Do Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) and levels of physical activity help to maintain fitness status? Study on futsal women’s

Mochamad Ridwan, Anindya Mar’atus Sholikhah, Arifah Kaharina, Himawan Putranta

Mochamad Ridwan, Anindya Mar’atus Sholikhah, Arifah Kaharina, Himawan Putranta – Do Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) and levels of physical activity help to maintain fitness status? Study on futsal women’s. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(4); 38-43


Introduction. The level of fitness is fundamental in the athlete’s success in achieving optimum performance. Aim. This paper aims to know the rate of recommended dietary allowances (RDA) and the physical activity to stay fit. Material and Methods. Analytical observational analysis with the cross-sectional design was the approach used in this study. Participants in this study is women’s futsal player of 16 subjects was selected for measures of physical health, macronutrient consumption, nutritional status, nutritional awareness, and level of physical activity. Fitness levels were assessed using a Multi-stage Fitness Test (MFT), and nutritional knowledge and physical activity with the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Analysis of data is carried out in univariate, bivariate, and multivariate form using statistical software. Results. The findings of this analysis are that energy consumption, carbohydrates, and proteins are all under the RDA for most female futsal athletes. Nutritional status is not a significant relation with the degree of fitness. Better dietary awareness may enable us to pay more attention to safer and more healthy eating behavior. The conclusion is that the average intake of calories, carbohydrates, and proteins in most female futsal athletes is still well below the RDA. Nutritional status has no significant relationship with fitness level. Good nutritional knowledge will encourage a person to pay more attention to his eating behavior to be healthier and more balanced. Conclusions. The conclusion is that the average intake of energy, carbohydrates, and protein in most female futsal athletes is still far below the recommended Nutritional Adequacy Rate (RDA).

futsal, physical activity, physical fitness, recommended dietary allowances

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Effect of moderate continuous aerobic training versus cryolipolysis on stress hormone and aerobic capacity in central obesity

Samy Kamal Mohamed Elgendy, Zahra Mohamed Hassan Serry, Mervat Gaber Elnany, Rana Hesham Mohamed Elbanna


Samy Kamal Mohamed Elgendy, Zahra Mohamed Hassan Serry, Mervat Gaber Elnany, Rana Hesham Mohamed Elbanna – Effect of moderate continuous aerobic training versus cryolipolysis on stress hormone and aerobic capacity in central obesity. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(4); 32-37


Purpose. This is the first comparative study aimed to find out the effect of moderate continuous aerobic exercise versus the widely popular body reshaping intervention, cryolipolysis, on cortisol (stress hormone), aerobic capacity (VO2max), 6-minute walking test (6MWT) in central-obesity (CO) patients.
Methods. Sixty CO patients (30 men and 30 women) were recruited from El Zawia El Hamra One Day Surgery Egyptian Hospital with a body mass index (BMI) ranged from 35–39.9 kg/m2 to be randomly assigned to the aerobic continuous moderate-intensity exercise group (thirty patients who received 30 minutes of treadmill walking, 3 sessions per week) and cryolipolysis group (thirty patients received on-abdomen one session for 60 minutes weekly). Both groups were ordered to reduce their daily diets to 1500–1800 Kcal/day (the diet was revised by a diet specialist every 14 days to consider the inclusion of fat (20–25%), carbohydrate (high complex, 50–60%), and protein components (25–30%). Anthropometry (weight, BMI, and waist circumference), plasma cortisol, VO2max, and 6MWD were assessed before and after 12-week cryolipolysis and exercise.
Results. A significantly improved difference was extracted using paired tests either within-exercise or with-cryolipolysis groups regarding the patients’ weight, BMI, cortisol, VO2max, and 6MWT. In favor of the exercise group, the post-treatment comparison between exercise and cryolipolysis groups showed a more marked significant statistical difference (p < 0.05) regarding the patients’ weight, BMI, VO2max, and 6MWD. In favor of the cryolipolysis group, post-treatment waist circumference showed a more marked significant decrease when compared to its post-treatment level of the exercise group. Regarding post cortisol levels between exercise and cryolipolysis groups, a non-significant difference was reported.
Conclusion: After the addition of aerobic exercise or cryolipolysis to a 12-week supervised DR plan, both therapeutic interventions can improve central fat deposition, weight, cortisol, VO2max, and 6MWT in CO patients.

