Sensomotoric development assessment in 10 years old children with posture defects

Karol Sitarz, Tomasz Senderek, Janusz Kirenko, Jerzy Olszewski, Jolanta Taczała

Karol Sitarz, Tomasz Senderek, Janusz Kirenko, Jerzy Olszewski, Jolanta Taczała – Sensomotoric development assessment in 10 years old children with posture defects. Fizjoterapia Polska 2007; 7(3); 232-240

Background. The aim of the study was to assess sensomotoric development disorders, subsequent defect location, and to show whether the disorders are associated with the presence or lack of postural defects. Material and methods. A hundred 10 years old children (50 girls ald 50 boys) from four primary schools in the Lublin Province participated in the study. There were two groups: the study group comprising 50 children with posture defects (25 girls and 25 boys) and the control group, comprising 50 children without posture defects (25 girls and 25 boys). The occurrence of posture defects was assessed by Kasperczyk grading, which consisted in visual evaluation of particular body parts. Assessment of sensomotoric development was performed with Child Sensomotoric Questionnaire (by Zbigniew Przyrowski). Results. On the basis of our investigation we conclude that out of 8 sensomotoric development systems the auditory system is most frequently impaired in children (such impairment was found in 48,0% of children with posture defects and 12,0% of children without posture defects). Conclusions. There is a strict connection between incorrectly functioning hearing system and posture defects in children, which shows the absolute Q coefficient value.
Key words:
sensomotoric development, children, posture defects
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Programy terapii domowej dla dzieci z mózgowym porażeniem dziecięcym ukierunkowane na poprawę funkcji ręki spastycznej

Weronika Cyganik, Jolanta Taczała, Piotr Majcher

W. Cyganik, J. Taczała, P. Majcher – Home-based therapy programmes for children with cerebral palsy aimed at improving spastic hand function. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(3); 24-31

Cel pracy. Przedstawienie aktualnej wiedzy dotyczącej możliwości zastosowania terapii domowej w celu poprawy funkcji ręki spastycznej u dzieci z mózgowym porażeniem dziecięcym (MPD).
Podstawowe założenia. W aktualnym piśmiennictwie można znaleźć opisy wielu metod terapii ręki spastycznej w warunkach domowych. Najważniejsze z nich to: CIMT (Constraint Induced Movement Therapy), H-HABIT (Hand arm bimanual intensive therapy), Mitii (Move It To Improve It), Wii Sports Resort training, You Grabber system, AOT system (Action observation training), Tele UPCAT platform (The UPper Limb Children Action Observation Training), TeleReh. Pomimo różnic metodologicznych, we wszystkich dostrzegana jest bardzo ważna rola opiekunów dzieci z MPD. Wsparcie merytoryczne ze strony terapeutów jest istotne w zapewnieniu wiarygodności procesu usprawniania. Trening domowy poprawia sprawność i funkcjonalność dzieci w życiu codziennym, umacnia więź pomiędzy rodzicem / opiekunem a dzieckiem. Możliwość kontynuowania terapii w domu to często ogromne ułatwienie dla rodzin mieszkających daleko od ośrodka.

Słowa kluczowe:
ręka spastyczna, terapia domowa, mózgowe porażenie dziecięce

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The Influence of the Soft Torso Orthosis on Motor Functions of Children with Cerebral Palsy – Preliminary Research

Anna Kosiecz, Agnieszka Zdzienicka-Chyła, Jolanta Taczała, Krzysztof Krasowicz, Marta Kuśmierz, Jarosław Napiórkowski

A. Kosiecz, A. Zdzienicka-Chyła, J. Taczała, K. Krasowicz, M. Kuśmierz, J. Napiórkowski – The Influence of the Soft Torso Orthosis on Motor Functions of Children with Cerebral Palsy – Preliminary Research. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(1); 86-91

Introduction. Soft orthopaedic equipment is increasingly used in therapy of children with cerebral palsy. The primary goal of using soft orthoses is to improve the patient’s functioning – their contribution to central stabilization and postural control is emphasized. The principal aim of applying soft orthotics is to enhance the patient’s functioning in everyday life.
Objective. Examination of the influence of using soft torso orthoses on motor skills of children with cerebral palsy.
Material and methods. Four children with cerebral palsy who could walk independently – level I or II according to the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) – were qualified for the preliminary research. Motor skills were evaluated in accordance with the Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM). Evaluation of the functional condition was repeated every 3 months for half a year. The children used soft torso orthoses for about 4 hours a day and participated in rehabilitation exercises with the same frequency as before the study.
Results: Improvement on motor functions, confirmed with an increase in GMFM score by 2.5% on average, was observed in all the children during 6 months.
Conclusions. A positive influence of using soft torso orthoses on improvement in the patients’ functional condition was observed, confirmed with higher GMFM scores.

Key words:
soft orthoses, cerebral palsy, gross motor skills, GMFM

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