Physiotherapy management in geriatrics

Tomasz Pasek, Marcin Kempiński, Jarosław Pasek, Romualda Mucha, Aleksander Sieroń

Tomasz Pasek, Marcin Kempiński, Jarosław Pasek, Romualda Mucha, Aleksander Sieroń – Physiotherapy management in geriatrics. Fizjoterapia Polska 2007; 7(4); 455-464

The important role of the physiotherapy in the treatment of elderly patients was recognized in the second part of the 21st century. Physiotherapy facilitates adaptation to the problems of the old age. Physiotherapeutic management includes the development of motor programmes which help elderly people to function normally and independently. Aging is a natural part of human life. Man’s role is to make it as comfortable as possible. Geriatric rehabilitation is concerned with treating elderly patients and keeping them fit, helping them to avoid some of the symptoms of chronic old age ailments. Nowadays age 65 is regarded as the beginning of old age. Some of the most characteristic features of this part of life are: difficulties in maintaining homoeostasis in the presence of stress stimuli, lower capability to carry out activities of daily living and reduced physical activity. In fact, elderly people are increasingly dependent on the help of others. Therefore there is a great need for preventative rehabilitation, whose purpose is to prepare for a physiological and healthy old age. This article describes problems connected with rehabilitation of the elderly. Currently employed physiotherapeutic and kinesitherapeutic methods are described together with state-of-the-art treatment options in physical therapy. The latter include magnetic field stimulation, which is remarkably useful in the treatment of depression, injuries and other musculoskeletal conditions and magneto-LED-therapy, a novel combination of fluctuating magnetic field and visible light irradiation possessing anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic effects.
Key words:
geriatrics, physical medicine, elderly, rehabilitation
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New possibilities in physiotherapy – magnetolaserotherapy

Jarosław Pasek, Anna Misiak, Romualda Mucha, Tomasz Pasek, Aleksander Sieroń

Jarosław Pasek, Anna Misiak, Romualda Mucha, Tomasz Pasek, Aleksander Sieroń – New possibilities in physiotherapy – magnetolaserotherapy. Fizjoterapia Polska 2008; 8(1); 1-10

The characteristic progress in science and technology of the 21st century is being accompanied by significant research developments in the field physical medicine. Before our very eyes physics is entering more and more courageously into treatment, broadening the therapeutic armamentarium and also reducing the side effects of pharmaceutical agents in some cases. Particularly in recent years one can observe increasing interest and research concerning therapeutic application of new physical methods, including variable fields, which until now have been underused. One such method is the combined application of lasers and magnetic fields, known as magnetolaserotherapy. Magnetolaserotherapy, the combined action of laser radiation and a variable magnetic field, has led to increasingly wider use of this treatment modality in various fields of clinical medicine and rehabilitation. Document positive effects of the use of the biostimulating laser and variable magnetic field in the control of pain, acceleration of wound healing and strengthening of the immune system have already been positively confirmed in a large number of clinical studies, which directly translates into the duration, quality and patient comfort duringtreatment. The present paper is based on information contained in available publications concerning magnetolaserotherapy and the authors’ experience connected with this method. This article is a clear comprehensive review intended for specialists in broadly defined physical medicine.
Key words:
treatment, magnetolaserotherapy, rehabilitation
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Influence of whole-body cryotherapy on hemodynamic parameters in patients with motor organs disease

Alicja Wołyńska-Ślężyńska, Jarosław Pasek, Sebastian Szajkowski, Tomasz Pasek, Jan Ślężyński, Aleksander Sieroń

Alicja Wołyńska-Ślężyńska, Jarosław Pasek, Sebastian Szajkowski, Tomasz Pasek, Jan Ślężyński, Aleksander Sieroń – Influence of whole-body cryotherapy on hemodynamic parameters in patients with motor organs disease. Fizjoterapia Polska 2012; 12(2); 113-118

Background. Whole-body cryotherapy is a physical method that is increasingly being employed in rehabilitation. The procedure consists in stimulating the body with temperatures below -100ºC. The most common applications of cryotherapy is in the treatment of diseases or injuries of the locomotor system. Material and methods. The study comprised 222 patients: 114 females (51.3%) and 108 males (48.6%) selected to the study group, diagnosed with discopathy (107 persons; 48.1%), lumbalgia at L5-S1 (57 persons; 25.6%), and spinal column degeneration (58 persons; 26.1%). The patients underwent series of 10 whole-body cryotherapy procedures, the sessions, each lasting 1-3 minutes, were conducted every day for 10 days. Changes in the body surface temperature (before therapy and after its completion) were recorded and analyzed, in addition pulse, and arterial blood pressure after 1, 5 and 10 procedures, with respect to diagnosed disease and the patient’s gender were also analyzed. Results. Whole-body cryotherapy procedures caused significant reduction in body temperature (p<0.01). Evaluation of pulse and arterial blood pressure parameters showed that the group of patients with discopathy as well as spinal pain syndrome registered the highest changes in pulse rate value (p<0.01). Higher pulse rate fluctuations were observed in women. Results on arterial blood pressure values revealed a statistically significant increase in systolic blood pressure parameters only (p<0.01).Conclusion. Whole-body cryotherapy lead to significant drop in body surface temperature and increased pulse rate and systolic blood pressure.
Key words:
whole-body cryotherapy, treatment, Physical Medicine, motor organs disease
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Physiotherapy tacticsafter hip joint resurfacing

Karol Ochocki, Jarosław Pasek, Tomasz Stołtny, Maciej Szczęśniak, Szymon Szymański, Kamil Dworak, Wojciech Gąsior, Michał Czarnecki, Rafał Szczygieł, Bogdan Koczy

