Type 2 diabetes mellitus and rehabilitation after myocardial infarction

Paulina Głowacka, Katarzyna Mizia-Stec, Zbigniew Gąsior

Paulina Głowacka, Katarzyna Mizia-Stec, Zbigniew Gąsior – Type 2 diabetes mellitus and rehabilitation after myocardial infarction. Fizjoterapia Polska 2010; 10(4); 289-297

This paper assesses the impact of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) on the effects of early post-discharge (Phase II) cardiac rehabilitation in post-myocardial infarction patients. The study involved 47 post-MI patients, of whom 21 had T2DM (Group I) and 26 did not have diabetes (Group II). Clinical symptoms and exercise test results according to the modified Bruce protocol were analysed at baseline and after 3 weeks of rehabilitation. HR and BP responses to exercise were evaluated along with metabolic expense and exercise duration. Both groups had a similar frequency of significant co-morbidities: arterial hypertension (76% in Group I and 73% in Group II) and lipid disorders (67% vs. 76%). Obesity was only found in Group II (36%). Both groups included patients after STEMI (75% in Group I vs. 69% in Group II) with no post-MI complications. The rehabilitation resulted in a significant improvement of exercise tolerance, which rose by 15% in METs, 20% in Watts, with test duration increasing by 13% in Group I, compared to 17%, 28%, and 16%, respectively, in Group II. Early post-discharge cardiac rehabilitation had a beneficial effect on exercise tolerance. In post-MI patients, type 2 diabetes diminishes the beneficial effects of rehabilitation.
Key words:
Diabetes Mellitus, Myocardial Infarction, phase II of cardiac rehabilitation
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Anomalije stopala učenika prvih razreda s područja šleske županije

Paulina Głowacka, Marcela Przyłudzka

P. Głowacka, M. Przyłudzka – Foot defects in children attending first class of primary school in Silesian voivodeship. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(2); 94-105

Introduction. Foot defects concern ever-greater social group. They develop due to muscle weakening and the instability of ligament-capsular apparatus, thus leading to static and functional foot disorders. The habits of maintaining incorrect body position, lack of education in this field and of preventive measures are the factors conditioning triggering of the issue.
The aim of the work. Static analysis of the feet using plantokonturography in children aged from 7 to 10 and presenting the dependencies among sex, body mass and height (BMI) and the mentioned parameters.
Material and methodology. 30 children took part in the diagnosis, 15 girls and 15 boys from primary schools of Silesian voivodeship. In plantokonturography analysis four parameters have been taken into consideration: Clark’s angle index, “W” Wejsflog index, gamma heel angle, and hallux valgus alpha angle.
Results. The statistically important correlation between BMI and increased alpha and gamma angles have been observed. Lowered values of Clark’s angle index have been observed with all the examined. Population.
Conclusions. 1. With all the examined population the lowered foot arches have been observed. 2. Body mass, BMI, play significant role influencing foot longitudinal and transverse arches.

Key words:
foot defects, plantokonturography, diagnosis, foot arch


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Glavni čimbenici koji uzrokuju pojavljivanje displazije kukova kod dojenčadi na temelju analize dokumentacije Neonatološkog odjela Županijske bolnice grada Tichy iz 2017 godine

Magdalena Kiecoń, Jarosław Madowicz, Paulina Głowacka, Renata Szczepaniak

M. Kiecoń, J. Madowicz, P. Głowacka, R. Szczepaniak – The main factors determining the occurrence of developmental dysplasia of the hip in infants based on the analysis of medical history of newborns staying in the neonatal ward of the Szpital Wojewódzki in Tychy in 2017. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(1); 98-107


Aim. To investigate the frequency of occurrence of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip in newborns and to distinguish the main factors causing its occurrence.
Material and methods. The research included medical documentation in the form of the medical history of 1591 patients in the neonatological ward of the Provincial Specialist Hospital of Megrez Sp. z o.o. in Tychy.
Results. The incidence of DDH was higher among girls than among boys, and predominantly in the right joints. The study did not detect any significant relationship between the occurrence of DDH and the type of delivery, week of pregnancy, multiplicity of pregnancy and birth weight of newborns. However, a statistically significant relationship was detected between the occurrence of physiologically immature joints and the birth weight of newborns.
Conclusions. 1. The frequency of occurrence of DDH among newborns staying in the neonatal ward of the Provincial Hospital in Tychy in 2017 was 2.7% and was lower than the literature gives. 2. The occurrence of DDH was more frequent among girls than among boys. 3. DDH occurred more frequently in a statistically significant way in the right joint. 4. A significant relationship was found between the occurrence of type IIa variations according to the Graf scale and the birth weight of the newborn. 5. There were no significant relationships between the occurrence of DDH and the type of delivery, week of pregnancy, multiplicity of pregnancy and birth weight of newborns.

Key words:
DDH, developmental hip dysplasia, pediatrics, newborns, hip joint


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Bezpieczny wysiłek fizyczny u pacjentów z cukrzycą

Paulina Głowacka, Marcela Przyłudzka

Paulina Głowacka, Marcela Przyłudzka – Safe physical effort for diabetic patients. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(3); 86-93

Systematyczne podejmowanie regularnego, wyczynowego wysiłku fizycznego jest ważną składową leczenia cukrzycy. Dobre wyrównanie metaboliczne cukrzycy stanowi kluczowy element efektywności treningu fizycznego i sukcesu sportowego. Osoba aktywna sportowo z cukrzycą typu 1 wymaga bardzo precyzyjnego dawkowania insuliny oraz dużej wiedzy i umiejętności interpretacji zjawisk metabolicznych zachodzących w organizmie podczas treningu fizycznego. Błędy w zakresie insulinoterapii zwiększają ryzyko wystąpienia ostrych powikłań cukrzycy, hipoglikemii, kwasicy ketonowej oraz negatywnie wpływają na wyniki sportowe.

Słowa kluczowe:
cukrzyca, sport wyczynowy, insulina – dawkowanie, metabolizm węglowodanów

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