aerobic exercise, cryolipolysis, cortisol, aerobic capacity, six minute walk test, central obesity

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Patellar dislocation – conservative or surgical treatment

Dariusz Lusina, Mateusz Curyło, Marcin Mikos, Katarzyna Placek, Jan W. Raczkowski

Dariusz Lusina, Mateusz Curyło, Marcin Mikos, Katarzyna Placek, Jan W. Raczkowski – Patellar dislocation – conservative or surgical treatment. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(4); 28-31


Patellar dislocation is an emergency, requiring immediate medical intervention, followed by the cooperation of the orthopedist and physiotherapist in returning to full health, as well as reducing the risk of relapse. The kneecap is an integral part of the knee joint and is responsible for its proper functioning. Among the methods of treatment used, there are conservative and surgical methods. The article is an attempt to answer the question whether there is an advantage of some methods over others. Materials available on the PubMed and Cochrane Library websites were used to obtain answers to the question asked. Due to different standards of management, the advantage of surgical over conservative has not been established, but there are researchable factors that may help in making therapeutic decisions.

Key words:
patellar dislocation, conservative treatment, surgical treatment

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Classification of Stroke Riskometer AppTM into low, moderate and high stroke risk range

N. Shazia Neelam, P. Senthil, S. Saina Swathi, S.Subramanian, A. Mohamed Nainar, L. Haribabu, E. Vijayabharathi

N. Shazia Neelam, P. Senthil, S. Saina Swathi, S.Subramanian, A. Mohamed Nainar, L. Haribabu, E. Vijayabharathi – Classification of Stroke Riskometer AppTM into low, moderate and high stroke risk range. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(4); 22-26


Background. Stroke is one of the leading of the causes of disability and according to the global burden of disease (GBD) study in 2010 it is the second leading cause of death worldwide. Developing countries reported 85% global burden of stroke enduring 80 percent of death due to hemorrhagic strokes. Stroke-related hospitalization rate in India is 46 per 100,000 persons. However Stroke Riskometer App can be used to significantly improve stroke and Non- Communicable disease prevention, since it operates on latest expansions in risk allocution/communication, International guidelines on stroke and Cardio-Vascular Disease prevention. However, the app does not classify the risk individuals into low, moderate and high categories which will not create any impact over the high risk individual, therefore it calls for the need to classify the tool into low, moderate and high risk ranges. Aim. To classify the Stroke Riskometer App into low, moderate and high stroke risk ranges among adult and elderly population. Methods. Participants were 250 samples selected from Chettinad Academy of Research and Education and S.A. Poly Clinic, Chennai, for over a_period of 6 months (April 2021-September 2021) and the Stroke Riskometer questionnaire along with Framingham Stroke Profile was filled, risk percentage from both the tools were recorded using the App for each individual. Results. Frequency analysis and Chi-square tests were performed, classifying the range into < 5% as low, 6-10% as moderate and > 10% as high risk in Stroke Riskometer tool. In Chi-square test it showed n = 104 as low risk, n = 11 as moderate risk,n = 14 as high risk in both FRS and Stroke Riskometer respectively. The chi-square value is 24.224 and the significant p value is < 0.0001showing that the value is performing well with FRS score. Conclusion. Though the App was classified into ranges it need to be continually developed and validated with larger sample size, heterogenous population and robust ethnic groups.

stroke risk factors, stroke, stroke risk scores, ischemic stroke, non-communicable

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Hip abductors versus knee extensors strengthening on quadriceps isometric strength in patients with knee osteoarthritis

Aalaa M. Sweelam, Mohammed M. Hegazy, Ahmad H. Azzam, Mohammed S. Abdelsalam

Aalaa M. Sweelam, Mohammed M. Hegazy, Ahmad H. Azzam, Mohammed S. Abdelsalam – Hip abductors versus knee extensors strengthening on quadriceps isometric strength in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(4); 16-20


Purpose. To detect effect of hip abductors against quadriceps exercises on quadriceps isometric strength in Knee OA individuals.
Methods. Seventy patients with bilateral knee OA were recruited , ages ranged between 50-70 years. They were randomized into equal groups; hip abductors strengthening exercises (HAS) group and knee extensors strengthening (KES) group. Both groups received hamstring stretch. Duration was 6 weeks (2 sessions per week). Baseline and 6 weeks assessments of quadriceps isometric strength were done using hand held dynamometer.
Results. there wasn’t any statistical significant difference between the two groups.
Conclusion. Both forms of exercises have the same effect on quadriceps isometric strength.