Karol Ochocki, Jarosław Pasek, Tomasz Stołtny, Maciej Szczęśniak, Szymon Szymański, Kamil Dworak, Wojciech Gąsior, Michał Czarnecki, Rafał Szczygieł, Bogdan Koczy – Physiotherapy tacticsafter hip joint resurfacing. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(1); 148-157

Hip resurfacing arthroplasty (capoplasty) is a surgical procedure involving the replacement of diseased articular surfaces. Renal failure, female reproductive period, allergy to metal, acetabular diameter below 46 mm in preoperative planning are now absolute contraindications for capoplasty. The available literature shows that this procedure is performed in young, physically active people, usually under 55 years of age. The growing expectations of patients regarding the return to professional and sports activity mean that appropriate and systematic physiotherapy is important after the procedure. In the paper, the authors present the current position on the physiotherapeutic procedure after hip resurfacing arthroplasty.
Key words:
hip resurfacing, operation treatment, physiotherapy, physical movement, physical therapy
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Algorithm of physiotherapy after traumatic injury of the Achilles tendon

Jarosław Pasek, Tomasz Stołtny, Maciej Szczęśniak, Bogdan Dugiełło, Wojciech Gąsior, Michał Czarnecki, Jakub Jaczyński, Bogdan Koczy

J. Pasek, T. Stołtny, M. Szczęśniak, B. Dugiełło, W. Gąsior, M. Czarnecki, J. Jaczyński, B. Koczy – Algorithm of physiotherapy after traumatic injury of the Achilles tendon. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(2); 76-87


Achilles tendon is the largest and strongest tendon in the human body. Due to its key function in motor skills and the currently observed increase in popularity of various sports disciplines, it is subject to more frequent injuries. This requires the introduction of appropriate therapeutic measures. The main goal of the whole treatment process is to ensure the full recovery of tendon function. In cases of a full tendon ruptures, the treatment of choice is surgery unless it is contraindicated for general medical reasons. In both cases, proper physiotherapy is needed. In the article, the authors present an algorithm for physiotherapy after traumatic injury to the Achilles tendon.

Key words:
injury, Achilles tendon, physiotherapy, treatment

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Fizjoterapia w przebiegu kompleksowego usztywnienia pantalarnego gwoździem śródszpikowym (odpiętowym) u chorych z przewlekłym zespołem bólowym w rozległej deformacji

Jarosław Pasek, Tomasz Stołtny, Michał Pyda, Marek Kawecki, Daniel Spyrka, Michał Benedykt Białek, Alina Ostałowska, Sławomir Kasperczyk, Bogdan Koczy

J. Pasek, T. Stołtny, M. Pyda, M. Kawecki, D. Spyrka, M. B. Białek, A. Ostałowska, S.Kasperczyk, B. Koczy – Physiotherapy after combined surgically ankylosis crural-tarsal and crural-calcaneal interlocking retrograde nail in patients with chronic pain in extensive deformation . Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(2); 52-57

Usztywnienie pantalarne wykonuje się w sytuacjach kiedy wyczerpany został panel zabiegów operacyjnych mających na celu przywrócenie funkcji podpórczej kończyny w rozległej deformacji podudzia z przewlekłym zespołem bólowym. W latach 2010-2017 wykonano 31 kompleksowych usztywnień pantalarnych. Zabiegi przeprowadzono u 27 mężczyzn i 4 kobiet u których wdrożono przed- i pooperacyjną fizjoterapię oraz wybrane zabiegi fizykoterapeutyczne. W pracy przedstawiono niezbędne wiadomości dotyczące kompleksowego usztywnienia pantalarnego oraz szczegółowo omówiono postępowanie fizjoterapeutyczne u tych chorych.

Słowa kluczowe:
artrodeza pantalarna, choroba zwyrodnieniowa, fizjoterapia, gwóźdź śródszpikowy (odpiętowy), staw rzekomy podudzia

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Magnetostymulacja w leczeniu przewlekłej rany po usunięciu mięśnia strzałkowego jako konsekwencji wypadku komunikacyjnego – opis przypadku

Jarosław Pasek, Tomasz Pasek, Grzegorz Cieślar, Aleksander Sieroń

J. Pasek, T. Pasek, G. Cieślar, A. Sieroń – Magnetostimulation in the treatment of chronic wound after removal of muscle peroneus longus as a traffic accident consequence – case report; Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(1); 26-31


Nie budzi obecnie wątpliwości coraz częstsze wykorzystywanie metod medycyny fizykalnej w licznych działach medycyny. Szeroki wachlarz zabiegów umożliwia wdrażanie odpowiedniego leczenia, jego skracanie oraz zmniejszanie kosztów społeczno-ekonomicznych. Dotyczy to schorzeń i urazów narządu ruchu, tkanek miękkich oraz przewlekłych ran. Stosowane leczenie farmakologiczne w wielu przypadkach jest niewystarczające i kosztowne. W artykule przedstawiono korzystny wynik leczenia 17-letniego pacjenta z utrzymującą się przewlekła raną po usunięciu mięśnia strzałkowego długiego (w związku z jego martwicą) kończyny prawej w wyniku doznanego wypadku komunikacyjnego. W leczeniu zastosowano zabiegi magnetostymulacji (zmienne pole magnetyczne) przez 12 tygodni doprowadzając do całkowitego wygojenia się rany po uprzednio przeprowadzonym zabiegu operacyjnym. Wygojenie rany umożliwiło pacjentowi samodzielne poruszanie się (bez asekuracji kul łokciowych, bez odczuwania dolegliwości bólowych), a korzystny wynik leczenia wpłynął na poprawę jakości życia leczonego pacjenta.

Słowa kluczowe:
wypadek komunikacyjny, pola magnetyczne, leczenie, magnetostymulacja

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