An analysis of rehabilitation outcome for infants with torticollis, based on an original examination sheet

Małgorzata Matyja, Krzysztof Czupryna, Mirosław Kokosz, Justyna Golba

Małgorzata Matyja, Krzysztof Czupryna, Mirosław Kokosz, Justyna Golba – An analysis of rehabilitation outcome for infants with torticollis, based on an original examination sheet. Fizjoterapia Polska 2001; 1(4); 354-360

Introduction. Compulsory asymmetrical positioning of the head with a tint to one side and a twist to the opposite side is called torticollis. Its consequences can be both local and global. The global symptoms, resulting from the impact of the spatial head position on the distribution of muscle tension in the entire body, are less frequently described. Materials and method. The authors have developed an examination sheet for infants with asymmetrical head control, which makes it possible to objectivize the diagnosis of local and global symptoms, and to control their correction in the course of rehabilitation. Conclusions. An assessment of the results obtained shows that the global symptoms must be taken into account in therapy, since as a general rule they appear later than the local symptoms.

Key words:
Torticollis, examination sheet, rehabilitation of infants

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Some possibilities for alleviating gait disturbances in children undergoing rehabilitation for cerebral palsy, in the light of baropedographic tests: a preliminary report

Janusz Nowotny, Krzysztof Czupryna, Jerzy Pietruszewski, Małgorzata Matyja

Janusz Nowotny, Krzysztof Czupryna, Jerzy Pietruszewski, Małgorzata Matyja – Some possibilities for alleviating gait disturbances in children undergoing rehabilitation for cerebral palsy, in the light of baropedographic tests: a preliminary report. Fizjoterapia Polska 2003; 3(3); 217-223


Background. A pathological gait stereotype often occurs in children with cerebral palsy. The effort is made during rehabilitation to alleviate some of the symptoms, but this requires a precise survey of the component factors involved in the abnormal gait pattern that can be remedied. Atypical methods are sometimes used in rehabilitation, and their suitability also needs objective verification. Material and methods. Our study presents the possibilities for objective gait evaluation using baropedographic tests based on the Parotec® system. The possibilities of improving gait symmetry are also presented, using the example of children undergoing rehabilitation for cerebral palsy who have also been receiving botulin injections or the so-called inhibitive plaster casts. Results and Conclusions. These additional therapeutic devices facilitate further treatment and have a positive impact on improving the symmetry of gait in these children. We also found that this testing can be a valuable source of information for the therapist, pointing out which parameters of abnormal gait should be focused on during further rehabilitation.

Key words:
Cerebral Palsy, evaluation of gait disturbances, botulin, inhibitive plaster casts
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Disturbances of pelvic control in sitting and while assuming a sitting position as a manifestation of postural hypotonia in pre-school children

Małgorzata Matyja, Edward Saulicz, Mirosław Kokosz, Marta Syryjczyk

Małgorzata Matyja, Edward Saulicz, Mirosław Kokosz, Marta Syryjczyk – Disturbances of pelvic control in sitting and while assuming a sitting position as a manifestation of postural hypotonia in pre-school children. Fizjoterapia Polska 2004; 4(1); 31-39


Background. The purpose of our research was to evaluate the connection between the pelvis in sitting position and posture in standing position, as well as the manner of changing from supine position to sitting position. Material and methods. We examined 37 six-year-old boys and girls. Posture was assessed according to Hoppe’s modified scale of posture measurement. The manner of maintaining upright sitting position and changing from supine position to sitting position was also examined. The angle of pelvic back tilt in sitting position was examined by means a Rippstein plurimeter. Statistical analysis was based on the Spearman test, the Manova-Anova test, and the Tukey test, taking p < 0.05 as the critical level. Results. There is a clear connection between the way a young child maintains sitting position and both pelvic back tilt and the quality of posture (in both cases r = 0.67, p < 0.001). We also found a smaller but equally important connection between the way of changing from supine to upright sitting position (r = 0,44 p < 0,01) and the other parameters. Conclusions. The evaluation of pelvic control in sitting position and in the course of sitting up is a good technique for the diagnosis of postural tone in young children.

