Utjecaj manipulacije visceralnim organima na hormonski profil kod žena s sindromom policističnih jajnika: Randomizirano ispitivanje

Eman E. Kamel, Hamada A. Hamada, Amel M. Yousef, Fahima M. Okeel, Mohamed Hassan, Hatem M. Hassan

Eman E. Kamel, Hamada A. Hamada, Amel M. Yousef, Fahima M. Okeel, Mohamed Hassan, Hatem M. Hassan – Influence of visceral manipulation on hormonal profile in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome: A randomized trial –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(1); 279-284

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG2EF8860

Pozadina. Sindrom policističnih jajnika (PCOS) najčešći je endokrini poremećaj kod žena reproduktivne dobi i sugeriran je kao faktor rizika za kardimetaboličke bolesti. Ovisno o primijenjenim dijagnostičkim kriterijima, približno 10–15% žena reproduktivne dobi pogođeno je PCOS-om. Cilj. Ispitati kako manipulacija visceralnim organima utječe na hormonski profil kod žena s PCOS-om. Dizajn. Prospektivno randomizirano jednostruko slijepo kontrolirano ispitivanje. Okruženje. Ambulante Opće bolnice Sadat. Metode. Trideset pacijentica s PCOS-om regrutirano je i randomizirano u dvije jednake skupine: kontrolna skupina primila je terapiju smjernicama prehrane u obliku hipokalorične mediteranske dijete tijekom 12 tjedana, dok je istraživačka skupina primila iste intervencije kontrolne skupine uz dodatak manipulacije visceralnim organima (VM). Primarni ishodi bili su biokemijska analiza (FSH i LH) i BMI. Sve varijable mjerene su na početku i nakon 12 tjedana intervencije. Rezultati. Statistička analiza provedena je korištenjem sparivanog testa koji je pokazao značajno poboljšanje u obje skupine. Stoga, korištenjem mješovitog dizajna MANOVA i višestrukih parnih usporednih testova (post hoc testovi) za BMI i omjer LH/FSH nakon tretmana otkriveno je da su značajna smanjenja omjera LH/FSH (p = 0.007) u korist skupine B u usporedbi sa skupinom A, bez značajnih razlika u BMI između obiju skupina (p = 0.443), pokazujući da je VM skupina (B) učinkovitija od skupine (A) u biokemijskoj analizi (p < 0.05). Zaključak. Korištenje manipulacije visceralnim organima uz standardni program hipokalorične mediteranske dijete ima korisnije učinke na hormonski profil kod žena s PCOS-om.
Ključne riječi
sindrom policističnih jajnika, manipulacija visceralnim organima, hipokalorična dijeta, luteinizirajući hormon, hormon koji stimulira folikule
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Impact of different types of anaesthesia for cesarean delivery on subacute low back pain intensity and disability: A retrospective cohort study

Mohamed G. Ali, Mohammed A. Soliman, Amel M. Yousef, Fahima M. Okeel, Mohammed A.M. Sarhan

Mohamed G. Ali, Mohammed A. Soliman, Amel M. Yousef, Fahima M. Okeel, Mohammed A.M. Sarhan – Impact of different types of anaesthesia for cesarean delivery on subacute low back pain intensity and disability: A retrospective cohort study. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(3); 116-121

Background. Low back pain (LBP) is common after cesarean delivery. So, this study was conducted to assess and compare the intensity of subacute LBP and disability among women who underwent cesarean delivery with different anaesthetic types.
Methodology. This retrospective cohort study was conducted to 38 women “26 of them underwent cesarean delivery, assessed after 6 to 12 weeks from delivery, they were classified into: [epidural anaesthetic group (Group A) n = 6, spinal anaesthetic group (Group B) n = 13, general anaesthetic group (Group C) n = 7], they were either primiparous or multiparous who did not receive anaesthesia for at least one year prior to the last delivery, the other 12 women were the control group (Group D) who didn’t experience pregnancy or anaesthesia”.
Results. The mean values of visual analogue scale (VAS) in Group A, Group B, Group C, and Group D were 5.00 ± 1.67, 4.62 ± 1.12, 5.14 ± 1.21, and 2.17 ± 0.71, respectively. The ANOVA test revealed a significant difference in VAS (P = 0.0001; P < 0.05) among the four groups. while the post-hoc test revealed non-significant differences (P = 1.000; P > 0.05) between the three anaesthetic groups. Also, the mean values of Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) in the same four groups were 26.00 ± 16.68, 27.00 ± 11.72, 30.00 ± 6.87, and 25.00 ± 9.33, respectively. The ANOVA test revealed non-significant difference in ODI (P = 0.838; P < 0.05) among the four groups.
Conclusion. Epidural, spinal and general anaesthesia for cesarean delivery are associated with increased intensity of subacute LBP, but without significant differences between these anaesthetic types. However, they do not increase the disability.

Key words:
neuraxial anaesthesia, general anaesthesia, cesarean delivery, subacute period, low back pain

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Effect of whole body vibration versus high intensity interval training on interleukin-6 in obese post-menopausal women

Fayka E Ali, Fahima M Okeel, Amir A Gabr, Amel M Yousef, Abdullah M. Al-Shenqiti, Mohamed Ahmed Elbedewy

Fayka E Ali, Fahima M Okeel, Amir A Gabr, Amel M Yousef, Abdullah M. Al-Shenqiti, Mohamed Ahmed Elbedewy – Effect of whole body vibration versus high intensity interval training on interleukin-6 in obese post-menopausal women. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(2); 144-149

Background. Menopause and aging affect the health of obese women, provoking accumulation of visceral adipose tissue (VAT) and inflammation. Obesity leads to major health problems, which increase the risk of debilitating diseases that lead to death. Thus, loss of weight and VAT are primary goals of treatment through modifications of dietary habits and exercise. Purpose of the study. This study was conducted to determine which is more effective on interleukin- 6 (IL-6) levels for obese post-menopausal women, whole body vibration training (WBVT) or high intensity interval training (HIIT). Subjects and methods. 45 post-menopausal obese women diagnosed with higher level of IL-6, their body mass index (BMI) > 30 kg/m2 and waist/hip ratio (W/H ratio) > 0.8 participated at this study. Women were divided randomly into 3 equal groups in numbers; Group (A) followed low caloric diet (1200 Cal), Group (B) received WBVT and Group (C) received HIIT. Both groups (B & C) followed the same low caloric diet as group (A). Evaluation was done before and after 3 months of treatment, through measuring weight, BMI, waist as well as hip circumferences, W/H ratio and IL-6 levels. Results. The three groups revealed statistically significant improvements (P < 0.05) in all parameters after treatment compared to baseline. Also, there were statistically differences between the 3 groups after treatment, with the group (B) more favorable than groups (A & C). Conclusion. WBVT is more effective than HIIT on reducing inflammation via reducing IL-6 level in obese post-menopausal women.
Key words:
obesity, menopause, whole body vibration exercise, high intensity interval training, interleukin-6
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