezentativnoj grupi s korištenjem randomizacije.
Ključne riječi:
Tele-rehabilitacija, KOPB
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Eligibility of COPD patients for physiotherapy based on a six minute walk test and treadmill test

Katarzyna Bogacz, Marek Woszczak, Jacek Łuniewski, Marcin Krajczy, Bartosz Pańczyszak, Jan Szczegielniak, Marek Kiljański

K. Bogacz, M. Woszczak, J. Łuniewski, M. Krajczy, B. Pańczyszak, J. Szczegielniak, M. Kiljański – Eligibility of COPD patients for physiotherapy based on a six minute walk test and treadmill test; Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(1); 96-106



Objective. The aim of the paper was to assess the results of physiotherapy of COPD patients whose elgibility for the relevant rehabilitation model was assessed with the help of the 6-MWT test and the treadmill test according to the modified Bruce protocol.
Materials and methods. 80 individuals suffering from COPD treated as in-patients at the MSWiA Specialist Hospital in Głuchołazy between May 2017 and September 2017 were examined. After a 3-week comprehensive physiotherapy, the exercise stress test, spirometry test and dyspnoea assessment on the modified 10-point Borg scale were repeated in both groups of COPD patients.
Results. Calculations were performed using the IBM SPSS software. In order to assess consistency between the distribution of the results with the normal distribution, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used. As the distribution differed from the normal distribution, nonparametric methods were used for further analysis. In order to assess the significance of differences between the two groups in terms of quantitative variables, Mann-Whitney tests were used, while Wilcoxon tests were used for dependent samples to assess the significance of changes over time in the same patients (bound pairs). The statistical significance threshold was set at p < 0.001.
1. A significant improvement was noticed in the level of exercise stress tolerance after physiotherapy both among patients assessed according to the modified Bruce test and patients assessed with the 6-minute walk test.
2. A significant improvement was shown in the values of spirometric indicators after physiotherapy both among patients assessed according to the modified Bruce test and patients assessed with the 6-minute walk test.
3. A significant decrease was shown in the level of dyspnoea after physiotherapy both among patients assessed according to the modified Bruce test and patients assessed with the 6-minute walk test.

Key words:

COPD, modified Bruce protocol, 6-MWT test, physiotherapy

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