The mobility of the lumbar spine in persons with low back pain

Arletta Hawrylak, Tadeusz Skolimowski, Katarzyna Barczyk, Dorota Wójtowicz

Arletta Hawrylak, Tadeusz Skolimowski, Katarzyna Barczyk, Dorota Wójtowicz – The mobility of the lumbar spine in persons with low back pain. Fizjoterapia Polska 2004; 4(2); 100-106


Background. The purpose of our study was to examine changes in the mobility of the lumbar spine in persons with L5-S1 diskopathy and the changes in mobility associated with different modalities of treatment. Material and methods. We studied 150 persons 40-50 years of age, 64 men and 86 women. Due to variations in management the material was divided into two groups: Group I, treated only pharmacologically, and Group II, treated with both pharmacological methods and physiotherapy. The patients were examined twice, once before treatment and again after 6 weeks of treatment. The research methods included clinical interviews and measurement of thoraco-lumbar and lumbar mobility on all planes. Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs were used in Group I. In Group II, comprehensive physiotherapy was also applied, including physicotherapy, kinesitherapy, and massage. Results. Our analysis of the material showed that the limitations in spinal mobility were similar in both groups at baseline. After a 6-week course of treatment, significant improvement in the mobility of the thoraco-lumbar and lumbar spine was noted only in Group II (pharmacotherapy and physiotherapy), involving all the tested ranges of movement. Conclusions. An evaluation of treatment outcome in persons with L5-S1 diskopathy indicates that persons treated both with pharmacotherapy and physiotherapy show greater improvement. The fact that significant improvement was seen only in this group may result from the fact that the drugs used prepared the way for better results in subsequent physiotherapy. These results indicate that pharmacological treatment in these patients should be supplemented with physiotherapy.

Key words:
discopathy, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, physicotherapy, kinesitherapy, massage
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Evaluation of body position dissymmetry in infants – comparison of clinical findings and podoscopic evaluation with PodoBaby infant evaluation unit.

Magdalena Pyzio, Dorota Wójtowicz, Anna Skrzek

Magdalena Pyzio, Dorota Wójtowicz, Anna Skrzek – Evaluation of body position dissymmetry in infants – comparison of clinical findings and podoscopic evaluation with PodoBaby infant evaluation unit. Fizjoterapia Polska 2010; 10(2); 156-164

Background. Early diagnosis and therapy of infants with central coordination disorder (CCD) ensure maximum therapeutic benefits of nervous system plasticity. Therefore, one of the main aims of modern paediatric physiotherapy is to create a system for objective and early diagnosis in order to enable early institution of appropriate evidence-based therapy. The aim of this study was to evaluate body position dissymmetry in infants on the basis of clinical findings and podoscopic assessment in healthy infants and infants presenting with CCD, thus constituting the first step towards objective evaluation of psychomotor development. The Podo Baby device for the assessment of infants registers the surface of contact with the infant’s body on the right and left sides in the prone and supine positions, thus allowing an assessment of the infant’s body position dissymmetry. Material and methods. The study involved two groups of infants: five healthy infants and five infants with a diagnosis of central coordination disorder. The diagnosis was made on the basis of Vojta’s clinical assessment and a podoscopic evaluation with the Podo Baby device.Results. This experiment showed a good fit between the results of the clinical and podoscopic evaluations. There was a difference in dissymmetry between the healthy and neurologically impaired infants. All healthy infants showed differences between body weight distribution percentages on the right and left sides of less than 18%, while the infants with CCD revealed differences of up to 66%. Conclusion. The Podo Baby device may make clinical diagnosis more objective.
Key words:
Podo Baby, dissymmetry of infants, paediatric diagnosis, central coordination disorder
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Ocena pozycji siedzącej u niemowląt

Dorota Wójtowicz, Maria Kubińska, Dariusz Miodoński,
Anna Skrzek

D. Wójtowicz, M. Kubińska, D. Miodoński, A. Skrzek – Evaluation of sitting position in infants. FP 2015; 15(2); 40-51

Wstęp. Diagnostyka funkcjonalna niemowląt stanowi ogromne wyzwanie dla lekarzy pediatrii, neurologii dziecięcej oraz fizjoterapeutów. W pracy oceniano pozycję siedzącą przy wykorzystaniu stanowiska podoskopowego PodoBaby przeznaczonego do diagnostyki niemowląt.
Cel pracy. Celem pracy była ocena motoryki spontanicznej w zakresie pozycji siedzącej niemowląt zdrowych poprzez analizę płaszczyzn przylegania do podłoża w obrazie podoskopowym.
Materiał i metody. Badania zostały przeprowadzone  w grupie dzieci uczęszczających do szkoly pływania „TONI” we Wrocławiu dla niemowląt i małych dzieci. Badaniami objęto 25 niemowląt siedzących w wieku 8-16 miesiąca życia. Badanie zostało przeprowadzone w pozycji siedzącej na wielkogabarytowym stanowisku podoskopowym do diagnozy niemowląt PodoBaby.
Wyniki i wnioski. Pozycja siedząca opisywana wielkością płaszczyzn przylegania jest prawidłowa tak u niemowląt zdrowych jak i u niemowląt z bardzo lekkim ZOKN. U niemowląt zdrowych jest stabilna a nieco mniej stabilna u niemowląt z bardzo lekkim ZOKN. Pewne różnice jakości pozycji siedzącej niemowląt zdrowych względem niemowląt z bardzo lekkim ZOKN mogą stanowić podłoże działań profilaktycznych w zakresie wad postawy ciała.

Słowa kluczowe:
pozycja siedząca dziecka, niemowlęta, zaburzenia ośrodkowej koordynacji nerwowej (ZOKN), podoskop

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