PNF in the treatment of scoliosis: clinical practice

Marianna Białek

Marianna Białek – PNF in the treatment of scoliosis: clinical practice. Fizjoterapia Polska 2001; 1(3); 331-333


This article presents possible applications of the PNF method In the treatment of scoliosis. Improvement was obtained after six months of treatment in the angle of curvature, averaging 7° in second- and third-degree structural scoliosis. This proper choice of movement patterns is a necessary precondition in order to obtain such effects. Proper compensation is an important element in therapy, significantly decreasing the degree of primary curvature. The basic principles governing work with scoliosis using the PNF method are mobilization, stabilization, and coordination. In the event of pain symptoms neuromobilization and cranio-sacral therapy constitute effective therapeutic techniques supplementing PNF.

Key words:
motion patterns, closed chains, neuromobilization, cranio-sacral therapy
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Electrophysiological response of the Neurodynamic Mobilization and Cupping therapy in Patients with Discogenic Sciatica: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Ahmed Torad, Amir Saleh, Yasser Aneis, Amr Azzam,
Amr Abo-Gazia, Hamdy Radwan

Ahmed Torad, Amir Saleh, Yasser Aneis, Amr Azzam,
Amr Abo-Gazia, Hamdy Radwan – Electrophysiological response of the Neurodynamic Mobilization and Cupping therapy in Patients with Discogenic Sciatica: A_Randomized Controlled Trial. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(2); 34-40


Objectives. To investigate and compare between the neurophysiological response on mobilization, and cupping therapy on pain, range of motion, and function in discogenic sciatica.
Materials and Methods. Thirty-two patients were enrolled in this study from the outpatient physical therapy clinic at Faculty Physical Therapy, Kafrelsheik University. Participants were randomly allocated into: Passive neurodynamic mobilization (PVM; n = 9), traditional cupping (TC; n = 9), and passive neurodynamic mobilization with cupping (COM; n = 14). Participants were assessed for pain pressure threshold at UB-25, GB-30, UB-37 and UB-57 acupuncture points, F-wave and H-reflex latencies, straight leg raising (SLR) ROM and disability by Oswestry Disability Questionnaire (ODQ), immediately prior to and following the assigned intervention.
Results: All groups showed statistically significant improvement in ROM (P < 0.05). In addition, the PVM group improved in the ODQ score (P < 0.05). The COM group showed improvement in pain pressure threshold at UB-25, GB-30 and UB-57 acupuncture points with no significant improvement at UB-37 (P > 0.05). Between groups comparison reveled statistically significant differences for ROM (P < 0.05) otherwise there was no significant difference in other tested variables. Conclusions: There were no differences between the three groups, so we advise to use only neurodynamic mobilization for treatment of discogenic sciatica patients, as adding cupping therapy to it had no superior effect.

Key words: neurodynamic mobilization, cupping, electrophysiological response, discogenic sciatica

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