Valueas of posturography parameters during the process of keeping body balance for dancers

Katarzyna Dmitruk, Jacek Klawe, Małgorzata Tafil-Klawe, Jolanta Jeżewska

Katarzyna Dmitruk, Jacek Klawe, Małgorzata Tafil-Klawe, Jolanta Jeżewska – Valueas of posturography parameters during the process of keeping body balance for dancers. Fizjoterapia Polska 2004; 4(1); 47-51


Background. Process of maintaing balance during upright stance is a very specific motor activity which requires correct co-operation of 3 components equilibrium system: visul, vestibular and proprioceptive. One of the objective method assessment of body stability is posturography (recordings of centre of foot pressure – COFP). The goal of the present study was to evaluate body stability of children dancers. Material and methods. Our research involved 30 children dancers divided into 2 groups: 9-12-year old and 13-16-year-old. Children no-dancers was the control group.Results. The posturography examinations provided us the less values of parameters for dancers as compared with control group, besides parameter – co-ordination which was higher. Conclusions. Obtained results indicate better body stability and visual motor co-ordination of children dancers. The results from this work support a differences between children dancers and no-dancers in their postural control.

Key words:
posturography, equilibrium systembody stability, visual motor co-ordination
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