Key words:
the body posture, defects of posture, postural hipotone, the pelvis control
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Neurodevelopmental analysis of postural correction exercises

Małgorzata Matyja, Ewa Zmudzka-Wilczek, Barbara Karasz

Małgorzata Matyja, Ewa Zmudzka-Wilczek, Barbara Karasz – Neurodevelopmental analysis of postural correction exercises. Fizjoterapia Polska 2006; 6(3); 251-259

Posture correction exercises in posture defects of the body are conducted on the basis of Wiles conception. In this approach the reason for the posture disturbance is abnormal pelvis position and Wiles distinguishes four different types of incorrect posture. The exercises (depending on the type of faulty posture) consist of intensification or relaxation of the appropriate group of muscles and include different types of exercises: breathing, elongation, shoulder girdle, abdominal muscles and back muscles exercises. According to neurodevelopmental approach the posture development in the result of gradual integration of the muscles tone and the postural reflex mechanism. The development of the posture is not connected with the intensification of the particular muscle group but rather with the integration of their functions in righting and equilibrium reactions. In case of postural hipotone the appropriate development of the posture is disturbed and as a consequence children compensate the lack of optimal postural muscle tone by placing particular parts of the body in such a position that makes their functioning easier. In neurodevelopmental approach the abnormal posture is the result of the compensation of postural hipotone. For example the pelvis position can be one of many elements of the compensation, but not the reason for the posture disturbance. The aim of the publication is to present correction exercises, including posture correction exercises (like normalizing postural tone exercises, righting and equilibrium reaction exercises).

Key words:
the body posture, defects of posture, abnormal postural reflex mechanism

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Analiza związku między jakością postawy i zgryzu u dzieci i młodzieży

Anna Gogola, Edward Saulicz, Małgorzata Matyja, Andrzej Myśliwiec, Agata Tuczyńska, Michał Kuszewski, Aneta Gutowska

A. Gogola, E. Saulicz, M. Matyja, A. Myśliwiec, A. Tuczyńska, M. Kuszewski, A. Gutowska – Analysis of the relationship between the quality of body posture and occlusion in children and adolescents. FP 2015; 15(2); 52-58

Cel. Postawa ciała stanowi integralną całość, więc ukształtowanie stawów skroniowo – żuchwowych teoretycznie powinno odpowiadać jakości pozostałych składowych narządu ruchu. W związku z tym założeniem podjęto próbę oceny postawy ciała w grupach wyznaczonych względem wad zgryzu.
Materiał i metody. Zbadano 336 dzieci, w tym 173 dziewczynki i 163 chłopców w wieku od 8 do 14 lat. Wszyscy badani poddani zostali ocenie jakości postawy metodą punktową Kasperczyka oraz ocenie zgryzu według skali opracowanej przez Emmerich-Popłatek.
Wyniki. Uzyskano istotne zróżnicowanie (p<0,01) wartości średnich oceny postawy ciała w porównaniu między grupami bez wad i z wadami zgryzu. Następnie poddano analizie wszystkie składowe oceniane metodą punktową Kasperczyka i dokonano weryfikacji, czy wykazują one związek z jakością zgryzu. Stwierdzono istotny związek wad zgryzu z asymetrycznie i protrakcyjnie ustawionymi barkami (p=0,03) oraz odstającymi od płaszczyzny pleców łopatkami (p=0,03).
Wnioski. Jakość postawy ciała dzieci z wadami zgryzu jest istotnie gorsza w porównaniu do dzieci bez wad zgryzu. W porównywanych grupach uzyskano istotne zróżnicowanie w zakresie ustawienia barków i łopatek.

Słowa kluczowe:
wada postawy, wada zgryzu

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