Utjecaj energije vibracija cijelog tijela na mineralnu gustoću kostiju žena nakon menopauze; Sistematski pregled

Mohannad Hawamdeh, Zaid Modhi Mansour, Saad Al-Nassan, Ziad Hawamdeh, MohammadEtoom, FarisAlshammari, Abdul-Majeed R. Almalty, Shaden Albustanji

M. Hawamdeh, Z. Modhi Mansour, S. Al-Nassan, Z. Hawamdeh, M. Etoom, F. Alshammari, Abdul-Majeed R. Almalty, S. Albustanji – The effects of Whole body vibration energy on bone mineral density in post-menopausal women: A systematic Review. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(1); 46-50

Aging increases the incidence of bone fractures due to the loss of bone mass especially with postmenopausal women Purpose. The aim of this systematic review is to re-evaluate the clinical trials done on the efficacy of WBV treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.
Approach. Data search and studies selection: The following databases Pub-Med, Medline, Science Direct and Google Scholar have been searched. The searches were conducted using the following key words: “Whole Body Vibration (WBV)”, “Osteoporosis,” “Post-Menopausal Woman,” “Bone Mineral Density (BMD).” Data Extraction: we extracted sample size, age, Study design, outcomes at baseline, whole body vibration details and the main findings.
Results. some studies showed that WBV increased bone mineral density, most studies showed that it hasn’t significantly increases bone mineral density in post-menopausal women.
Conclusion. we concluded that there is no consensus on the effects of WBV technique on bone mineral density.

Key words:
Osteoporosis, Aging, Fracture, Osteopenia

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