Key words:
knee osteoarthritis, hip abductors, quadriceps

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Incidence of back pain in people practicing amateur horse riding

Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Dominik Szymański, Piotr Pietrzak, Marcin Wilczyński

Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Dominik Szymański, Piotr Pietrzak, Marcin Wilczyński – Incidence of back pain in people practicing amateur horse riding. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(4); 6-15


Introduction. While riding a horse, proper seat requires the trunk positioning so that the rider’s centre of gravity overlaps with the horse’s centre of gravity. Seat errors can lead to repeated and cumulative spinal overloads. The aim of the study was to analyse the incidence of back pain in people who practice amateur horse riding.
Material and methods. The study involved 88 people aged 40-45 years, associated in equestrian centers. The research tool was the author’s questionnaire, Neck Disability Index (NDI) and Oswestry Distability Index (ODI). The collected research results were analysed with the use of Chi-square test and Mann-Whitney U test.
Results. Statistically significant relationships were found between the incidence of pain location and gender (p = 0.001), and also between between the gender and the opinion on the need to use physiotherapy in case of back problems (p = 0.049).
Conclusions. Women report pain in the lumbar and thoracic spine more frequently, while men report pain in the cervical section and entire spine. Women in a greater percentage than men believe that people who practice horse riding as an amateur should attend physiotherapy in case of pain.

Key words:
horse riding, spine, pain, physiotherapy

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Med vs fake


Zapraszamy do udziału online w bezpłatnej konferencji naukowej organizowanej w ramach Projektu „Budowanie zaufania do szczepień ochronnych z wykorzystaniem najnowszych narzędzi komunikacji i wpływu społecznego”, kierowanej do ekspertów ze środowisk naukowych, akademickich, medycznych, psychologii społecznej, nowoczesnych technologii w zakresie medycyny, mediów oraz innych osób zainteresowanych tą tematyką.

Wydarzenie odbędzie się 20 września 2022 roku, w godzinach 9:00 – 16:00. Udział online nie wymaga rejestracji, a zapis video na żywo dostępny będzie na stronie Projektu:


Konferencja będzie składała się z czterech paneli dyskusyjnych, tworzących interdyscyplinarną platformę wymiany informacji, łączącą medycynę, psychologię społeczną oraz nowoczesne technologie. Problematyka dyskusji dotyczyć będzie zagadnień związanych z komunikacją i promocją wiedzy opartej o dowody naukowe oraz promowaniem zdolności weryfikacji informacji medialnych poprzez konsultacje z autorytetami w danej dziedzinie. Wskazane zagadnienia są niezwykle istotne, w obliczu trendu malejącego zaufania społecznego wobec osiągnieć medycyny w zakresie szczepień ochronnych, wynikającego z dostępu do nieprawdziwych informacji typu „fake news”, dystrybuowanych przez nierzetelne źródła.

W jakim stopniu dezinformacja naukowa stanowi jedno z kluczowych wyzwań ludzkości, a w jakim to przejściowy problem z zakresu komunikacji i mediów? Coraz więcej pacjentów odmawia szczepień podstawowych. Czym kierują się „antyszczepionkowcy” i jakich argumentów używać, aby skutecznie porozumieć się z tą grupą społeczną? Dlaczego kwestia szczepień podlega polityzacji? Te i inne tematy podejmowane są przez środowisko naukowe i stanowią przedmiot dyskusji w ramach Projektu Med-Fake, który zaprezentowany zostanie podczas konferencji.

Zakres merytoryczny konferencji będzie podzielony na cztery główne obszary:

  • Program szczepień ochronnych – analiza stanu faktycznego, szanse i wyzwania
  • Szczepienia i społeczeństwo: moralność, wpływ społeczny i myślenie spiskowe
  • Jak współcześnie skutecznie promować szczepienia?
  • Dezinformacja naukowa – zagrożenie cywilizacyjne, czy chwilowy epizod?

Głównym celem projektu jest podniesienie zaufania do szczepień ochronnych w Polsce poprzez opracowanie narzędzi skłaniających pacjentów do odrzucenia nieprawdziwych twierdzeń medycznych w zakresie szczepień.

Organizatorami jest konsorcjum uczelni: Centrum Medyczne Kształcenia Podyplomowego w Warszawie, Uniwersytet SWPS, Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny oraz Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego w Warszawie. Projekt finansowany jest przez Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju w ramach programu „Społeczny i gospodarczy rozwój Polski w warunkach globalizujących się rynków” Gospostrateg II. 

Podczas wydarzenia, równolegle, będzie się odbywała również konferencja prasowa, gdzie przekazane zostaną aktualne informacje, dotyczące tematyki szczepień ochronnych. Do udziału w konferencji prasowej zapraszamy dziennikarzy. Zgłoszenie wymaga przesłania prośby o akredytację dziennikarską.

Strona projektu:

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Prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in south Indian university students: A cross-sectional study

S. Swathi, S.R. Swathi, Hasira Bhanu, Shazia Neelam, P. Senthil

S. Swathi, S.R. Swathi, Hasira Bhanu, Shazia Neelam, P. Senthil – Prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in south Indian university students: A cross-sectional study. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(3); 180-182

Background and Objective. Most of the earlier studies explored the prevalence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) among university students with self-report measures. The aim of the present study was to find the prevalence of ADHD among south Indian university students.
Methods. This is a Cross sectional study conducted In different universities in south India. The Adult ADHD Symptoms Self-Report (ASRS) was filled out by 419 university students. A two-step procedure was done by using the ASRS 6 item screener, an 18-item scale. The sum of the 18 dichotomized items is computed only for those subjects who scored higher than 3 on the 6-item screener, and those who received a total score of higher than 10 are considered as likely to have ADHD. Data analysis was done using descriptive and analytical statistics in SPSS software.
Results. The self-reported ADHD prevalence rate among university students was 7%. The prevalence of ADHD was greater in females than males.
Conclusion. ADHD Prevalence is common among university students. To know the actual prevalence rate of ADHD structured interviews, clinical evaluations are needed.

Key words:
prevalence, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, university students, adult ADHD self-report scale

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Effect of Minds in Motion program on vestibular function and balance in children with hemiplegia: A randomized controlled study

Dina Mohammed Mustafa Abdelhamid, Emam Hassan El Negmy, Hoda Ishac AbuMoussa, Samah Attia El Shemy

Dina Mohammed Mustafa Abdelhamid, Emam Hassan El Negmy, Hoda Ishac AbuMoussa, Samah Attia El Shemy – Effect of Minds in Motion program on vestibular function and balance in children with hemiplegia: A randomized controlled study. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(3); 170-178

Purpose. To investigate the effect of Minds in Motion (MiM) program on vestibular function and dynamic balance in children with hemiplegia.
Methods. Thirty children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy (CP) of both genders with age ranged from 6-12 years were randomly assigned into two groups of equal number; Group (A) (control group), received specially designed physical therapy program for 3 months, Group (B) (study group), received MiM vestibular exercise program in addition to the specially designed physical therapy program given to the control group for 3 months. Vestibular functions and stability indices were assessed for all children before and after treatment using cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (cVEMPs) device and biodex balance system (BBS) respectively.
Results. The results of the present study showed statistically significant improvement within both groups when comparing their pre and post-treatment mean values of stability indices and VEMP amplitude. Post-treatment significant improvement was also observed in the amplitude asymmetry ratio (AAR) in the study group compared with the pre-treatment mean values while no significant change was detected in the control group. Also, no significant changes were detected in P1, and N1 latencies in both groups after treatment. Statistically significant differences were observed in all measured variables between both groups in favor of the study group while there was no significant difference between both groups when comparing the post-treatment mean values of P1 and N1 latencies.
Conclusion. Minds in motion program is an effective modality that can be used for improving the vestibular functions and balance capabilities in children with hemiplegic CP.

Key words:
cerebral palsy, hemiplegia, minds in motion, vestibular function, balance

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